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Grant And Rawlins

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Stillwateb, August 31, 187'!. To the Editor of ' ■ Sí. Paul P m ■ r : Fur whiitevi-r it may be worth Í wish j, ooncerning the assertion of Senator Conklinfc, that President Grant did not arrive at Washington uittil abontfour ïours after the deatb of Beoretary Raw.ins. I was told in Washington on the duy of the funeral of Hecretfcry Buwlins, iy a 0 i'.iiin:t officer, that the i'' sid ni's aation of his delay was that the r.uiwiiy oompany- Vandi rbilt's, I believo, ïi' i ic:iu!iuücr rightj - rofused to t'u - nish him i :-;■ icial traiu, and tbat the railway autbonties denied that he hmt ■ foi speoial. Naturally, í inqnired tho probable rea sou tor uis failure to röucb Washington 1 w-iis toM it was well undoretood that Rawlina was i strong lïien.i of the Cuban movement tor liberty, and that Grant I tho Secietary mighl ezaot from liim a promise to recognizo tho Uub ns ;.s posseswng belligerent righta. With regard to the Bawlinsfund, I o:tn say a word moru tfaan you sy. As to niy statcmuiit it is pernapa suiKcit;nt ior me to mention that I wus invested with power of attoriify by Mj8. Ilawliiis to look aitcr her affairs, and I was oonsequently well acquainted with tho fautsin tiieciisc. I do not know, except upon Gould's testuiuniy, who piiid $1JÜOO whiehörant Babscribed to the Etawlin fnnd ; but 1 do do kauw that ziearly t ho full suin of f50,(MtO proposed to I; r.i.i.-tl tor the 1 of the impoverishoct faraily of tbe I ta. y was subscribed be ore "Black crilay," and that General Butterfield v;is .ver of i'imii. I went to New York severa] tims alter that infamous day, in the attumpt to learn Bomething of the wherualjouts of tiie fund, but acoompliahod nothing, for Butterfield was oever where I oould find i1: tbe subsoribws, ii.ifus llitoh, Pisk, I & Co., W. II. Vermilyéi and others, I learned only that the subscriptsons had been paid to the reoeiver. Beturning to my home, and that of Mrs. liawüns, at Daubury, Coiin., at her reqUMt I wrote I Lettere to President Grant, who, as I was informed at, N'ew Vork wunaaed by the sutteorlberg to the Kawlins iund as trustee thereof. These letters were unnotieed by tho President. And not until Januaiy 1, following the Secretary'a deatb, did tho trustee of the fund oondeseend to inform the widow that United l bonds to the amount of about $38,.")!)( had been placed in bis hands, the in. t installment of interest upon which would become iivailabie in tho following July. How or by whom the fund was handled between " Black Friday " and tho 4th of Januaiy following I never learned ; but oertainly tho family of the Secretary, lef t penniless at big deatb, reeeived no benefit from it until tho time above ïucntioned. Tuis naay seein to many readers, and particularly to jjaitiHün offiíO-lioldurs umi Grunt-orators, a very smal! matter. It will not appeax to those who kuow how much General Grant. was indebtod to his former obief of stuff, Rawling. To illustrate thia indebtedness : A party vï mil itary men, aniong thein several raembers of Grant's staff, wore at a oertain dinner at Sar.itoj;a. üno of tho toasts L' ven was, " The staif of the Geueral Commanding the Armies." Por a minute or so there no response. At length General W. i Hillyer, of that gtaff, tii-st modi stly waitiug for his ranking offioera to respond, and Baid . " i : I will re spond to that toast, and in connection with it pormit me to present Éhe name oí ral John A. Bawlins, Chief of iStaif, and to ?uy, wiiithout ftawlina thefa woüld have been no Grant!" ly authority for this story sa-, s that "Hillyer was Sushed with vhn'." Perhapgsc. Porhapf, also, t!i' proverb was true, ,'J tai," Wbat can be suid of the man who could so soon forgfit his obligations to his noble, patriotie obief adviser, as to permit his family ir tho actual neo essarieaof lifeV Yours truly, WILLIAM (i. HASKELL, Pastor TTni-ersalist Cfautofa; StilTwator.


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Michigan Argus