
In Pittsfield, on Thursday, August 8th, WILLIAM ANDERSON, aged 88 jam. Th fnni-ml will takt" plnrc on Puturdny, Anfpist 10 [to-joorrow), at 10 oolock A. M.t ut nis residouce in Pittafleld. In tliiB city oa the 6th inst., WILLIAM CHEEVER, ijeft 11 i .irs. Mr. Cheever was one of oor besi {■itizcnp. and tlio hu vacated i one nit. eadly BUed. Our wholo oommunity sympothize witfa tlie b6naved. len, Prtuaia, un the !3d of Juljr, CHRYSSIE L., eeonnd daughter of JOHN M. WHEELER i'.. -:..ni this city, iii-.-l 32 yearo. Bhefell adeepgaoüj uid resignedlf . and Binong wonls wcre, I have tritrt to be pood." Slie iTing and ioved danghter and sister, and the - ■ n(-(; of her deuth in u BtfangV laad caused nhundant sympatliy to ütnt mi li the moUming fitiaily.
Old News
Michigan Argus
John M. Wheeler