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I , A, SiáM&Jgy tí INSURANCE AGKRCY. His Compank's Aro Soiiud. pHffiNIX INSURANCE CO., HABTPORD, CONN. OAPITALANT) A6SET8, r . :v l,18Tl....U,T81,Oil OHIC.'.GO LOS3E8 76O,0IV THErn:ix the beat ccmiiicted lFirï Innrance Conïpitiiy ín tli liiit Statei Alw:iy prudent nnd sound incl ui wiijx prompt lu pnymcnt ut loa INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YORK CITY. The (lrst Cora);fiiiy to pasp tlio orclcnl of the Ne Vork Inrarance CommirBloncn cinco the Chicag Kire, cum-üfi out froi:i thofleverc teat TRITJMI'ITANT ! Aesoclaied Press Dtvpatob, Nuv. t:.',r 2,lsïl, TIIKINTEBNATIOXAMNSUnANCKCOMrANT. TheSijpcruitenii.'iit of the New Tork State In ■oranoe Department, nho 1b maMng ncarefnl offl cittl examliiatiim of the Nvw York City Companle to-dy. ceniflos that the Tnlpniíition.-ii CompaD1 asseta "f il,!W)",ooo ure secaral; Invesb 9, and it Capital of 900,000, afterprorldlnfrfor all li.iWlities Ing ihe Chicago Ure, lewhollj animpalred Thls Oompany s paylng alliis Ohlcago Iüsscb an issonnd anti reltublo. Poli.iesisyiiedst fálr ratea at my offlco, No. 1 üiist iiiion Street, Ami Arbor, J. q. A. 8E8SIONS, Agent. )aTtf. TEN REASONS WHY No Family tkouli is without a bottle of triiii i LLo r i lite House. _'s'.Itw!" 'we the worst case of BillOU 32 icr Pho'ora Morbus in 15 minuten _"■- "II cure the most obstinate case f Dyspepsla and In digestión in a few weeks. _3-- It is the best remcdy in the worid fetf Bick Headache, as thousands can lestify, laken when the first symptoms ftppear. ""- Ij is tllc kt diuretic ever put beforf the public; curmg thosc distressing comphiints, Diabetes and Gravel and other Urfnary Qifncultlea. Oth.- It s a most excellent E mm en aBjBe. and to the Youn Clrl. middle aged Women.andat the Turn of Life, ihii tC1J X 'S of in.calcul:lbl: value. 5V"" w'" remove wind from the bowels, nd henee a few drops in some swectcned watet Eiven to a babe is better than a dozen cordials to' Relieve and make it Sleep. Cantata. ing no anpdyne. 7th.- It is a sure relief for adults and children ffectcd with Worm 8 and Pin Worms Jt win bnng away the wornis. 8th - It will cure the PI les and Homorrhodlal difficulties. 9th.- Itwill cure Con stip at Ion and keep the bowels regular. It will also cure ihe worst case ofSummerCpmplalntandDysentery. lOth.- It will cure Sour Stomach, Stlmulate the Llver to l.eallhy action. Relieve Heart-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the system. When taken diline the dosc with Sucarand Water to a Win e-Claes fu tV and you have a pleasant tonic. Whittlesey (Dysyepsia Cure) $i.oo per bottle. Whitt cscy Agüe Cure 50c. per boltlc. Whittlesey Cough Granules a5c. per bottle. ■ Sold by all druggists and warranted. WhitUcscy Prop. Hcd. Co., Toledo, O, Koeps on hand a first class stock OF CIÖARS,TOBACCO,FIPE3, SWT7PF And all smokers articlcs AT TIISOLD STAND 2 doois west of Cook'a Hotol at tho sign HÜRRY UP! PARTIKS wlahlng Wtl i'..r.Sh,n!.p Bolltndt, Wlndow Fixuirc, Cn'di, Tasicls, Sk , fiii Efew Stylea, al SaÜsfactor] Pnce, bj J. 1$. Websonr & t'o., Iiook Stor'-'.nanr the Bxpiesa Ollicc. c x Fineet Aasortmentof Toilet öoodsin.the City,by i sent BBADÏJFOR THE SPRIKG TRADE Haring Beoetved a Liirgc Sfoci oí SPRING AND SUMIR O-OODS, ÏKCLUDING 0LOTH8, OA88IMEKES, VESTINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES ard! GUALITIES WHIOB HE WILI. MANUPA CrUBE on terms to sult. Also a full line of REAÜY-MADE OLOTHING AND Gents' FÜRNISÏÏING Goods. ALSO LADIDJ6' AND GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHEL8 No.21 South Main Street,- EautSidei CALL AND SEE THEM. WIl.MAn WA ;.