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üortgage Salo. DEFATTLT baripg been made in the eondition óf a . made and i-m cuted by M. tic lofl and Blizabeth t&aafl f Cometa k F. HUt, d&te the ürnt liy of Bflarcb, a. d. eighteen huudnul iind seventy-om', and rocoid d in Ün ol the la ot Washtena-n i .i) in Líber forty-tbree of mortgagea on page tour hundred and twenty-flve, on the nfteenth day of ■■ . i. eighteen hnndred and Berenty-one, at ten and one-fourth oclock n.; and the power of ■ tained :i Baid in irtgftge baviug becoue aperatiw i-y rt-Rsun ot' siioli defauH, aad tbe Bom of eight l and twelve dolían mui Bfty cents bctng : to be due on said mortgaj Dotïoe, and The hom; tito BU of thlity dollars, as ptorided lor in said i do soit or proeeeding al Lnn oí oer] baring been inetituted toreuovei tfae hnme or nuy parttbereof: Notice is thexefore henby give. tfaat ■ l mortgtige will be foreckwed by a iale of the mort. moa uid premlwa th r ba deeeribed uu4 Benand ct forlb, ot su maeb thereof as wil] beneoeaaary I d amount, on t$atxduy, tbe bevtinth day of Deoet&ber oexfc, at eleten o'cJor:k in the fovenoon of Baíd day, al i of tbe Oourt Iloiue in the oky of Ann Arbor, that being tbe place for holding tbe Circuit Coori tot the oounty ot Waahteiiaw; Ü o be soM fi rtw of t ïio jxwer of saJein unid . ■' followa ; Aa oí the ent part of lot number ten (10), bdog tooi ■;v ' ie Ana Arbor Lerad lition to the dt] ei Ann Arbor inaw, BliehJ Dutcd Auu Arbor, &ept. U, 1872. K P. 1IILL, Hortage. D. Ckamgb, Atr'j foar Slortgagee. Estáte of Joel Hornbeck. CTAT1 ! -,w, rp. ■ At a aeesion of th ourt for the eount] i VTashtenaw, holden at the Probate office, m the city of Ann Aro i .. atfa day of aber, in the ytr one thouaund cight hundred and sev) my-two. tn J. Bealies, Jndge of 1' t ui the ■ ' iel Jloï'nhcch, l. Onn ïdüu and flhng1 the petition, doly vrriiïed, ol bot he siay the parpóse of diatributing tjiepro among tho dt I i in the wül oj w '■■'■ ■;■ ' efwed .. teredo thai IConday, H"j twenty■■ :.a', tA.n o'ch)ik iu tlu-fortnoon, ned RW the hearing of said pea ilion, aad thal La ir of Baid deoeased, i ; other persons roten Bted lo aid estáte, are required te ntppear trt ■■■ dd Court. then to be holden n1 toe Probate Ofllce, ín theofttj m' An.-i Ari'or. and sliow fanee, íí any títere be, the prayerof thepetitíonorsboaldnol be granted: And it is fui i hei oraered, thatsaid p cotice to Hk; peí ■ ' - . ndeney ■'. mikI thc thereof, byeauauiga copy oí' this order to be pubUshed id the Wiéht'gún At mu, a D&wspapcr printeO and ettöalatinjg in sftld coanty, íour suooeaiuTO weeks previotia to síiid day of hearing. (Atru(eopy.) HIR.'r .T. BEAKE8. 1391 Judge of PAbate Estáte of Yocum9 - minors OTA! Tinw, as ■ At i aewion of the Probatfl ( !ourt for the Cöunti) vi Probate ! tlfios, ín the City of Aun Aroor, on FridHy, tho sixth day ol 6epin the ycar one thotmand eight hunh-cd and ■ ÜiraxaJ. Beakce, Judgeof Probate matter of th Selen J. Yocum, and ll-jiry V. Yocuin niinors, ECarri tardian oí anuí . ■ - into Cburt and repi iñ now ppepaped to rendex ht tirst aectmnt nBandh tn. iv la 01 Sered, tbat Monday, íhe ■y ncxt. at ten ododí i'i I n-juti. be iwtflgned íor thc heurinp : on, axid thai next of !