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Henry Wilson "the Leaky Vessel."

Henry Wilson "the Leaky Vessel." image
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waamnfftcm, Jiily 15, Corresponuenoc of ís . Y. Bun. No doubt it will Burpriso many to leani t ïat the planH of somo of tho most important political and military movements were rovoaled, during our late civil war, to the leaders of the Southern arniy through the agency of Ilenry Wilson, now candidate tor Vico-President of tho United Statea. When the rebellion was in its earliest tige no less a porgon than öon. Thomas Jordon, now of Ouban notoriety, but then ft rebel offioer, made an arrangement with tho notorious Mrs. Greenhow - who was afterward arrested - whereby sho was to forward to the headquarters of tho Southern army such faots ag would be of imporrt for them to know. Mrs. Greenhow irameJiately proceeded to becomo intímate with Hon. Henry Wilton, then chairman of tho Military Committeo. This slie successfully accoiuplishd, and the Hon. Heury was so thoroughly manipulated that overy plan and evcry projeotcd movement which was known to him ws iilso known by her. The design of tho advanco of tho troops to tbc battle of Buil Run was got by hor frotn hiru beforo the faet, and was forwarded to the rebel headquarters through the agency of Torn Huette, the brothor of IMrs. T. II. Jlason, a lady who was a witness in ths French anus iiiTestigation. Ás fast isa tho vigilance of the governjnent could detect a loak and arrest its eecondary agents, others would tako their place. After Mrs. Greenhow's eurly arrest that line of communication stopped, but snotbor took her place. The Prinoe de Joinvillo, in his defenso nd vindication of Gen. McClollan's campaigii of tho Poninsula, and his movoments aound Csnterville, speaks as fo)lows : " All of Gen. McClellan's plans wore foiled by a clevor woinan, who did the worh of spionage for the Confedérate ohief, wh:or upan receiving the notico of McClolliiii's plan of advance, as given by ftim bofore the Military Oommittoo, forwarded it to the headquartors of the Southern army. Upon this information Lee feil back out of the net, and established himself upon tho Kapidan." The question is, did this information algo como through Honry Wilson, now Republiean candidate for Viee-President of the ÜBited States?


Old News
Michigan Argus