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Off for 'ew York. Our townsman, Mr. II. Cohcn, h:is t-rw F.ast to puri-iinsc his fall stock of Millinery nnd Fancy Goods. Mr. ('. will ;ü bring on a full stock of Dry Ooods, whiuh will bo sold at small proflts- and for Cash only - o fts to iusure tho buyer thoworth of hin money overy timo. VTe aro undor Uu Imprduioa that judging by hits paat careor ho moans it too Trof. Saoe is prep.ireil to ffivo Vocal and Instrumental lCT?ons at hia iwa Xo. 40 William St., or at the residenee ofpupils. W01 ijivn lessons in note reading and einaine. 'Will receivo proposalj to tako charge of tho choirs in the city or olsewhere Adilress P. O., Dox UI. YcIIow Fcrer. Pisinfect your ftouses by using Bromo Ciiloealui. Non-poisono;ipt odorlflflB, afe and B-.ire. Prepared only by & Co., 17(5 W'üliamSt., X. Y. BoM bf all Drog ÍIOW 10 Q0 "VVEST. Thle Is n tnqalry whlch every one ehoukl lmve "ƒ '■' nnsworid 'neforo he starts on hisjonrney and a llttle care taken lu exfiraination of IloutoB will in mftny casos suve much trouMe, timo and money. The "O., B. & Q. R. R.," running from Chicnfjo throuiih GaloBbarg to Burlington, has nohicvi'd plendid ceputntlon in the last two years aa the leadinjy Passenger Houto to the WGÊtt At liurlln(ton lt connects with tho great Btirllngton Konte whlch ruos flirectly tbrongb Southern Iown to Ne qrnskü and Kansas, witli closo connectloca toCallfor. nia and tlie Territorios : and paesöncjorB etartliiK from WgahtenftW Couuty, on tlitilr way WMtwudi csnnot d bettot tliar to tuke the C. ü. & Q. and Iiurünpton Ronto. Tliis line hns pub! Ishn:'. a pumplilet cHllod " How to ao Wou," irhlch conlalns mucb valuaMe inforUf.ti- n : H lurj.v oorrect mnp of the Groat West, whlch ean boohtAtned freeofchargii i. sddresaing tho !■:] rul Passenger AuentB.& M. II. H. Burlutou Iowa. ïisshlor's Fctit id Agae Pillst is no rciueily, but one that haBBtoodtl) ■ ioi hi-ai'7 yean' use. Theyc at . ■ . or quinint , and hkstead "f rdawring thu ■ vtxongthen nnd fnvig'inite it aod loavc the in a healthy umi sound oonditjoii. l'niiii a luultituut of lettere we insert the following : Jamaica, L. I., June 8th, 1BT1, "Itake pleasnrein bsaring 'vrüneaa totheeffloaoy of Deabler's Fever ai :-;, haviag oud them Inmyfamüy wifeh oomplete rtuccc3 fortlio laritten yoara, and eheerfully rcoommend them to imy one iflijted with Pevei nnd Aguo. S. 13. CE0S8MAN. For Sale by E. Wl ELLIa & CO., and EBEKBAOH &CO.


Old News
Michigan Argus