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- Nast, in a rccsr.t ir.irper, hs ft i turo which muathave been inspired by Henry Wilson. On the lof t is ship with the significant notice : " Btcmuer to Ocrmany s;il overy day. ]'8nge chaap." j To tho right Oarl Schurs arpean testnd at tho piano, above him som election bulletin boards, whilo üuole Sam, oigar ; in hiiod, is ifiYing him leave of absenco. Tho inscription is : " Cari is disguüted with Amerioan politics." - Frankfort Uazitie. And (Tnole Bam's roiponso : '■ 1 iook horo, Btningrr, thero is no nvr in thil country to compel you to stay." What ay tho countrymen of Cari Schurü to suoh utgetivo pioturesy - A leading religioun journal duclaiming agaiüst tho demornlir.ation of onr largor oitioa and towns by the ingathrring of 60 niany disohargd priwonern from jftils and penitontiarie, who have not , boon the loast reformed by tbeir term of service, proposos the old world systsm of puñal colonieí, and namei Alwka beoü98 of its isolation. Wouldn't ice-olation bt) n oijually ftjipropriftte word ? - The Now YoTk llerabl ocnasionally raakes ft home-thrust. Horo is one : "Tho 'itraight-out' movíraant i ench s clor fraud ot folly that no man of ser.9 vrill be oajoled into the balif that he i upholding Damooratic principie by throwing his voto away upon suuh a illy afFnir." - "Blister Blair": that's what the Jackson Cilteen, heretofora a worshippor ( at bis feet, calis the ei-" "War GoTernor." j A 1H He nnpretty. but then the Cuiten i ; n't ninch to blame, it ha to le an a little j [ bsckwnTd to drivo away tho suspieions of its new masl - The Corunna Amerienn says : "C C. Burt, a lawyor of rnuch pTominonoe in Jackson, refueas to ent 'biled orow' and cali it good." A 'Tawyer of much inf noe ! " hat will innke tho Jachson peoplc exjpbde in a horsc laugh. - And hot E;'.r OrrneU has doclared for Qrant, or go the Hadioal journals efiy with a grsftt flourish of trninpats. But as he sujiporUd Grant in 18(H, ".nd Linooln in 18ü4 and 18(), we can hardly oê whcro the rajoioing cornos in. - No Republican leader not already a candidato can get a word of praiss from I a Radical jonrnal. Beason : Oreeleyiz ' ing is fuared, in which casa the prawe would hTe to be taken back and slandern manufacturad to match. - SoinePennsj-lrania temperance mon have been sytesaatically inquiring into the hftbiti of the i'resident, and the reyelationa they mako publio tito íiot the iiioat complimentiiry to the chief of tho Gront fvnd Dcnt familie. - Grant proraises to roconstruct hii Cabinut if re-ulected ; bat as no one can toll whore lightning wi1! strike the promise indicates no good to the country. It is iiore than likely to be " out of the frying pan into the fiie." -Dr. Mahan, M. N. Halsey and L. Tnbor, of Adrián, thres old school Radioals- not politioiang and oLBce-sekers - were iuf;mbsn of the Greeley Rupublican County Convuntion held at Adrián on Saturday last. - The 'i. Y. Evening Pont olaims to be non-"partisan, but persista ia writing Republican - wiih a big R, and demoorat - with a small d. i-in't that the narrow --'-iinAigfj nNttimnptüa?. .. , . impoachinent trial has so long been pen ding at Saratoga, halbeen oenricted and remored from offioe, with permanent ditqualifioation for office-holding. - Don Ilonderaon is thankfal for small favors: Stocltbridge wasn' noniinated for Govornor, but then Bagley1 wife was bom in Allegan County. What a goodnatured soul bon is. - Blaton Duncan has sued the Chicago Tribune tor libel, and threaten any nutnber of journal. Should think he had his hands full to enginetir the Louisville Conveution. - Orfuit and his Cubinet h:iv de clinnd au invitution to visit Chattanoog and Jjookont Mountain. His " eottag by the sea" has groater uttrsetioiiH. lican write ? - The New York Etcning Pont recent ly disooursod ón " drunken Vico-Presi dents." When will it opon on " drunken Presidonti'i" Are they the least evil o: ths two ? - Don Hcnderson, of the Allegan Jour nal, says that it is hia misfortune " tohave a brother who is a JoíF Daris-Greeloyite.' Now lut the brothor "rise to oxplain." - Ei-Qot. Haulsbury, of Delawnre ropudiatee the straight-out movemeiit and urges the Dolawaro Demócrata to support Oreeley and Brown. - Tho Third Miohigiin Cavalry regimont ia to hold a rcuniou at Kaluiimzoo outhel9th of September, the auniversary of the battlo of Iuka. - It is definitely eottled that Montana oleoted a Democratie delégate to Congre3i at the recent election. HU name ih Mttginnis. - The Republicans havo fiually suoceeded in rmmipulating a xuajority lor Caldwell in North Carolina. - Ex-Gov. Hunt, of Colorado, is running for Congrt'ss against Hon. Jerome B. ChRfFee the present delégate. - Chaudler bas gone down to Maino again : to try and help son-in-law Hals out of a tight spot. At 1'lTE Demooratio County Convention on Friday last tho County Committoe, agsining as reasons tho romoval of Bcvoral of their number from tho county and the deeirabihty of an early orgaui.ation for tho oampaign, ttmdered their rebigriation, and leoommunded tht appointnient of a new committee the nominating conrention boing the usual time for making anoh appointment. Tho resignotion was aoceptod and the following couimittoe appointed ; Chairman - R. IÍ. Fbazkr. lst dütriet - W. H. Hawkins, J. J. Robison. ld district - Obrin Thatciiir, Peter Tuitb. 