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f Uscar D. Üt#vens. rjTATKOi' MLClUWA-WOmi nw.sit. AtAsetwion of the Prubntu Uouït ir ih; i'ouiity of WiwhU'UHW, hoHen at the l'rotitte üific, m the City uf Arm Arl or, on Baturday, the thir.i ilay uf AugUbti iu the yeai ouo thou&uud eight huuurud ; wo. l'rofent, ftirain J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the mattexof the etttate of 0 r ens, de■ atora of wil] umi ttístuiütíTil ■ ■ -.■d, come in; . ■ ■ 'i tl tOIt. - oiuthdftj tt, at ten o'dock ui the fore iioou awifl titd for exumin i tuoh account, and itiat t-ii leyatew, devieooo and tioii at Uiwoi and 11 '■ 1 ;;.■■ Pi '- ■ I . et1 Ano Arbor, in said . be, why the said ftocount sliuuld doI bd allo wed i And it infurtLur ■ ■■ notice to the ptboub ínterested iu sald t'stn'i . oí I ■ j of said . and the he .- a otcpy the Michigan Argut% h, aewsp and (ñroulatíoB' inaaid County, threc buo kspreviout tn sud y ui heunnij. (A imecoi , . HIK AM J. BEAKRS, Judgeof Ti-obate. THB .: ■.'. DI3ISFECTANT Bromo Chloralum, ROX-POÍ8M9II8, OUOSÍLCS8, POWBBPDL DEOnOHl.Eli AND IHálNFECTANT. ENTIRELY HARMLE8B AI) 8A.FE Uijt'd ii'. private tlwollius, hoUiUrt'sttinrantB, u' Lic sohools, hoflpltálfli inea:iu iiüviums, dupe8&arlee( jnlU, ]jriiiuii8, po rtaonses on eiilps, ■teun-boAtfl and in lommieiit-houtiB, mar!;ets, for wnlcr clOMto uriuuiis ifiukfl. BinvLTB, eesspoolBi ijtubles, Ac. -1 ; i ,;- ottJ ttsUlaltinl distases, Biniiill-pox, scarlet fever, menslua, diücaBCíofauimaU, &c. Pfepared otily by TILIEN & Ou., New Lchanun, and 17(i irilllam St., N. '. SolJ by RlldnigKiaU. riEUSTEE'S SAIiE OF $250,000 TOLEDO LANDS AT Al (TIO.V, To otoee the stüto of sorne noa-resideut ownen, i . it I te BoodyHonw. in Toledo, un WEDLY. the 2d 1AY OF OOTOBER uext, nt S p. m., uu iluable lands, uu ensj Ic-rms of payment. Cttfïitttlipta and spei ulatora wiu pleaBo cut thifl oul ■ ! ;ik any bankT for t de. L-;i i..)' the DTOporty, umi, aa Boon nu coni-niiit, uxiiiiúut.' the laudó anJ bu prepared fot the sale. PAUL JONES (atTolcdu National Bank), Trastee. ToledOj )., Au. 12, 1S72. MOT I CE! " The sabflcribera haqe at thelt cemmand, as a ftcnftrtl tliiiii:. frtmi flve hunrtfed to Hv. tbousAcd (lollafa to limn on iirt mul ürst cla mortsa(t itnatili tlio C.KijiIy ui' W.ih.'.rt'iiaw. - timt; fruni llirv t flveyeara. Terms liberal Office oppoalta ttic Pust OfllM nndstC. A. LvUit ftco.'n Drai Store. No, 1 irivnry lïluck. OurAbntraet Huuk uro pOHted up la date. A un Arbor, Ma 30, 1ST2. Tiuiv w. uooT, " ROOT &LKIT'"[L. CI1A3. A. LEI 1 IK. UTIitt Y? O R SALE. A good one horie Top Buggy NEARLY NEANT. Iuquiro of X. W. CHF.EVF.n. GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'e foi strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paintfè. (Kis. &c. T T RANDOIJ ' II AV'H'ITE, M . D. , DENTIST. Office at Kesldence, So. 12 Fftli ptrect, AXN ARROR, MICH JTÜlt 8ALE ! a Honn and Lol on the waai sMe of Maynard atroet, between Wüliam and Jeflénon. 