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■A 1W AÏÜUMMlT ! I AM 50W OPKNmñ 1OO CASES MEN'S AND BOYS' Boots and Shoes ! Ladiea', Misset' axid Children's Boots, Bhoes and SlippersThe goods have becn pnrchacod of flret bandf, and ag I have no expense of RENT, andgiTomy eatire peronl attentiun to th u basiurat, I hope to Compete Successfully wlth 11 ongaged 1 the A. D. SEYLEB, To. G WiríliíT(ifi. SI. Ann Arbor, Ao. 8. 181 . lSMmB ryiHE FIRST NEW 0803 IN" MARKKT, AT F1IMLEY LEWSI? THH Finest, Largest and Most Complete Stock of Fine Goods for Ladies, Misses and Cnildren, at FINLET and LE WPS' Bnrt's Fine Calf Boots at Finley & Lewis, and at NO OTHER Place in Town. The Bet K!p ond toga Boots In Tovrn at FINLEÏ & LEWIS'. The Best Boys' Bootsat FIN LEY & LEWIS'. The Stock wh íh is t-oupht for CA8T "d be solíí at better prlces than thoso bongh! ON TIMÉ. Finley & Lewis BUY FOR CA8H ! ■id can 8c!l thelr goods at F AIB;IKfCK8. 188M. NEW BOOT &SHÖE STORE! At lío. 8 South Main Street. The nnd-.'p'Err.eíl tskM pleasnrc Id annonncinf? to tb 'itijsftni of Ann and viclritj tbat he hai opsned a new b&ain6M phice, w i. re ho wül kuop conetantlj on hand a full aasortment of BOOTS $c SHOES And eyorything in that line, WHIOH WILL BE SOLD AS LOW AS PO88IBLE. Kepairing Done Keatly and Promptíy. ÜW Please glve me a cali. L. GRUNER. Ann Arbor, Ang. 9, Í HSStf LOYEJOY, TOBACCONIST I Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SirufF, Pipes, &c, AT O. 7 EIST IIUROX STREET, Next to the Express Office, AJiN AIIBOR, miCII. iii4stf ÍTLOXJR. GRAHAM FLOUR, BUCKWIIEAT FLOUE, CORN M1ÍAL, FEKDOF ALT, KINDS. All tae abow articles are warranted to have no milicriorin Por sale at Partridge's Flouring MillsN. B.- Gristlng done at shori notlce. ' HURRYUPr PARTIE vilint; Wall Paper, Shad.'B HoHaudg, Whulow FíxIcuts, Corda, Taí?el8, &c , all New ütylcs, at Satlsfactorj l'ricce, bj J. K. Webster k Cu., I3ook 3tre, near thc KKpxesa Ofllcc-S X'-' ' "- - "- T IVE ÖEE8E FEATHjíRS PXBST GJXT ALITY , kn:tantljonlind andfomalrbj BACUfr ABEL, yM.WÁGÑER IS NOW READY FOR THE SPRIS6 TRADE Hvlng Kecei ved s Large Stock of MG Al 8UHHBR GOODS, INCLUDING ÜLOTH8, 0A8SÏMEKE8, VE8TING8, &C. of the.BÜáTSTYLES andtftUALITIES WHIOH EI W1LI, on terms to sult. Also a full Une of REAÜY-MADE OLOTHING AND Gents' FUENISHINÖ Goods. BI9ST OTYLE, AL8O LADIB61 AND GBNT8' MOROCOO 8ATOHEL8 No. 21 South Main Street,- EmtSIdei OALL AND 8EE THEM. nruA wa;kíek. An Arbor, April lt,18T2t. 3 í S Sel N I 1 O - (r, H .a S R s. ka 5 8 a í i IzíeSJ Lí oh, J i PB III L í Oïj ö í DQ o - a - r (85 P "S ffl - J j o ! H TAMKS MoMAHON, Justice of tlie Pcace, Office in new block, North of Court House Money colloctod and proinptly paid over. INSUBANCK -A.&E2STT. Triuraph, asnets, $7i7.9nS 11 North Missouri, " 845,41;. 