'd dUtrict - J. D-. Coret, Myron Webb. We hope that the Committee will tako immediate measureB to oecuro a thorough and efficiënt organization in euch townsbip. The Second Annual Fair of the Northern Michigan Agricultural and Mochanrcal Society and the Michioan State Pomologioical Sooiety ia to be hold at Grand apids, September 16th- 21st- gix dayu. The premium list ia largo, liberal, and atractivo, and nucceas i evidently ealoulatod npoti by the offioesw. Tira Libe?] Ropublioem Countj Convention mi t t ü-.'- C.'uurt Iiouso, in this oity, un Friday, August l(3th. Dolegatos wero present from tll parta of tho county, ud in point of mimbors prosonted quito roKpoctabla appearanoo. Delogte woro preent from moro thn blf tbo townrthips ia the oounty. Tbe Convcnticín ■ s callfid to orier by Ilon. W. D. Herrmn, who nominntod for Chairmaa 1). Crmer, who wan olffotcd. Vi tu. V. Ford ws olected Hecretary. A committefl of three vrat appointed to present tho namfts of delegte to tho Htnto nnd Congreseional CoriTention. The followin ore reportpd for delegates : To ihs State Consentían - L. I). Burch, Ann Arbor ; Donemore Cramor, Aun Ar' bo ; Horarn Rosier, Dextcr ; L. C. Al, Irn, York ; Dr. L. Shfrwood, Tpsilanti ; W. I). Horriman, Acn Arbor. To thf. Con(jri-r'nii - Rer. ! J. B. Gilman, Manchester ; 8. E. Engle, ■ Haline ; Dr. E E. Bigelow, York ; Isaac Colman, Dexter; Frnnk Hinokley, Yp3Ílanti ; KeT. J. L. Hmith, Doxter. The repoit of the committee vras dopted. The following County Committee was nppointed : First SepreUHtatké Distria - Prof. J Bengel, Ypsilanti ; J. W. Lawson, Ann Arbor. Second Dhtrb-t-3. I). Tan Buyn, Man ohester ; E. E. Bigelotr, Tork. Third Dittrict - Io Wj-nkup, Salem J. L. Smith, Dexter. Thii fitst meeting of the Liberal Republioan of th oounty devoloped the I faot thit thers i a strong feeling for Greeley among the Republicana. The men present wer all strong, mibstantial men - mea who have workad with a wül for the success of th Rupublican party in the pust, ond who evinoe a dsterraination to work with the gatne nest for tho Liberul candidates thi3 fall. TjlE First District Demoeratio Congrossional Convontion ag held at Dear bom on Naturday laat, and A. HiilTH Bao(?, of Dotroit, nominatud The. nomination was indorsed by the Liberal' Republican Convention, which wan held at th same place and time. The princi-, pal opposing oandidate was Staxi.ey O. ■Wight. Mi. Baoo ii an old resident of Detroit, porsonally known to a large majority of the business men of that city, has a reputación above reprooch, and i f eleoted will look well to the interests of tho body of hii oonstituents, rather than to tho exclusivo interest of the portion of thcm ongaged inmanufucturing and clamoring for more protiction. The Free Presa iaye of Mr. Bago : " Mr. Bnpp ia too thoroubly woll known as one of onr leading citixsMl to require any elabórate etutemmit. at our hand. Cominf into the State in 1840 he has since that time, in one oapacity or or anothor, been ' thoronghly identined with the buninr9s inturests of the city, and bas alway been the earncnt advocate of every mpasure which promised to advance it material prosperity. An uprijrht man, whosu integrity is above even the breath of snspioion, he ha upon many occasions boen offred the sufTniifOS of his fellow-eitizons for places of Irust and honor, but except upon two occasions, when he han been elpoted Alderirmn, he has persistenfly deolined to alljw himttdi to be norainstcd for any oííicp whtever. Active, energetic and nntirp in the discharcre of what ho belicves to be hia dnty, Mr. Bagg is sul to bn one of the bost representativos which 'Michigan has ever had in Congres, and bis constituent can leave their interosta in his hands, with the utmost confidence that thüX.jrjJJ.p.evpr be aeglected " eitizen and a roputable and honest mn,' also " a gentleman of mueh energy aud and professing no mean personal strength." TlíE (iw York Kopublican State Convention wag held at Utica on Wednesday, and tho following nominations made : For Ooteriwr - Gen. JpHN' A. DlX. For lAeutiiKtnt-Ooteruor - Gen. John C. R0BIN80N. For Canal Cotnmiuioner - KEfisEiï M. Strand. For PrUon Jnxprctor - Ezra Graves. For Congreaxinaii at Ltxrye - LymaN' TltEirAINE. Yor Presiilential FJctors at Larye - FliED. Douolass, Sauer, Uon. WOODFORD. Ono of the resolutions indorsed " the modest patriotism, earnest purpose, sagacious judgnient, praotioal wisdom, incorruptible iutegrity, and illttgtrious services of Ulysses 8. Grant;" and another " wolcomes to our rauks honest Demócrata who spurn tho unprincipled coalition which seeka to ally tham with the disoarded elementa of the Kopublican party." That'ï richness for you : Chief Justice Chase, Ciiahles Sl-mnk, Lyman TaUltBÜLL, Carl SOHVBZ, Hoback Gbeeley, AU8TIK Bi, a ir, and a long list of names tho Iiepublicsn party lulu ddighted to honor, kickod out, " dis cardod,'] and tho right hand of follow gbip extended to Ai.k.. ÍSteimiens, Heït ry A. Wibe, Blanton Duncan, Brice Pomeboy, Wil. W. "Wjieaton1, the guerilla Moshy, CSABUSS WooDRi'Fr c Co " Bay tbat again."


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Michigan Argus