11 hs a good Darn and isterns. TermH eaay. Aun Arbor, Muy 21, L87Í. 13T5tf J. J. PASHALli. pull BALE ! A nu Phaeton Buggy and o Moond bxni Cairiage, fur 1 or 2 hordes, in fora oondition. [nquire "f 8ILA8 11. DOüGIiA88. Ann Ai!,:.r, M;t 2:;U, i::. i:i75tf Finest Assortment of Toilet Qoods in the City,by 29 20 I 29 ! whowiil explaiu thi imple 'L■ Au ! ifll m will t i.ny to culi m tli; bis 20 What in au ttniM! i.iy -tic letten ttareei Over tlio "bran uew urocery- C. ! 1 O for Credit ? aud D f r a dnn J 'l'lmt's the wuy biulDCHta olK a done ; HriL tliat's .( tho Wfty to rt'ftíl tliw fiítu Oí L. COL.iV, wiu MlU grodíílen ni. 20. 0 li totüDÁta : for the eoods Ije ell io cheap, 'lis bcitrr lo buy thuin tlu-rr ynur moucy I" KMp. '. O. I._(.'aí;, ..;i Ddivery -ihls ia le way Hi tibio to b11 bo low nil ro-ike U Dy. He tws no bad de i .nin t:ruii (r tax yMí more tu inaku ;) '. . 1H 8 thst'ii tli ]jlncu tu buy yoó Be ivill wQ it chsp, aud yuu 1.1 liad lt goofl. AttheC. O, B Stoceryyoo Will jilwaysünd The tem of Oaffoe un 1 iVi of all 1 i Wlth líll'dr, t--u, :il:d Iresh, rij ' fe ■ . Or canil c!, ir liriiü!. al] taatea losuit ; Lemovfl FÍL-r and Iiulinn Pearfti All the oplees thattreu orahtab oftroplc boare, NntB. ralaine and varloua kirn' ■" Omnly, 1 hatchildru love and mothen ün.luo iiínay, To k'i ou hand a bidden uto re, A ■ btick " of thiu wlHmove tliera more Than the old-fashtoned "rod" our fatbere nsed, Whci, rhildren wero pleut; und u ten abuneci. II' has n kinds of Provtel -iir th palnte to pleaso. I bcou . flmir, bread, tnmer and heese Ooiiklet) aud cra Leer. . i herrh e, chocolate andcake, 'l blo ge to boil, fry. roost, Btew eteaxn r 'h:l ;i'lic has pecai prunea .iad pickle taz the appetite, &o cap.icious and ückle. Ho has glasswar, crockery ar.íl veseela o f tote, Pronch Lustra] Soap- ii'." besi ever fenown ; Tobaa o and tfgare, beth for chewinc nd nmokluii And uevei urill frowu ii yoa -: üiijt. Aul Rinny other thhitfa too numeróos lo mflntioii, All of which tu Bflll' ftap for cash la h inteutlon. Thcn c"mc, good peoplei one and all t uJ (rfve the 0. O. 1. grocery ft cali. ;ry our pricdJ and try oor wpob, Fur in ttir prutiiH the buyersharea. Yon pay tbo cash ir what yoo (jet, W'ith do tarlffon loases i nube yoo fret i [)ont askfof credit thouiíh y our r mi Ilion airo lint buy yourgr tcerlea for ca-h ai prloca fiir. Come f rom th country aud the town, Prepared u buy and pay