8J Hlburuia, " 350,0uu.uu ■RTCA3L. ÏTATE. I have 90 aeren of lsind ' of a niüe from the city imive, ilntily locatcd for fruit or garden parposes AIbo 40 acres.. A]eo 10 acres, with hnnee nnd barn,and a !Ivfl strunm of water runnine thrugh the barn yard. 00 aeree-, a rallo out. 1 wlll solí any or all tho abovi cheap, or exchaUigi for city property. W74 JAMES McMAHON. J30TTLED LAGER, ALE AND PORTEE, Put up in Fints and Quarts for Family uso. ALSO BY THE KEG. IV Orders lefi at I. citer &. Co.' Drue Store will be prouiptly ftllod. HILL & CHAPÍN. Ann Arbor,Mny2S, 1S72. :s7Ttf Finost A.8sortmen t of Toilet Gooda in the City,by ]L B. GIDLEY, Suceessor to COLGROVK 4 8ON. "- ' -ís "■' DRUÍÍG1ST AND Ü11T IN COOK'S NEW HOTEL, Na 12 E.' HUKON STEEET, DEALER IN DRltS, .TIEDiniES, SURGICAL ISTRFTiESTS, PIRE WlïES ATÍB LIQUOR8, (FOR MEDICAL PURP03ES ONLY.) Fancy Goods, Perflimery, PAINTS, OÍH.S, VAUNISHES, LAK, A1VB PüTTï, PHÏSICIA5S1 PSESC8IPTÍOIÍS Oarefally compoundud t al] bonrs. I PKOPOSE NOT TO BE U1TDERSOLD BY ANY FIRM IN THK CITY WHOFURNISH AS QOOD AN AUTICLE. ' E. B. GIDLET, HOTtf 3. Wai.kir, l'ropr#lor. R. H. McDoxald Co., DrueeisU & Gon. Agonía, Smt Frmclico, Cal., imd 34 Couunerco atmet, N. V. MII.LIONS Bear TcsUmouy to thelt . Wouderful Cu ín ti ve Ellecta, Tlicy aro not a vilc Fnncy Drink, Made of l'oor Rum, Whlakey, Proof Spirits uncí Re fuO ILlquors doctored,spiced and sweetenetlto please tlie taste.oJillcd "Tonlcs," "Appetizera," "KostororVAic, that lead the tipplcr ou to tlntnkenness and mln.but ar Btrue Medicine, mado from the Nativo Koota und Horbí of OalifarniA. freo from all Alcohollc hiimuInnts. TlieyarothcGREAT ISI.OOD PURÏFIKKond A I.IFE CUVING PRINCIPIA. a porfect Ilcnovntor and lnviffonitor of tho Syirtam, öarrying off all poisonous matter and restoring theblood to a healthy concUtion. Ko porson cem tnke thone Uitfra according to direction and remnln long unwUf provided thelr bonea aro not dostroyed by mineral poiaonor other mean, and the vital organs wastod beypnd tho point of repalTliiïy aro a. Gentío VareatÍTO ni well a a Tonic, possesaiiiíf, alpo, tlie peculiar n.erit of actinjf m a powcrful nRcnt In rclloving CunpcFtion or Intlainnation of tbc Llvcr, Qiid all the Visceral Organs. FOR FÉM ALE CO.MPI.AINTM, iny.-uniRor oíd, marrieíTOr singlo, at thodawnof wonianlioud oral Uio turn of Ufe. Uicrc Tonic Bittrn havo no ociual. For Inflammatory and Chronlc Rbeuma íUm nnd Gout Dynpcpnla or IndlffeMtlon Bllloun Uoinittcnt nud Iiíterinfttent Fcvera, Dlsonset of tho iïtnocl, Iilvcr K.1d nry aud HIaddor, theo Hit tnr have been moet ■ucccftful. Btich Disensos aro cftusedby Vitlated Hfod, whích isffeuerally produced by derangfomnt of the Diffosíive vrcitn. DYSPEPÖIA OR INDIGESTIÓN, Heodache. Pain Ín theShoaldorStOoajrlu Tifhtnfu of th Ohofit, DIzxfnnnA, Eour Lr.;ctations of the Storuach, Bad Tute hi the Mouth, liillous Attack. ï'alpitatiouof tho Heart, Inflainmation of tbo Lunga, Pain in thrflon of the lifdneya. and a buudred otlicr p&infui lyraptoins, are tbo oflsprinRR of Dyspopsia. They invifforato tho Stomach and stimnlato the torpld Llver iind Bowols, whicli ronder them of unoquaJled fflcacy in cteanslnff tho tlooJ of atl impnritlea, and impartinff new lifo and vtLor to tho wholc Brstero. FORSKINIISEASES,Bruptions,Tctter, Salt Rheum, Dlotchos, Spots, Pimple. Pcstuloa, Uoils, Carbunden. ainjr-Worms. Scald He.