-:iri of saíd minors uuá ni ■- . are reqaft%d to holden Office, is the it 'i 'uiu Albor, and any there be, why the piayer oi titioner shoold aoi I isfurthei or■ nii.ui nve notice to theperftcna ■ i 'm naód estáte, of tl)1 penden j ti'n:, and tbehearisfi thrcof, by caueinga oopy ofthit order to I I in the Michigan Arous, a q6wbpaper pslnted and círculating ín said íooniy, tline üive weekfl pre : daj ol hearinjr. copy.) HIBAM J. BKA : Judge of Probate. Estáte of Christopher' L-mge. ''a i ËOF MICHIGAN, CotmtyofWa&hte& v A.t a Beasion of the Probate Courl for :hp (ounty it' Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, inth '■ c:ty Lvf Aun Arbor, on Tüuraday, tho flíth dayof St'i.u in't-r, in the yeai une tliuusaiid ciltt Uundred and sevënty-two. Present, Hiram J. BeakeaJudgeof Trobate. 1m the matter of the estáte oí Uhriatopher T-fwige, , Un reading an i Hhiir the petkien duly vcrüied.of ' ifa K:ipp, Administrator, praying thathemay I ■ ■'.i certain reo] estáte whereof mSA áw Lted - :'., rh.'lt n■l;l", tllt fr-urtconth day oí' Ootobef next, at ten noon, ■ ! t' -r th ■ hi ..■ ■ and tnat the law 01 stad d ceaw d, hum ui] otber persons m: in BOid estáte, are required fco a] m of said Govrt, thcn to be bolden at tlie ii the ■ i: y nt A un Arbor, hikI s!;nv canse, il any there Be, why the pi aj er ui the petitioi i begranted; And il is further o the perwoiiin iftfiepen lenoyof Ltiou, uud the hearing thereof, by canafng b copy oí to be puoUahed in the Vickfyan Irgus, a aewspaper printed and oirculating tn raid Oounty, foux suooeecdTe weeks previous tosaid dny of bearing. ía tnwoopyví Jiu; LU J.BE LEES, ïl Jadge oí Probate, Ëstate of Jamos Linclon. CTÁTE OF MICHK'AN, (Vunly of WahtenffW, SB, At aseaslon t)f ti. nantyoi Probate Oicii-t, intheCatj ot Ana Arbor, ou Baturday, the twenty-fourth dny oí August, in the year one thousivnd eigbt huudred uiid ■ ■, iiir;im 3. Beakea, Jadge of Probate. In the muteer of the cstuto of Jumos laindon, deoeased. Üii ruftding and tllinfr itopotition,du1y veriiied,of ,)t-i A Lin Ion and Judson ) nu ion, :ti ing Eba1 1 oert.tin instramezit now ou file inthiscourt, purjiortinf? o ba I iit: Last wül and bestameni of buJ ! deceaaed, may be admitted lü probate, uud thut they may be appointitori thexeof ;jnn it is ordered, that Hunday, fcha teventh uny of ' totober next, at too oclot k In tbi nixrn, be assjgned for the hearüüg of said petition, and tls-.t the leñatees, devuees nnj heira at luw of aaid at i asi üt nd all other ;-d in siid e-:..;., an NQniiect to apM bolden, at iffice, in the City of Ama Arbor, und i.r.LYt r of the potitioi - - ïuriluT I itioner give ootice to Interest tien, ;iiiil the hearing thereof, by i ■ oí this i :n the Vicfiij p;i]M-r printed and ■ - I oounty, -'nve ■uoceutave wuuks pivviim to soid day ut' hearing, (A truorxipy.J UIÜAM' .1. ÜKA S l Jiulge of Probate. ITHlTMüüK LAKE, Haring reoently :Tticd and furnished the CLIFTON HOUSE! I -Ma ii iw prpared ta recclre and entertain piensnre, ftitbtng And dancing partios at otie of th niont attractlvt , pleatanl and hc:uiiiy watorln pi a Dn-. West. II y boata are lárice anri q 'mmodioue and wctl :í. ■ use of pleagara -(.'tkre. Anl'.Trt witl üud a fulJ and complete ccuipineat' nlwayy on IihihI; s;. 'cIbI attent tüD trivcn to tho wants and comfort of tb om who wish tt) tpend a fow weeks Ln n darlns tlf vrni sammer montbt No pala win be spared to make WHITMORH v 'ii !, in thiï lutiire aa ia toe past, a favorita su:njort. D. F. SMITlf. Finost 4ssortrnont of Toilei Groods ík the City,by MMr TU Cut lllujtrates the manner of Using fj ï? PIERCE'3 roucíaiu A'asal Injeetor. j DOUCHE.Jpk f Thic jnsíir.mont io ospocielly dísizuej for ftj parftctappütiitiüD of DR. SAGE'S CATAFIRH REMEDY. Itisths oülv form of Ir.atrnmCTt Tetfarcnti T.'ltbwhich fluifl merlfcino cnu bee.irriedjioi OD(l vtreciiy apptitd t. nll jwría of (be aríictii nasíú (uissSK'-.i. ''i 'luc'i. mborsotovitUta manicatlng tlierewith, ln-wliich eores ud lian freqnoutly exlst, smií from which th eiUnkal I dlechnrgu geDerallv prncroíls. Thj wut cf m-. cess in treatiug eatarrb horctoforo has arisir largeiy froin the lmpussibility of appljiug ja& die to these cnviiieA and caamhtra by mv of tbe ordinaryínethads. Thiüobatiicloin thoinv i of efíectiBg ■ u-ly orireeino by tbV iüvtHtio;) ui üws luiicho. lu Waiag rhia iostm-1 '. ment, the Fluid Is carricd by its ouvi wjigfct (ni sr.iiffl-e, fcrc;.. cr puir.p'.ie beine recuirea, uj o: iinstril in a mil Buwmg ir.aoi to tfc hibeet portioD ol tlie naai i:ist;fa. pj#sí lnto and thorougMv clcaoycs ,".fl tbe ftiltsunt cbambera oonnecCeu tliertwitli, ñnd flcws rtof tke cpposlJe nosiril, lía uso ia pkasaut and w eíuiple th:tt a thila can uinlorsUuiI it. ynil mi exil!rllll. . ttlomaccompaDyeachtou xuADt. wncn nseo witö tius ni.-.tnuuent, Dr. Öage's Catarrh Kemociv curva recent att&cfcs of " t tl f i the Had" bj a-fewaplcatíoíu; 9ynAVomo cf ('ntüuh. Frequent btti ache, diacbarjFe falling into tbroat. sometía1 profupf;, 7-ut-. :y, tliick icuriia, puru'i ut, Offea-' Bive, 4?c. 3u othera a tlrj n. sa, dry, wtu ry, weaic or inriiirriü i rnctiaa of' nnsal nnf-Aisi ,iw!ting' and ooogLiiig to ch-ar fhroa, okonttna, wal from uIccim, oc.v alten-d, Dns.tltvug.offeottTtr breafh. uupaired or tï;il depi [Tt(oao(aesMif emell aul Enst tlïzzfui o .- Ol ■ ppetit ';:.- ;,.:, . dta Ouljr ;t few oi' tnese svinptoüia ar#' likeiy to be present in anycase aii . ir. raj;- t uiï5ïii tti medy, ivhjn awi nanled wltfa tlu. cstistitiitional treatme isrecoTnmt'idil in thy pan rapsewk botbleof thM R mrn-HWi, iiuá the prpritor gfMKÏ faith, SOO " 'wai-d ftr a oasslwciBnut euro. Tiie Kemoiiy is mild anI piuse, coutfiicitig io steons; or causíic i Si jucho at ■# c i :. 