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A Road Cylinder

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■Y. KL Bernarl, blacksmith aud wagon rnnker, of Dixon, Solano Oounty, hab invented, discovered or construct-d a road cylinder wbich is d-:signcd to convey freight 0!' I consista of a rgo drum open ut both ends, supposed ib bo from four to six feet in dittiuoter (according to the machine desircd), umi from tivo to seven feet in length. Inside of tuis woodon oylinder throo grooved 1wks of steel, one inch by three-eighths, ateiniii. 'i'his completes the desoription of the shell, whidi in perspective looks lik.? n winf: vat lying on its sido Within this is placed anothei oylinder olosod ut the 'iüls, and upon the outsido of which nw-thive tracks of iron conforming to the the three within tho otbtv cylinder. To the centers of this inner cylindor tlie shftfts are attaohe Tho freight is placed m thií inner cylinder, un i lh maohine is ready to g". The force. rsquired to move it is juit iqual to the foTCe thot would be reqmred to riide Híe muer cylinder on three kiII well It is in-fnet a sled which layg a track for iii-lf as it goeB. Xhe inventor believes it will rovolutionize tbc whole wagon business. Experimenta h;iv. heen mnde with one roughly cairatructpn. ftmr feet i;i diameter, iriAoh waB-frsightecl 'poundsof iron n;iil se ven men ots the outside, which was oarried easily over lovol roads by ouo )ioi-ro. T'notraeka are rougb and the entito model imperfect, but tlio experiment greotly cnoouraged the inventor, who has applied for patent, and will haya awork - ing mode! on exhibition at the State fuir. The trouble so íar has been to give the thing a name whioh yrïü be desoriptiro of its coiisti-uction and use. Many have been RÜggesb d. Among tliem : "revolv ing sled,"' " barrel railroad," "ayliadrical wagon," " drum coach," " roller portage," and the one used by UI, " road cylinder." 'Jáke all inventora, " Billy" in langhed ut ür-tfce quaint novelty of his invention, oi bsBeighbon talk of placiug the macfciue tir.nivr bond not to kill Bheep or tronpass -ujioti the dairy; but "helaughs jst who Isiighs last." siv.l Billy is 't ing-Malaugh i'or u final efiuokle.


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Michigan Argus