-v), Soro Eyw, ErrripfIoj, ItebfScurfe. Dicolorations of tho Skin, Humor and DieaBP3 of tho Skin, of whatovor nam o or nature, are lltcrnlly dug pand carriel out of the Bystem in u nhort timo ]y tho ubc ot thctie Jutters. One bottle In such cmca wilïconvince the most iucretlulous ofthoir curtÍTe íTects Oleanso tho VitJatcJ Blood whenever you find lta ïmpurltics buratin throuh tho kin in Timples, Eruptlons or Sores; cleanse it wheu you fiod It obatruct! tnd sloíírlsli In tho reina; cleanse Itwhen it ia foul, ftnd rour foelinárs will teil yon when. Keep tho hlood pure, md tho health of tbo fiyatetn will follow. Pin, Tnpe, and otbcr Worms, lurkineln the Titom of bo mfthy thousauda, aro effectually destroysd tod roraoved. Sajs a dintínuished phyeiolofflnt, thero is scarcely an iudividual upon the race of tha carth whose body is ezempt from the presoncO of worms. It is not upon the hcalthy elomenti of tho body th at worms oxist, bnt nnon tho diseased huroors and alimy deposits that breed these livinsr monatorn of diaeaso. No STBtem of Medicine, no verraifiurca, no ajitnelmintica will freo the eyatetn froin womw lik these Bitters. ?; 1FALKEK, Propriotor. R. H. McDONALD & CO Druffist and Üon. Ajronts, San Francisco. California. and 3t and 34 Oomniercu Streot, Now Tork. VfiOLD BY ALL DBUUG1BT8 AND DJUXLEa [OR.CROOK'SWIÑEOFTAR êlO YEAES PUBLIC TEST Hos provcd Ir. Crook's WINJS ■m - rTo hare more viJifáMlifím rit than any fl Ü similar prepara ■■b tion ever oitered the public It is rich in the medicina] qualitiesof Tar, and unequalcd for aseases of the Throat and KilUlgs, perforaiinj} the most remark. ble cures. Coughs, Colds, Chronic Congha It effecttially cures thein all. Asthma and Bronehltis. Hrs cured go many cases it has been pro nounced a apecific fot these complaints. For pains in Breast, Side or Back, Gravel or Kidney Disease Diseases of the Urinar y Organs, Jauudico or any Liver Complaint, It has no equal. "l-" It is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Restores the Weak and Debilitated, Canses the Food to Digest, RemoTcs Dyspepsia and Indigestión Prevenís Malarions Fevers, Givestone to your Sysienu r _ HURRY ÜP ! piKTÏHS wi?hinp Wall Paper, Cloth - ard Pftpoi i lAntfi , Wlndow Flitnrt-B, Coids. Tftepel. Ac, all New Btylea, t Satisfictorj Prics. by J". 3it. "Wobstcr & CïO., B jok itore, near the : Ëxpru'e üillce. - X GofcoR.W.ELLIBft CO'e for strictly Pure Drugs and Medi cinee ,Paint s .Oils . &e.


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