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THE ARGLS FOR ÜS ( VMI'AIÖS. With view to inereasing the ciroulation and influence of the Anaus, we offer it to campaign subsoribers from the next issue to and including November löth - the paper for whioh date will give the result of tho election - for 40 ct, or in club of ten or moro at 30 cents each. "We ought, at theso figures, to get n, list of flfty in taai township, and of tico hundrtd in this city. Honey paid for weekly papors is bettor than an inveBtinoct in polos banners or ymmphlet documenta. Tho Democratie nnd Liben] Ropnbliniiii State Conventions were held t Grand itapids yesterday. Juat &s ire go to prohs we loarn that Hon. AXJSTIN Blaiu, of Jackson, was nominated for Governor, and Hon. J. C. BlanCüahd (Domocrat), of 'Ionia, for Liaulenant-. Governor. The nniues of tho other nominötïS wo di'l not learn. The öhristian Union, Eev. Henky W.vui) BeechEb'S papar, says : "This " paptr has often opposod rhat seorafid to " us lbo excesiies and mixtakes of the dom" irant polioy. We havo liever oeaiv?d to " urge aranfsty, immediate and absoluto. '■ We have eamestly deprecated the ti".6t 'in 'short cutö' and suddeu remedie "which Boem to us to prevai'. among "soine Ropublican leaders. We havo op" postd tho indiffereuce to conatilutional ' limitation, the cxcessiTe employraent of ■' the Control Governiri' nt's jiower, the ' undue roliance ou foro, rrhich has ! " chai-aeterined soms of the reconstïuc" tion legislation, and muoh of the de" bate over it. In a word, we have done " what we oould to hold bck rther tiinn ' to urge on the disponition to regálate " the South by Federal authority." As strong a bilí oí indictnient as need bo drawn againstthe Gkant aHniinistration. " Tiidiffurunce to constitutional liiaitatious" - tho demand: of the hour and the interc8ts of party overriding the organio luw. " Eiceasive mployment of th focal gbvernnicirirceísnT.Trire-üJíyU'injI at Washington, blotting out the l&ndmurks, sapping tho TOTy foundations of our govemmental aystem. "Undue elianee on force" - the will of the President auperseding the law of the land, aad the President playing second fiddle tü tho C'ouimandor-iii-Chief. Mr. BEECHek says well, and vat Mr. BescüER supports Grant. Ilis political views aud aotiocs aro as unaecountable aud irreconuilable as hiï reügious ntteranoes aud denominational ruin' i ons. Ho looks on way and rows another. The Wayne County " Rtraight-out " or Bourbon Demecraey held a maes conrention at "VYayno on Friday last. Tha convention was clled by ilassrs WllEATON Warner & Co. - fourteen in all - by re quutit, as wa stated, of oyer 1,000 Domocratio voters of the county. The coa vention numbered - accordingto the Trihum; a journal inclinad to mak the most of tho Bourbon movement, and magnify rather than belittlo iU movements - over 100, or, as the Tribune reporter phrases it " over 100 porsons being present." Well tho convention did its work, passed resolutions approving the Louwville ConTentiou, delegated MuBsrs. Wukaton, Waneü and Briogs to that body of ".none suches " or " Simón Pures," nomiimti ■(': LsBTEB E. Bltovu, present County fciuperintendent of Schools, and u gmall pattern at that, for "Congrega, aud & ful' county ticket. And so ended tho first scène. - Thi8 on Fridfiy. On Saturday, bu( a single day later, nine of tbe fourteen nominees publisht-d oardn ropudiatiug tho nioveuicnt and deoliulng the honor conferred upon them, leaving would-be Congressmau Brown supported only by the noininees for Sheriff, Auditor and Survoyor. A very Bmall mouise for 80 big a inountaiii to bring forth. Nearlt every town in the county was fully representad at the Domocratic Convention held on Friday last to appoint delegates to the Stato and Congressiona] Conventions. A temporary orguniüation was aftected by niaking Orrin Thatcher, of Sylvan, Chairman, and E. E. FkaZEE, Secretary. After tho Committee on Credentials had reported the Convention pcrmauently organized by elucting E. F. Vllh, of Tpsilunti, President, and R. E. Fbazeb, Beeretuy. Mr. Uhl made a hmely and happy speech on taking the cliair. The following delogates were elected, purBuant to cali : To ütate Convention - 0. F. Ashley, J. J. Robison, Elias Hairo, H. J. Billings, A . J. K. Clark, Isaac D. Clarkson. To üongrcmiowil Conntnlion - O. Hawkins, E. B. Pund, C. L. Yost, Barnabog Case, J. M. Young, Williatn Humphrey, 8. l'arker, P. Tuito, Orinan Clark. Before adjournment epeeohea were mado by Hun. J. D. PlEBCB, a veteran in tho cause of Democraoy, and B. E. Frazek, also by Meears. L. D. Bircii and D. Cramer, Liberal Republicans. All the speakers wero applauded with 6 vim. 1'ïiE election in Wust Virginia took place yesterday. Two Democratie State tickets vete in the field, but both tho gubumatorial candidates are said to be supjjuïteis of üeeei-EY. A new constitution wau ulnu voted upon. lt ia usuless to spwjulaW on reult.


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