caA d l' un', rich and poitr. come black a ad white, Yon wijl íhifi provlsiona plcuiy and prlose rii'ht, (lDiti" tHendfl of Orant and fnendao Qreeley, Bhakti handt ftt 2f3 'i"l trade C O. D.frecly. NATURE'S REWEDYrV A imiu.uii . r 'Vtorincr teo healtb and for the cure oí :iJl di ariaim; írum impurltiM üi the bloud, such n S, rotula, Ncrotuloim unni, Cuncer, ('nnccrauíiKuiihir, I lr Ni)tia. tnllkci-, SilY Hhi'uui, I'iiiipli-v, wn.í Huiuon omtbel'ace, l'lcei, Couglia (■ turril, ilront'.hítfta, r'-jiíiijíít, l'iiiim iii tbo sitie, fttlieuitiatisin, i)hpepíiiu, CoHNlilizxiuefei4 B'ileS) Ilesdacbe, Nervouanm, F.fntneaa at lïir Stouittelk9 linn in tlie UiK'k, Kitldcy Conipluint, i :íiíi1. WcnkucftN, and Civncrul Debillty. Tliií preparfttlon ie nclttuiirtjcally nnd ohemlcaljy coinl'iiitíii. aud so itïongly coooentrated from rootí, luTtu umi l)Kik. thatlta goodeffvcia nr.' rraltzed immtídiutely altor commencing to tatio it. T .■ .'.(tlu' hnn 'nr iiiili Cite Vlítl KI'INJ1', CíillUnt i)u UftOd Wllll PKUrhOl' BAPUTf. ; ií ; aotcoatelo aoy i&el&lilccompoaod. Poregui leatiog the qratem ofall Impnrliiw oftheblood, it ha un equal lt has never lalled t effecl Kiviiif; t-jiiK mirl atrviiL'tii to Ib 6vb1-.mii debtíilnted Ijy ilisnsc. [t wouilt-rfiil effecta apoj tiü'su liuh ptalntK fti nrprialn tu all. Manv bave lnjit cored Ijy thu VliOETINi: Uit livo ttled inauy other remedid, It cuu ivell be cullcd Ï1IE GRETA. T BL001) PURIFIER! Preparcd by lí.' II. SXKV5ÍNS, Uostuu ilas. Pricol.ó. Soldbyall llrrfggtstí. Trees ! Flowers ! fíulbs ! Seeds ! HIIIDO-E PLAN'K! arsery Stock! Fmll and Flower Platcs ! Address F. K. PHCENIX, BLOOMINGTON NUESERY U.l.í.NuLS. ÖOOAcroB: Slet year : 12 Greetiboósefl Appli-i, 1 ,000 1 T.,i-i ■ , - y. 80 ; .i y. 40 : I y. 190 4 Cataloga i, - ci uta. 18 m A ERTS WAJNTEÜ FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FARMERS. The best booka publlahed ou HorNu and the Ouu, Liberal term money mad rapidly by AgentB 6fl llng these booka. Send ir irculam, PORTEB A C0AïfiS,Pi BuaaiBSPblUdelphU%Pft. ï ÜÖT ! Ou tbc S6th of Jnly, on the Bixboro road, a liiHiMitilUil book i."' Dttiinll L tWO liott'f f J100 qacDi oiie kÍvqd by J. Backufl to Isaac Duim, or bcarer, th other by Phtneaa ihiuu to eiui Dann. persons are catitloned ftgamst ptirchaBing the &me,aa paymexit bari beeo utopped. Anu rlHr, Aug.Tth. 16T2. 139(iw;i AIïETUS UÜXN. T ESSONS IN FRENCH. profenorA. HENNEQÜIN, latcly arrivod from Frunce, w i 1 Rive inëtrnciloD in the PrODOh L-itiguaf{e Frivate lnaoiia al the Btadent residen t. or in classes r tour pnpüs and npwards. Mr. Heopeqam can be noen or ad Iressed at bita retideoc TO Uuron strcft. caw oí Mra, L. Fti-queiK-, Au Arbor. I Ulo' OITÏ ÖCAVEXGKliS. ACTON & FLOWERS Would reepöctfully inform the citizens'ot Ann Arborthatthey areprepared to clean Out Hour ,.il knni.iti robbish Hiiti auiaanoea. oastaoft and a1 the moet Liberal prioes. Addreas all ordori to IU)X 77'J, Aon Arbor, ■■ :X ts KLOWKR8. AnuArbor, July 26, 1872. 