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Strong Reasons For Supporting Greeley

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■Ve aro permitted, eays the Bodb Tinion, to publish tho following extraots from a private lettor from Hon. A. Williams, lato Attorney General of Miohigftn, and ono of the most influential liupublican leaders of that Stato, to a friend iu Orlcans Coimty. Ionia, MlCH., Aug. 6, 1872. H. D. Tucker, Esq. : Deau Sik- Your kind lettcrof the 31st ultimo wns received, and certainly we are glad to heat from you, ond witlnil tö learn that you ara at you ure, politically. It seems to me, as woll as to many othors througliout tho land, that the higheet and best interosts of the country - in fact, of tha whole people - imperatively demaud a chango of rulers, and that no possible change civn mako publio affairs worse. For one I can see no reason why, with honojt Horace Greeley in the Presidential cliair, thero shall not bo a decided ohango in tho direotion so mnch n8eded for the public good. Cortainly bad government can be soon evorywhere, and that, too, of the most lamentable and ■tartling charactor in all conceivable respecta. I havo faith that all tho writings referred to, and which are too well known to noed ropetition to you, by a victory ochievod by Demócrata and Liberal Kepublicims. antuated by high-toned patriotism and Iovü of pure and just government, will bo swept away liko straws boforo the wind, and that a better ora is about to dawn pon the whole people, North and South, E;ist aud Wtst, inakin; them feol that thcy firo truly a noble brothorhood, and havo a govornmont again bifttting a freo, enlightcned, virtuous and Cliristian peoplo. With a President of low instincts and taste, ever seeming anxious to run away from his official dutiüs, seeking those places whore fast mon, fast horsos and bulldogs do congrégate, himself more at homo among and with them than with stutesmen, and always uxorcising the eiislost possible official virtuu, we theroforc havo no nght to exixjot the needèd relief from him or his administration. Indeed, on the contrary, tho evils complained of aro but a numerous bevy of buzzarda incubated by hiiiiiult', ho still being ongaged in hatching moro of tho name sort, till the White House has been meanly convertid iuto -i Bort of breeding place, the low ;nd dirty progiüiy being sent out to occupy, feast and fatten in all tho publio ei.ructures, however costly and miiíínií'co!it, of tho nation, polluting and disgracing them as thoso of no other people or nation havo been before ; and all this with no prospect of change whilo Goneral Grant remains President, but with a certuinty, 1 think, of its growing .worse and worse till thü end ot liis rvilc siuvil come. With that honest and eminent man, Horace Greeloy, in his placo, I oonfidently trust that these goveinmont oarbunclea would bo cut out or cured, the carrion birds driven away, the body politie healed, pure government restored, good feeling and confidence betwi.'un all soctions and olasses provail, and the interests of the people and the honor of the nation be Bcrupulously, zsalously and wisely cared for. To that end, as indicated by the inolosed newspaper lip, I shall labor as best I can, balieviiig that now, as in other day, Deitv rulee in tho nations of tho - - -f ■.-■"" ' 1T ■" ■' '■■ -,'....- ....-.■ honest, industrious, exemplary and a'olu Horaco Greeley, the emperorof journiilists, as New York is the Empire of States, and for whom Michigan may voto. Yours trulv.


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