1 ■.(■:. . ■ iuuilu(i dj [■. üfUcoM - - . b , íí. D., i . k-tor, ■ -M.d. :-:. r. . - ■ hllect'iozi Soïke. SHERIFF'S OFFrOE. Wabhtenaw Comn A s ■ A o bob, August 37, To the Medan q Yoti HTüliircby notihtUthat at the next Geiml i ii, to be b ld on the hu ; ai flrst .louday of November next, in the -tatt' ol MJebigan, tht' iollowing oüiciirs ure Ui be el bleven Electora oi F re (idt ut and Viee Prcsrimi oí thfl (Tnited tateM, a Oovetnor, Lieutenent üouibw oi álate, Ai i'reasuitr, Commissioner, of the ttate Land Oilioe, Atttf General, Buperin! endent of Vublie lust ruct ion, ML-uiberof the Htate Board of EduefttiOD i pUce Edwin W i term of oítíoo wilU-xpirt . a R presentatiTB in ongwii tionaJ District of UiúStat ; wbicb Washtenaw ('.unry Uattachcd. At)0 atorforthe i-'ourth Senatorial JJiatiict, coDsitir([Oi Washtrnaw ( ounty, uieetiblf to the pi ActNo. 1 8, of the tieKdion Lawsofl871. Aluiw Kepyeeantatirea in the state Legislalure, bpiw tutbeproiaiouüOf Act Nu. 146 oïtbesessionUw 1871. Alsothe follotvinfl rouniy officara: onE Probate, ooe Bbertff. ono ounty Clerlr, oneoii.ï Treaaorer one Kegiater or Deeds, oaa Vvutai ■?.;■:-. .■("'.■■',■ jn:!y ;::v;yur. . ■ 1 thnt at sai Jttnjtion the foll to the ConsMWf of thia sfutu ure to besubmittpd tothe pwfjeoíui State lorihuir doption or rejection, puntué " requirements of the '■:: irmion :md the rebutió oflhe Legislatura anbmilting them, vis: , An " iir proTidmg for tlit' a-mm ■' ■ , .. , j.iifhiwl" (heroof reslioed Siior to the iwent-MVeiitl "■" rhteen hundr the ona towr.Bhips nnd municipnlitii's iiff th I and in ld ol'uny Kuilroud t'ompany," ] by Juin!. i No. 31 oitho tesai An ' Ameodment relaHve to the limit ' ï . add the mimber thvreof," ijiotu!! r' n N'. 36, of the SrasiOD Um li"'0 Andao "AmandmuU rdati to tlio ""VÍ ■ o.i:t," provided fot bytw ftfcaësaict Joint Rvwlution. ,. ■# MVlïON' AVEBBsbo DOW'T FORCET Tlmt the Fsirest. S,]uHrfKt. aud te(tpl .'' ' S Arbnr to h:;y Pure Drum and Medicines, miluI.iiiuor, for Medicinal Purpuses, PAINTS, OU, VARNISHESr BRÜSHES, &C, R. W. ELLIS & COS. Corner ODDOslte the SavinwB. 1 Our PeonaneDt Colrs, oti'fiJoor Im Inir. miunfacttirfd r m Pure W'hlle Lead '■"' ,mi Llnseed 011. Cheaper airl bettor ttian '■ Paiut mndc Solii by Hm ellon, Ifcg. ü' ,, lorj AlroPare Whie Lend; Zinc. Ac, l f3tocw' Píleo. HEMEMBER NAME A.N!) PLACB. II. W. EI.U9 & c0 Real Estafo for Sale THE VOLK PIK HUMESnjJ Ncr the north -eaut corner of the i ';,.,„„( Fomre This pjoperty wil! !" W "' ' ,; - priccs, iu lote cnltablv for r.piii.-n"1; ' ' esii f ,,a Uilier AT"" Tutus' gntn fuñí-i'. Aleo a Farm of 160 Acres, Woll watcred and fencod, with good '-'" (air bnildlng. wiihiu n müc of ' "'!„,,.- St.Johns, Michigan, andseveral !""."'';" Couulj. pino and o:ik tlmbored landsin Baglnaw Üiohiean. InquUeof CHF[:vl.;Klor ïsuomo C' A CHAPÍN IJKOPLE'B DRUG STOri' R.W.ELÜS&CO


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Michigan Argus