1384w3 pfiOPLE'B DRUG STOrif R. W.ELLIS& CO. ivisrisr abbob A FALSI3 REPORT I THAT A. A. TERRY IIASGrONEOUTOF TRADE HE STILL UVES, AND HAS A LARGK ASD COM PLEÏESTOCK UP HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT PRICE8 TO 8ÜIT THE TIMEcJ. ALSO A PULL LIN'I. OF GENTS' FUltMSHINO GOODS! DON'T PURCHA8E YOüK SPRING AND SÜMMER OUTFIfS UKTIL YOU O-I "VB I-ÏIlviC ACALl,. 15 South Main St., Ann Arboi. UU-tfc pKEAT SÜMMER Cleaning Out Sale AT Tl METROPOLITAN Iu order to mate roum for n;om;ileto Now Stock of DRY GOODS thirt FftU. I wlli offfr ovi-rv altlde in the Btoro at Sl'BIOfLY NEW Yui'.K. C'Oaï, u uuw ia jour time fui bargaiut. Sale to Ibcgin ïïonday, July 29ihj Aud to continue for TUirty XJsys. Tabla Linees, Tablo Covert, NapkiiiH, Towels, Touclinir, llosierv, GloVis, Cor te, Hoop Skins, Laca Bunwls, Bmbroiderles, Laces, Vlet. Slmwls, Svis Miisüns, Jacouets, ;:iúu .V iljr., Nnsook, plain i fljj., lirilllaiitoti, i'inisli Cambrlós, ÍjiiH'a.s. Shirt Bos'ms, Counterpauea, )l';! TrlmtDlogs, J [anilkerchiefH, Buttons, Tlditm, White Hut1 Piques, Lace üurtalus. Ladles' Stiii, Ladles' Mde-Up Utidér Garments, Parasols, KW (Moves, Slik Ffiages, Wlilte Outtoo TrluiiDings, .: Prlngi s, P rfvjrmery, Soaps, Brushea, Pocket Books, Combs MILLÏNERY OF ALL KINDS, BELOW COST. Arul a thouHtiiirt oth6r aruclop !n ttte Fancy Good Trsüc tou umuerous to moptloD. No. 33 South Main Street, Anu Arbor. H. COHEN. X3S5tf MOTHERS! M THERSÜ MOTHERS ! ! Don't íiiil t procure ÜIRS. WIZVSlows siio'niix; syui:i' rou UHILDBEN TEETHITO Thia Taloable proparatlon bas been usd w;:!i NEVKU-KAILISG Ií? TH0Ü8AND8 OV CASESf. !t not only telle?ea t ■ cbild trom i:iin, but invij;oratep the stom n'Ii and b wli. oorrect acidltj, and ni aud QUéTgg to tho wtiule ayüteui It wlU Ülso Instantly rei Griping i tito BowpIs and AYind ('olie. W'eberieve [ttheBEST anti 8ÜRB8T REMEDY IN THE WORLD, in all caiea uf DY8BNTBBY NI) DIARRH(EA IN CBILDKEN, whether arls[ng ftom teethlng er nnv other ivis!-. Depend apon II MOiner, it will glvéreet toyourBelvea, ïiu'.l Belief anil Health to Tont Iufants. Bv rara nuil culi for ' ilrs. Winslow's Sootbtng 8yrnp." Uiiviiiu' th raoeimll o!"CUTlS,t PFKKINS" ..ii the ODtalde wrapper. Soid by Drui;iöLs thruuhout the world. ly PQY81GÏARS PREsèlPTIOM l (JOCHA'. KI. Y ANI ', CARBFÜLLY PREPABED n. w.mllif tvu.,üjiuaaisiü.


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Michigan Argus