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TURN VEREIN Fahnenweihe of thn Anii Arbnr Turn Verein vul be held at Aun Albor, Mniuliiy and Tuasday, Beptember 23d and Ï4tb, 1872. On Bfo&day Evenin, Concert. Dedicution of i-'líifr, nnd Amateur Theater at HangBterier's IIull. lmrs open at 7 o'clock, to commeuco ut V2 o'elock. Tickets 50 conts. :h, nproeession will form at ten o'olock K. M., in the ioliowing o;iler ; Marshals. J. Uv. inner's Band. Juckron Turn Vecein. "Yorkincm.n's Asorintion, VpMlnnM. Workinguu n"s Association, Chelsea Ann Arbor Muencrchor. Ladies cri the ofaoir. Anti ArborTura Voroin. Afterparadingsome of the atreeta tlie pro ■ ■nill ruarch to the Turner Purk, whura ■ fftAW willlM) heM. In tiiu crvnitiK a grond b:il ut Hangstwrfcr'fj Ilnll. Tickets $1.00. For tuxtbcrparticulais tuyo prograiiiuiee. ltromo CliUrnlum, Keep h eloth eatoittted irith thii article hanging ín yotir sleeping roomR,it will ftluorb ti'l deatroy uil noxiona gasea iud o jin aafioniphiiig nunner. Preparad only by Tzxúdkm ft .v Lebuion, and 17fi William St., K. Y. ■ -#--. HOW TO 0 WEST. Th! ís an loqulry whlch every one nhoold have anaweffd baföro he starts on hls Jonraey aud í Ilttlc care taken In e xem i nu tl on of Rontcs will In raany caaes v mnch tronble, time anti money TheU.i D. AQ. R. R.," running frora Chicfli?o thronifh Galesbnrg ko Btirllnjctou, hap oohleved a splendid eepatation in the Iftflt Iwo yeare at the Leadlng Passenger Uouteto the west. At BarUng ton. it conneets wíth the great Barllogton Bonte which rtint dlrectly tbrotigh Southern luwu to Ne qrauka and Kansas, wlth ctose conneeftions to California mu the TorrlUrlea : aod passengen itartlng front Waahtenaw Connty, on thelr way weetward, cannot tl tiettcr tliav tü take the C & (. and BurUiiirtor. Roote. line hftH ptibllshod ft pttmpblet calld i(IIow to o Wi'-t," w'ii. ïi contalns mach valuable infor!Uï.tion ; a litrue correct m-ip of the Oreat Went, wblch can beobtfttnvd freo of churre b acldrcshin,' the Goneral Paje e o go r AentB. A M.B. It. BurLngton Iowa . lïosïiïor's FeTer and Agae Pili?. is üú in-w remecly, bul one tlint lias stood tho tewtol' -■■t:. They contato no Hurewy vuníc, or qiii'fjí.íí', mul inatead of roilncing the BVstt'Bi, strengt hen nnd invigorate it and leave tlic in a healthy and sound eondiüon. From a mulütude of letter we meert thefollowing; Jamaica, L. I., June 8th, 1671. "Ttnke plcasurc in beating irit&QM totheefficacy of Deshler's Fe ver and Ague i'iils, naving uaed them in nty iHniily yith complete BttóceM forthe Ládt ten years, and cheerfuUy reoominend them to any one ölicted with Fever and Agxie. 8. B. CROSSMAN. rorSale by R. "V. ELL1S&CO., and EBEEBAcil & I 0.


Old News
Michigan Argus