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■ICHftiAU CENTRAL RAILROAD. SUMMEll TIMB TABLE. Pwwengertruinsnow leavc the evernl atutions,a foKtows: ooiko wem. _ L il II J.j J RAT.... .S 1 . a_ f_'fl]!j_ll A. M.:A. M. l M. P. M. r. M. P. M. Detroit, lenve, ; 7 00' 9 20 4 O.i 5 S0 8 15 9 40 Yrwilanti. M 10 25 t 32 7 IJ 9 48 10 48 Ann Arbor, 8 55 10 42 6 00 7 50 10 IS 11 07 lexter 9 25 6 30 8 13 10 45 babea, 45 8 32 11 05 rns Lake, 10 15 9 00 11 36 a. M. ackaon, 10 50 11 W 9 35 1 00 12 15 1-. M. 1'. M. A. ti. A. M. -.ilnmnzoo, 2 1 2 2K IS 25 4 20 hJCHgoamre, j 8 46 T_SOi_ 6 30,10 20 : 80 nomo kast. !Íil}í Í P. M. f. M. A. M. A. M. hicr.eo, lenve, 5 U II 00 5 30 9 30 A. M. A. M. 1'. M. iilumiUEOO, 2 Í0 I 00 11 30 2 28 a. M. r. m. ncksmi. II W 4 40 S 10 2 M 4 40 nua I.ake, 8 4 3 1 A. M. 0 07 3 55 extev, M 4 15 nn ArWir, 1 58 l 00 6 U 0 U 4 45 5 40 ngllBiltí. 1 22 ti 20 ; 20 lo 20 5 08 (1 00 etroit, arrive, .135 7 2.1 s 45 11 so 6 88, J 00 The Atlantic, and l'acitlc Kxprcss run belween nckwin niul N'ile on Uta Air Une. DatedJuly 22.1S72. OKT WAYNE, JACKctON AND Saginaw Railrcad. The most direct route to Pittsburj, rhilndelphla, altimore, Washington, and ull pailita outh und uthwest. IViúns run by ( htago Time. TBA1NB OOINO 8OUTn. .VíiiV. Kxfirffn. Angola Acc. ickson, 7 15 a. M. 12 10 v. M. 4 40 p. m. anov.r, 7 54 II S 5 20 inesvllle, 8 25 1 20 5 50 ngoln, 9 53 7 35 'atorloo. li' a 8 15 öbuxn, 16 47 8 29 ,r1 'Aiiyne, 11 4S - 0 25 idnuoylia, (; mi p. m. 1.30a.m. mciimati, 8 50 ■ouisville, 10 45 10 45P. M. TWAÏNS OlSíi NOHTH. Anqnla Are. Krprest. Mm'J. iAiilivillc, !' (i a. M. 10 29 t. K. CiudunatC 7 lo a. m. [ndiiinapolte, 4 00 v. m. 10 lo l-'uil Wuyiif, 7 05a. m. 4 M v. M. Aubarn, 8 oo 5 22 Wnttrloo, 8 13 5 37 Angola, 8 50 6 35 tonesville, 1 I 3 05 p. M. R 02 HüK.nrr 10 60 S 8 8 32 Jookson, 11 30 4 :5 9 lo At Jaokson ' üow cohwwWow on m:v o with Miclijgñn ' tentnl, Beloon, Uuuing A; Baginftw, and Qnnd lüvi-r Valley Uailrond. At U itl) Lukt Shoroi: MichignnSoutliem Kailroad. At Waterloo- With Iikc Sliore & Michigan Southern {Air I-inc). A Knrt Wyiie- WJth Pittabury, Fort Wayne 4 Chküigo; Toledo. WahnBh J Wcsteni.and Ft. Wayue, Muncie & Cinciiinatl Railroada W. A. EKXST, Supt. Hoü't. {H.HE, Gen'l. Ticket Ag't. July 25. l7-_. PIANTATHW BITTfcKS. S. T. - 1860 - X. This wonderful vegetable restorativci is the Bheet-anchor of tbe tet ble and debilitated. As a tonic aíiH cordial for the Hj;ed and lanpiíd it lias no equal ftmong etOHinchíce. As a rinedy fir t!ie nervons weakneec8s wliicli women are especiaüy aubjected, it is -uper6ed:n}r cerj' otlier stimiilant. In all cliinates, tropical, températe or í'rigid, it acts as a specitic in every seoie8 of" disorder wbicli nndemaicee the bodíly strength and breaks down the animal spirits. lS65-yl. Beaitifnl Woman HAKAN'S ItlAKNOMA It AL.11 friven to tde Coitiplcxicii tlic Fi'CfetbncKH of Vouth. Mvi-nV Magnolia 'íii.u overeóme the fluhed appmraacecitued ly neat, fiitioe anl excitement. It mnkes the lady of forty appenr bat tr?n'y. and so uatür:il ud perfect thut uo person cin detect is appHcatlon. Byitsuso the rangfaerttkln lumade to rival tD pure rarliaiit txturo of youthful beauty. It removes rcdtie.rts, blotcheK, and pimple?. It con turne i ithinsc H"t "III iojure the skin In the least. MiiLi' lla H:i!m la üsed ly all fashi nable ladlea in New York. I, ndon and Parle It costa only T.". Cents per Bottle, aud is sold by all firsggluts and PstAdmts. 1355-e3w-y. BUOKS. BOOKS.I1 J. R. WEBSTEB & (O. HEW OOK STORE BEAB THE " EXPRESS OFFICE." LOOK TO YOUK INTEREST AND (ALL. BOÖKS. tNNAliliOR Mineral SjM-iiiírs House. Thl !(! mtifnl recrt for hualth eeekers ie now upeii, with il-. IRON. MAGNESIA, AND SULPHUR WATERS, Commodiom buildlxg heated by team, and lare aiid well-vcntilated rooms WATER AND AIR BATHS, Of all temperaturen, ii)bo Shower, Vapor, Medicated and Electric Bathft ure ertiplnyi d with advantae ii: the treatment of all ibrms of chrunic ditwaeep and dUeases of femalefr. Svcclal attentton paid to diet . With pleaeant snrrotmdlnprs, and sitaated in one of the most healthy and Ufftiltiful ritiot in the country . u poftseeseg ütractionK for invalide ur for pleftflare-9eckcrsscldom found. The HiiHlyuls of the Spring? will be larnished on iippüc.ition. Pernons desirin)? clrrularB to send to th-ir frlends can procure them at the cfficeof thfelroprietors on Huron Mn -t,r al the prings. Addrem all lcttp re of itiqnf fy to MORRIS HALE, M . II.. Slipt. 1 ... Ans Akhoh, Míen. NutlM-rlitnd and U'heilun, l'rop'. Ann Arbor, Mich., June 'H 1SÍS.


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