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Fashion In Colors

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Fraiii Ledie's l.a d 'y' '3 ,vvr nal saya: " Thero iá no color, no shado of color no huo or tin; in naturo that is not simulated, nnd in a manner as dulicutcas the rarost, in cloud, leaf or ñower. " Among tliu substantial colors, ortlioso niost popular for comnion use, the forthooming' bronzos,' or ius from Vandyke brown to the puro olive, will be prominent. They raí riair, or cl ar hmiizo oí' a fresh, metallio lustre, through tLo medium, and 1 dark ; ■ medium, and 'fonce, to thí whioh hu, a dark purplish ti' " Very olosely allied to tho bronzes aro ihr ■■ 1 ■ int, puro olivo, ti tho bwyeirejon ehados oí' thoso bi autiful tints, in whiob it is difficult to decide whother browu or green has tlio predominan "In greens therc is a positivo frosh &mtraudê, or emerald, the AÜantique, the Neptune - a darkershado of bluish ■ the calibri, or humming-bird color, ot'still inoro bluish tint ; tho vitriol- a dark ahade, nion; nearly bliu taan groen ; tho turquoüe, trom :i very dark to tho niost delicately palé tint ; the or apple-green, cf very lively huo. T)io oertH'u-, it' , soft, dt'licato Bbade Azoff, vert Rhone, t H Lem ttffara, supposed to resomble in huo the boauíii'ul waters. And the Sappho - a beautiful and delicate Bbade, closely resemblin tho yellowish iletternich-green of a i'uw years igo. " Theee greens are pcculiarly fino in artificial light, and, ot' ttio Hghter shades, wdll be vtry mueli worn for tho evening. "In bliuis, inclining to green, thu most elegant i the sapphire, of tho huo of tho beautiful gem Irom which it dwrivoa its nomo. Oí' positive bluos thuro tiro ■hades of 1 , running l'u tho clear, tlia medium, and tho dark ; ■whilii in grayish blusa are theit or tho polar slcy, irt (breo shades ; the ', or China slij', dair, medium and fuñen; and 1 bluo, inclining'to gray, of thrfie shad "Inpurplean ittirj'tints aro two shades of the iolol, inclining to toe blue tint, umi tho Margai rito, whith inclines to the riohest orimeon ; ali f thia, and 0110 that will bc elegant for ' dinn r dress, is the princes6e, and next the Froufrou lilao, the dium and fonce, tite peche, or peaoh-blos m jiinli, whioh is of the purplish huo of the bud bofon; bursting into open blossom, in out in many thil.i to tho anomono or wind-flower, cno of the most delicato blossonis oí' pring. " In Ihere is from tho riohost, most lively Tyrian h.uo, through uil the shmlcB to the jialest roso color, varying with tho cora! uñados of the aquatic gem ío tho faintest hues in whioh it is seon. Coral oolors, wíi may remarle, are more 1 oautiful by sun than artiiiuiui liyht, and are, fjro, : ndeffoitive for evening dress;?s than tlio tints of ro.-e color. " In salmón tboro aro tbroo shades, nuil ri 'ïnhling is tho roso 1ic, inclines ii üttlo moro to (he salmón tint than the aprioot ; that haa a gro:st inolination to coml pink. " In neutral oolors thora is au almost all, more nr leas, Kruüthered under thn grnyish lint, liko tbe gosBfti ier veil mist i un-lighted landscape. "Of thoso the i of t vtiry dark grayish blue-bl the iak bue of mid-ooeaii : tho platine, a sliglitly iigrhtpr üolor, inolining to invisible ;riH:n ; the r, or laurel oolor is of a very darle grayish green of tho foliage of the laurel ; the bn,:iz.' Flor ish olive-color ; tho ■ r shade of tho samo ; tho serpc: hade of greonish slate-oolor; th( of i ': de, and i nnd el irent shodes oi' the i of tho reseda or mignonfitte. " Of neutral colora inclining to fnwn, tho durkest Í9 tho cancar or oassowary oolor, in all the shades noticonbli in the plumago of tho bonutifnl bird froin whioh it dorivea it.-s name ; . furie color in Fever tho dracena and tho , both ui which aro of grtat dolicaoy. "In topaz tlioro aro all shades of this beuvitiful stoiu', tho darkest bciug called - '-n, from tho hcro of Viotor Hugqp or nut brown in sevcral shades the tho drab Krou-früu ; tho econee; tlu faltbe drab Froufrou ; the ecorcee; thoalaisr, tho Norvege, or Xorway gray ; the parapas; the irap, it,oi' tho lust soason, with with tlio Italië, a nost beautiful and eloiantshadi! nf straw color; tho ceras, the faintost shade ot' buff, and the chinchilla, of the faint ehaJo knov,-n as "gosling i " by our grandinothers, and peoulinr to v,ho Cantón crepés and brocades of thcir day, with claret, curran t, vurions blindes of lavonder, pearl and gray. " In all oxcopt positive colors, ond bright shados ot' these colora, it niay be kit that to tho gray or gilvery iingo is duo their freshneso and deliciiey, ;ited erery lmo aud shadü of comploxion, and all agos."


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