■■. Ann Arbor, April 1 ft , S7U' . KW í3 Es trj s u 1 H " 1 8 - Z i l ra ;■ rn ( "g L U' h i V H fl I K I Sí leí p ■ z O - n w il ) i Ukjíj H I Q o ï f tí á H f W ?! bal HSg QD C M y ( d 1 Té. 5 03 ís ■3 'J b TAMKS McMAHON, Justice of the Peace, Office in now blook, North of Court Hous(! Hoiiey ruüeeted and promptly jtaid ovi:r. INSUKANCK AGENT. Trinmph, sikii, $72T.!"iïï]1 Nurtb Misn uiri. " i ÍM17 91 liibemin, " SSO.OOu.uu RKAL KSTATE. I have 81 acres of land Ji of a müe rrom thecttj mits, Boel)' looited for fnw 01 gurdn purposei. Also 40 acres. Al8o 1 iuti's, witli toase anri lmrn.nnd a llvclj strcnm of watcrrunnilii;tlircu;h tlie Ijiun yard. 60cres,n mlleoul. I will sell any or all the ivbove cheap, or exchau for city nroperty. 1871 .TAMKS Half ATION. ÜOTTtED LAGER, A.LE AND PORTEK, Put up in Pints and Qtiarts for Family use. ALSO BY THE KEG. W Ordo.r lelt nt I.ciler A; Co.' Drup; store will he iniii. 'y lili. .!. HILl & CHAPÍN. Aun Arbnr.May 29. IS. IKI psSOPLE'B DRUG STOiiü-í R. W.ELLIS& CO. ANN ARBOÏI tf IJ. 6IDLEY, Succewjor to COI.GUOVE & SON. DRÜCC1ST Al ililT IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, Na 12 E. HÜEON STREET, DEA LEA IS DRlíiS, ílEIHf IKS, SI kíiií 41. iSTBI 7IFJVTS. Pl'RK WIVB8 VD M({l'tiftS, fFOR MKDICAI. PURPOSES ONLT.J Fancy Ooods, Perfümery, PAIST, OII.S, VAIÍ.MSÍIIvS, X.AS8, AND PITTTV, P!iV?íílíT(í' PW?fRIDTM!ïi ilIlltl.'LVii i isËötnli niiiViJ Oirefallycompoundcd at all huur.s. I PHO?O?E KOT TO BE UNLERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IW THE CITY WHOFURIÏISH AS ÜOOD AN AilTICLE. i:. b. fiiir.i;'. ïacTtf mm I. Wamcbk, ProprUter. R.H. McDohald h Co., ItrueiíUte 4 Gea. Anoala, Sun Tranciseo, Cnl., mxl 34 Coinnwrce ltctf N. Y. iw IL mo NS llear Teathnony 10 tiicit . VVondorfnl t'iirntivc Eflccts. Tlicy are nut a vile Tam-y Drlükj Mrde of Poor Ram, Wluslccy, riool" Spirits and Rctuso Ii!inoi'H dootored, Bplct I nnd swectonedto picase the tatctca[!eil Tonlcu," "Ajwtizera,1' "Kpstorcra'Stc., thatlcad tlic tipplcroutodritnkcnne&snndrutu,butaro fttruc Medicine.niadc fromthcNntive Iïoot; ntid Ilurbs of California, freo front nll Alcoliolic Stitrmliint. Thoy ure thu GIIKAT ÜI.OOI) VVRU FIBBnnd A IilFE UIVÏNG riUNCIl'LE, a porfoct Kcnovator nnd Invigoriitor of tho System, crarryingofTiill poisonousinuttpr and restoring tlieblood to a hoalthy conditioTi. No poraon can takfl these Bittors according to dircctlons and reznalu long nnwell, provided thfltr boes nrc not destroyd by mineral Iioisonor othcr mcans, and the vital orgnns vastcd bcyond t!ic point of repair. Tfliey nro n Cïontlc i'uvcntivc ns wvll nsa Toitic, poneaafnfr, ;.lsu. tlia peculiar mertt of ncting ns a powoiful nprent tn relicvin: Cvngesttop or Intlamnintion of tlic Livn-, and all thoViscanU Orirana. FOll l'E.llAI.E (':! I'I.AIXTS, inyoiinROr old, niarricd or sJURle, at the tluwn of womiufllOOd orafc Uic turn of life, tltese Tonlo Bitters havo no ctjilal. For Iiillnirininlory I Chroolo Klieninntlmti and tioutf Dyapopaln or IudleeatloUf Blllous, Rciiiktout auil Intermlltent Fevers, Dlaoaaea u( the Blnoil, I.lver, Kidnrys aud Bladdert