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Grant's Stable

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■Mg - - ii; TVBff mnaHTt -rrrr . ■■ ü v - - ■ !:iniercml. Wasiunoton, A'is' 20.- . took r.d vBiit1 rday of tho at 10e oí tb Pfe't leut and bis hv" jtabl int!i nar of theWhiteHoi l whio 83rmvhinoYrbt;!n;r sAtd. Thcrohnvobpcn orno extravagant dcscriptions of t) blo, but I nai impolU'd to adonit that it i m 'xtr.trngant stabio. That it was buiV without luw with money takea illnr.llj frr-.m the Treasury, with mo7!ry, indooc thjit vua apiir..priated for otbor purposes wouUl nuturuily give tho impiesaion th it wh an economicé, tumporary (vffair HffOtod to Comply with tho dernands o: the prosont Executive for increaeed sta blo room, íi moro make-sbift until Buèl timo ai 0 n ' ald r.inko tho neoes enry appropriation. But thla 13 iiot the sharacter oí General Qrant'a stoblo. Th manner oí building it, ancl tho oxcusc fo it, 3 well as somo othar faots, aro as fol lows: THE OI.D flTADLB, a Tory modest briok bailding, wliieh w Buffloientiy largo to acoommodate Prosi leut Lincoln's horpes, fis woll g l'rcsi dont Johuson's, with eowo room to spare stood no.'ir tho sito oí the new Ktate Da partmont building, whioh is now boinp erectsd and whioh will bo, by tho way, i tho plans are oarried out, tho hnndeomes public building in tho country, alwaya excopting tlio National Capítol. Orunt6 immense tud of horses required moro rooai, and his iustinctí suggasted that a placo whoro he should nccoísarily spend muoh timo ought to bo on a grander BC-vle than the oíd stable. Congrcss was in session. The approprintion had been madQ and the sito soleoted for tho now Stato Department building. Tho stable was rcully not ia tho way. If it vr.:, the fact was itnown when the sito was selected, mi thore wts plenty of timo to eik for an appropriation for a now atable - bnt it was not done. Instead of thig, ■while Congross '.vas still in síurion, in total violation of thü law whioh prohibits tho uso of monoy for one purpuso vliioh had been approprioted for another, and without 1 '■■■ 11 tho :lí-.í;:o or aathority of tho Committees on Ptiblio Buildings and Grcunds ot' Coagress, tho new atable wns begun, and it was finished in duo time. Ono of the highest officors of tho Governmout snid )iu didn't "caro a damn if it was biiilr without law and in positivo violation of the statntes ; that it was noeded, and that Congress wna taken advantago oí' 011 puvposc ;" that " if it had been proposed to build a now stable for the White House co?ting $30,000 Congress would never havo authorized it." and that " now it was built, nobody will eay anything abont ií." The monoy was, it is generally sttpposed, taken from tho appropriation for the Stato Department. At any rate, it haa never beon aocounted for, and no reWord appeara regarding it. As for tho stablo itsclf, it is an extreinely UANDSOME AMD COSTLY STBU0ÏURE. The material ia Philadelphia pressed brick, with Séneca Stone trimmings. The Windows are as elabórate, extensivo and numerous as those of almost any mansión in the city. Tho roof is of slate, and highly ornamontal, and an elabórate aupóla surmounts a stable which, in all respecta, is probably not surpassod in the country. The doors and wafls aro of natural wood, oilcd and polished, with ovmito fastonings and hinges; tho stallsare mnde of tho same materials as tho doors : thero aro rollors to each stall to prevent the bloodcd horsas from injuring thomeolvD3 by rubbiug against tho hard wood; thero are the most improved systoms of supplying the h'orsea wit'i hay and grain; water and gas aio on every floor ; there aro loafing rooniij lor tho grooms aud coachnien ; ïhere ar,i rooms for buggies and for oarriagoa; there ara rooms for harness, and thero are eltignut nccomiuodations for the couchmen and thoir fami lies. Altogether, one views the stable ond its apartments witb a faoling akin to regret that ho is not a blooded horse belonging to tho President of the United States, that ho may tLiua occupy auch charming quarters. As to the capacity of tho stab'e, no fanlt can be found with that. ïhero aro in all thirteeu stalls, eeven of tho ordinary kiad and eix boxptnlls, ten or twelve feet equare, Tvüh doors nnd windows lika ony ordinary bed-room. th;-; b.d point aboüt it. Now, all of this is not to bo taken ns criticism agaiiist tho costly etylo in which thia stable ia built nnd equipped. Whether it is too good or too bad i'or the dent of the United States is not a quostion for mo to disouse. lly own idea.? ■would be in favor of having as bandeóme B stable for tho Kxecutive mansion as thö present ono, with t residenee to oorreepond ; but what is corajjiuined of ia that it was built and paid for in yioLitiou of law, whon thero was no neoessity for it. Congress was in st-.-sion and might have mado tho appropriation. It was not oren asked to do it. ïhe oíd atable might have boen U6cd durir.g tho sumuier while the President wos at Long Braneh, and Con gres.s might hava been asked at the next sossion for the appropriatipn. It would no doubt havo been Diado if the faots warranted, but it is not likoly that f30,000 would havo been givcm, ivnd this is why tho eifort was not made. It eannot bu rminy ycars bc f ore a now Execntive Mansión wiil havo to bo built, nad it is rory certain that it wiïl not bo apon the site of tho presont building. Thon what becomes of tho $30,000 stable ? As for that, what will bacomo of the Pronidont who allowed and ooasontod to, if he did not order, the erection oí' .sucii a Btable in delibérate violation of law nd


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