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"obscure" Candidates

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Speaking of the Democratie and Liberal Republican State ticket, the Sagituw Jint.eririie says : " George H. House, of Lansing, the candidato for Secretary of Stnte, has aoted as Doputy Secretary of State, and has thoreforo had somo exporience in public affairs. Not anothor man on the State ticket has any significance as huving much personal strength. It is evident that the men who infido these nomination8 expected ihe tickot would be beaten, and only desired to go thrcugh with the usual forms so as to preserve party organization. It is a little surprising that Governor Bluir should havo been induced to head such a ticket." Other Eepublicnn jounial spetvk alike contemptuously of the candidatos, branding them as unknown und " obscure ' men, etc. These journals ought to know that inembers of a minority party in a State or county have not the opportunity of public service to givo thom political famo oither at homo or abroad, and that because a man haa not held is no evidence that he lacks the qualiflcations. But are these men so " obscure " '( Passing by Gov. Blair, who has certainly a public record and a service equal to that of John J. BaGLEY, lot us compare : John C. Blanchard, ao curtly dis posod of by tho Detroit Tríbvme as " an obscuro man of only i limited local repu tation and of no especial public exper: ence," will certainly suffor nothiug non trastcd with Heku Y H. Holt. It is tru that the Ionia Ropublioans havo not sen tlio sturdy Democratie Iílaxchard to the Legislatura for a couple of ternis - Holt's " strong holt,"- but ho is to-dn; better knowu to the Demooracy of Mich igan than is Mr. Holt to tho Republi ciins, despite the latter's two terms o legislativa experience, and is, to draw i mild, his poer in iutolligenoe, ability anc fitness for tho positioa of LieutenantGovernor. Mr. House has been Deputy Secretary of State, and wus counted by Republioans a good and fuithl'ul officer. His acquaintance is oertainly largor throughout the Stato tiian was that of his opponent, Mr. Stkikeu, when nominated two years ago. Mr. Hollojs', the candidate for Treasurer, lucks Mr. Oollikb's one terra in the Sonate, but is a bunker of equally good reputation. Ho husn't had Mr. Collikii's one term oxperience as Troasurer, neither had Mr. C. and when nominated two years ago. " Obscurity " has datos and times, and had Mr. CoLi.iun resided in a strong Democratio locality he iniffht not have emorged i'roru it to this day. Mr. Hollon's time to broak tho shell has just come. Neil O'Heahn, tho candidato for Auditor General, faithfully and accoptably servod Livingston County as Clerk und Register eight years, since whioh ho has been an active partner in a well-known banking flrm at Howoll. Whon Mr. EIumphrey was first nominated, six years ago, had ho had as good training 'or the position, or was ho any less " obeenre " - as a ctvilian ? We venture to say that O'Heaiin is a man of more ability than HüMl'iiiiEY - minus, of course, the latter'8 present exporience. Coming to the Attorney General, we are safe in saying that Matïhew H. MCaynakd has a reputation in legal and court circles which will suffer nothing in comparison with that of Byhon D. BaIX. That Maynakd is the fittest man of the ;wo thero can be no doubt, and this not withstandiug a term in the Senate has Drought Baix out of " obscurity " if not added to his legal fume. If George H. Murdock, tho "obscuro" candidate for Commissioner of the Land 3ffice, is not known in evory school disrict in tho Stato, neither hus his opponent, Mr. Clapi, been heard to crow far joyond his own dung-hill. The candidates for Superintendent of Publio In8truction are about oqually cnown to fumo. Mr. Bniocis has beon a uccossful toachor and County Superiniendent. Mr. Steauns is also a tonoher of experience, a lawycr of concodod ftbilty and cnorgy, and ü asuocessful Super - ntondent, olocted in the second county n the Stato against a largo Republican majority. This marks the standing of he " obscuro " man at home. We may also say that he is a gradúate of tho Stato ormal School and of tho Law Dopartment of the Univorsity. Coming to the last man on the " essenially weak" bocause "obscure" ticket, the candidate for nieiuber of tho Board of Education, is not Mr. Feldnek, indevsed by tho Tribune itself as " one of ;he leudiug Gormans of this city (Deroit), and an experienced educutor," as videly known as his Ropubllcan oppolent, Mr Donscn, of Monroo'r' This talk of " personaliy weak" and ' obscure " candidatos is tho merest twadlle, and gives ovidcnoo that the Radicáis are hard-pushed for capital.


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Michigan Argus