them Bitters luive been most BnocaBsfal. Sucli Dlaoaaea are oansed by Vitintcd lllont!. whieh isfienei-aïiy proilucrd by lerasemcnt Of tliü Dlgeatlvo Okiiiii. DYSPEI'SIA It INDIflBSTION, n?adache, Pata in tbeSlioulilers, CoujjIip, Tlcbtness of tho Ohvrtt r:w-. s ur Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste ín the Múuth, liiliutis Attacks, Talpitatton of tho Ileart, Inflainmation i[ the l.ungs. Pain in the reL'oiis of the Rjjucy.s. nn'l il litrodrod othcr paitiful syniptoras, are the oflspringa of J)ysieisia. Thoy invleorate the Stomacli and stimulate the torplil Liver and liowols, %v]]ich ronder thom of unequalled cfflcacy in cleanfling the blood of all inipuritles, and Jmparthiï new lifo and visor to tho wholo Fj-stem. FOR SK IN DISEASF.W, firuptions.Tettcr, Sa Rheum, lilotches, Bpota, Flnplw, l'ustules, Jinil, CarbuoolH, Blne-Womu, SraM Usad, Boro lm, BrnfwMa, Itcn.Scurfa, DiscolorationK of tho Skin. HumorsanJ pifleaaefl nf the tsklo.of whatcvor name or ïmture. aro litcraüv (iii u[) and earrie] out of the Bystem in a shtirt time hytlio useol these llitturs. One hottle in such casus u-in convine theinost iucrcdulous of their curative OÍBCU. Clcanso tho Vitiatcd Blood whenerer you find lts impun'tica bursting throueh ttio skin in Plmpica, Eruptlons or Sores; cleanso it wlicn jou find it olistrucicd andsluggish in the Tcins; cleanso itivhen it Is fooi, and your feeliuss 111 teil you wlicti. Keep tho llood pnre, and the hoaltb of the Bysteni will follow. Pin, Tnpc, and otlicr iiitns. lurklne In Ui ystem of bo niany thouaanda, aro cfTectually destroyed nd removed. Says a distinïulshed physioloeist, mvi i.i Kuitrcuiy un mm vmuru upon Uie mee ot thö carth vhpse body is exempt froin thf presencc of worm. It is imt upon tho hetlthy clnients oï the body t Lat wornis rxist, Imt upon tho (ÍÍKeast.'U bumors 3nd Blimydcrpsits Hint ï-reofl theso living monsters of isi'ïise. fto System of Medicine, do TtTTnifuges, no antlicimintics will freo the systcm froni wornis like theso Uitters. J. WALKEK, Proprlotor. R.n. McDONALD & CO., DrURffists and Gen. Agents. Síin Francisco. California. aml 32 and 34 Cominerce Street, New York. BySULl BY ALL. DliUUGISTS AND DBAtKRa [DR.CROOK'SWINEOFTAR êlO YEARS PUBLIC TEST Has proved JDr. Crook's WINE H ;r have niore ''aiSaS w siitüüar propar.i smBBMÊMaK iuni errroliered It is ricli in the medicina] 3 milities of Tar, aml unequaled for taemea of the Tliroat and LuilgM, performicg the muat remark able cures. Coiighs, Cohls, Ctaronic Coughg. It effectually curca tlicm all. Asllinia anti Bronchitis. Has cored so many cases it has been pro nounced a specific fot these compluints. For paius ia Breast, Sido ot Back, Gravel or Kidney Disease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundice or any Liver Coinplaint, It lias no equal. It is also a snporíor Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Kestores the Weafe and Debilitatcd, Causes the Food to Digest, Remores Dyspepsia and Indigestión, FreventsMalarious Fevers. Givestone to your öystein. HUÜRY UP ! HARTIKS wiehlng Wüll Pper, Cloth " uut 1'ujht 8hade8( BoJIaodSf Window PtxlnreSi Coids, Tusóla, etc., all New .Siylo, nt SfitirtÍHtior} PrlceB ly JT. II. W'btor êc Co., !ï tok btori near the Bspreu Office. r'V ""■"■ r VUCI'ÜA'. KL AND , CAREFULLV PRBPAFED BT Jï. WMLLH &


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