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The Second District

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The nommation oí Am Alaban cor Congrega bj t.'"' Liberata und Deinooruts oftlutSccond diotrict, h oue whioh au gun well fut sitceees iu that district at the coming election. '■■■■ unauiiuit) with whiub the notnination wus mudo hows tha Blrong f'joling whioh porvadea the district thftt there must bn i; change iu tlio conduut of uational üiViiis, and that a movüiuent which ban for one of its ohicf aiuia the inauguration of an era of roforui and roconoiliation shouïd putforward agita representatives undstaudard boan-rs mea slrong with the poople - men who are ftbove reproaoh, aml whose lives aro without blemieh. Such an 0:10 is Asa Stahan, and the Conyention iu seleoting him as tboir uomineo uoK'd wisoly and well. It is scanv'iy seoessary to refttfto the antecedi-iits ut' Aüha -Miih;n. Hp is weil knowii ihrougbout the State, and especial ly ia tiu; countioa coniposing the Sucon(J District. He is 0110 of the foreini St educator? in tlio Wost, hnTinic bwn President of Oberlin and Adrián Collages; posjtions whicb ha fllled with marked abilitv. A niitiiator Of tbo goeijol, und ono to whoin tbo institntion oí slaveTy was particulaviy abhorront, Dr. Mivbau, when ïtbxistcd, v.üs active and uütiring iu hi.i crusade :igaiiitt it. Yv'hen thö Bepublican party vas furmud bu allird hiiuself with it, and, so far as he oould consistent vvitb his vooation, zealously upbtíld and maiistaiued In the wnr for the Union one of hia sona laid down his lifo, and tbo conclusión of the wiir and tho Bubsequeut enfranoisement of thu slavcB were bfiilod with by Mr. Mahau. Naturally ho eupposed tbat in the rehabilitation of the Union the cour-o of tba admini&tiation would be marked by broad and liberal poiicy toward the Southorn Htnts ; bot he foand it instaad narrow and pioscriptive. Hu found corruption and profligaoy in high places. Though he bad thought his cuuueolion with political 8trife wm at in and with the ratitioation of tb üftcenth amendmont, he gtill found there was work to do iu tho causo of leforoiatioB. Uie abls eit'ort at Obf rlin ft skert timp -iucu shows how coiuprehensivcly bo grasps tbs situation, nud thüt hia views ou thfi moiaentous iósuos now at stuke aro clear aud souud. Tho nomination was unexpocted by Dr. Mahan. 15ut having udvanoed the proposition that in the present crisis overy patriot was cnlled upoa to serve his country, it was not for hiin to falfcer or turn btick when put forward :is the ohampion of tbo people iu the Seoond District, IIo accepts the trust not as a coiapliuiciit to liimseli', but with tho dotorminatiou to do wbat ho can for the glorieus cause of reform. He will stand boforo the peoplfl as a representativa of tbo grest principie whicii Libérala and Demócrata havo espoused, and his voice will bo beard in oonvinoing appeals to tbe people to do thoir whol duty in this ' sis. At a sacrifico ha has accepte! thifl Congressiouiil nomination : his soul is in the work, and he will by his earneatness inspiro the massus with enthuaiasm. We do not proposc, at this time at least, to compare the qualifications of Dr Maban witb tbose of Mr. Wa'dron.his opponont - they are both well known to the peoplo of tbe district ; but we will say that if Dr. linban is elected to Congres, ho will uot ocoupy tho inigniiicant positiou in tbo House of BepresontativeB that Mr. Walrdou does, nor will li be found dodging votos on questions, or placing himself ou tho record on all sides of every question and blindly following partisan dictation. Dr. Mahan possesses the advantnge over hi oompetitor of great personal popularity, wbicb would of itself go Ïht ïo elect hini, and wheu to tbis is added the hundred of lu'jn in Monroe, Washtonaw, Lenawee and Hillsdale Counties, formerly strong Rapublicans, cmbracing some of tho ablest men in tlio Stat;, who aro now Liberáis, it would seem as if efficiënt orgauization ntul éaloug work will secure hia election. Mr. Waldron in 1870 had I,7ö7 majority iu Hillsdade and Lena wee countias; Col. Eldredjre 188 in Monroe county, and Mr. Hughes '209 majority ovor Blair in Washtenaw oounty. Tbis gives on the Congre.-wional vote, 1,390 majority in the district. Baldwin's majority in these counties wat; 1,312. Dr. Mahan enn carry Lenawee county against Tilr. Waldron by a majority of at least 300 and can reduce the majority in Hlllsdale county so m'itorially that it wili be more than offset by ilonroe and Wash tosan counties. The district sbould, and we beheve will, sive Mr. Mahan at least 500


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