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"scholarly And Polished."

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Tho Pontiac QaeetU sayB a lady of that oity waa hoard to observo after the great slang-whauger's roeent speech therothttt " eho was surprised at ilr. Chandler. Sho had lieard that ho was exceedingly xough in kis appoaranca and laiiguage, and not a proper neraon for a lady to hear, but she found hiiu to be a scholarly aiid polished gentleman." AVo givo a lew extracta from the speech ■ as roported Ocuette, from which our readers om draw their own conelusiong : " What it is wo are fighting now, rominded the speaker of a man who attended a fair down ia Sew Hampshiro, a few years ago, whero they used to run horses. Ho had run bis horso in a scrub race, aud liad beafou overy othor horse in tho field. Finally ha said, 'I will bet $100 1 can buat any horse that can bu brought.' A Yankee stepped up and said : 'Stranger, I haveu't got any horse, but I'll bet $100 IVu got an ox that will beat your horsu.' The man thought a moment, thou, turniug round, said : ' My friend, I will run iny horse aguinst any other horsa that stands on iron, but 1 don't know what your d- d oi inighi do.' " [Laughter.] ■■ Ho eited an aneedote of & Bepublican meeting in Kansas, recently, when somu five or six of thu Qreeleyitea got up in one corner of the rooin und said, " we are just as güod Itepublieans as you are." The speaker had been a soldier, a private in the Nineteenth Illinois, and he said it nminded bim i,;É a tbing that touk placo while hi. wa in the army. He; gaid tüat one day ho was very thirsty and gtepped into a grooery to eet Bomething to drink, and thoro he fouud a chaplain, with his honlder atrapa oa, who was a littla "sot up." The chaplain, Btepping up to him, said : " Io you belong to thu 2S iueteeuth Ulinoia?" " Ves, sir- a private." With gruat gravity and Bolemnity he put his hand on h:s breast, and said he : " 1 belong u tii t army oí the Lord." Tho soldier tumed round. Said he, "My friend, that may bo so, but f it is, you are n h Í of a waya i'rom haadquarterg." füreat laugliter.] Thisreminded him of the story of the taro [ríshmeo who carne opon a frog pond- they do not have frugs n Ireland - and hearing tremendous oroaking, they set to work to find tho cause ot' it. After soarchiuj; i'or a long time, one suid to the other: "Tiiii, it's nothing but a d- d noise." Can anythiug further be required to prove that Chandler is " a Bcholarly and pdliahed gentleman," that he is a íit man to representan intelligent and culi' ed coiisütuency, that Le is a proper leader in the íviii.i ii and olassioal ranks of Etadicaligín, that he is of all others the 1111111 ; ach gentlemen as Suzuner and Heiiurz and Iloruce QzeBleyï-Sagin iiciu.. But now let me teil you this. If the time coates when you must lay down the fiddle and the bow, because yoor I get too atiff, and iliop the foot arms artí too weak, and after dazzling uwhiío with ejre glasses, come al I t to the nndisguised reolity oL sp cíes; if the timo eomag when the ;; ife wespoke oi' lias bomed .so low, thut ■roere its flamea reverbí rati d there is only tba sombre stain of regretand where its ooaU glowed oaly the whit a cover th.'j embers of memor your heart grow cold, and you may oarry eheerfuloess and love with you into the teens of your s icond century, if you can last so long.- „,,, - Speaker Blaine has raised the flag of distresa. He seos tho hund-writing ou the wall.


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