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The County Fair

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We had time last week to give only a brief notico of the Fair, with the prom iso of a inoro dutailcd account this week As tho list of ftwarda will bo publishei aezt weck, Whiob will show who won tl) prizes, we will confine oui'selves to i moro general view of tho exhibition Tho entries in most of tho classes wer not so largo as last yoir, luit In point o excellence wore superior to thosu oi' nu; former exhibition. In the olass of Durhatn oattle tberewa nn evident iinprovemeat. Mr. Uhl, o Ypsilanti, was present with his herd o Doihams. Mr. Lowry, of Lodi, ftbio ex bibited soiuy very fine Bpectmons. II was unfortunate in loaing thü best cal on tho list of entries. It was a ver largo and buautiful heifur, seveu or eigh montna old, and had never beon a da; away from its dam, had nevor been han dled, and in getting it to tho grounds i bucanio so wild and furious that the ser vices of two or throo men vero requirui to subdue it sufficiently to got it with in tho enclosure. It was, howover, plac od in a stall wuere it soon diud from frigh and oxhaustion. It was a very valuabl animal, and the loss, though not largo il itself, was an unfortunate circuinstanco owing wholly to tho want of prope managcinout when it was nñalL Stock growers, we think, loso much, in time a well as money, in notfamiliarizing them 8elves with their stock whon vory young In clitss second, Dovons, thoro woro no entries. In thü class of grade and nativo cattlo thoro wore a fow entries. We no ticod in this class sorao vory fino cow and heifer calves. Tho name3 of thoi owners we did not loarn. In tho class o working oxen and steers the show wa very smal!, though wo S'iw a fow vor; fine animáis. Thero woro also a few ver; large fat cattle on exhibition. The various classes of horses wcre tair ly represeuted, in respect to numbers and as to valuo havo Foldom, perhnp nevcr, been excelled in this county. We aro glad to notiee that the horso interes of the county is receiving moro attentioi than heretoforo, as tho lato fair as well a tho two or three previous ones abundant ly indícate. Tho gheop dopartraent, liko that of tho horses, was respectably filled, though the display was not a largo ono. AVo noticet that tho long w.ools and grades aro re ceiving moro attention than formerly, no only on account of tho valuo of coarso wools for certain kinds of fabrics, but also for tho superior quality of mutton which they afford. Wo woro suiprised to seo so littlo interest in the swine department. What is tho matter of tho hogs, or what ails thei? cwncrs, that tho swino pons wen not, as usual, fillod with spUmdid pigs? Ijast year sometbiug liko sovonty-fivi specimens wero exhibited, and this year not to excoed seven, all told, were present. It certainly can not be charged to tho Society that tho premiums aro insufficiont to waivant breeders to exhibit their stock at the faire, for on roference to the premium list wo eco tbat moro than $120 wera offered in tbis class. In tho class of Agricultural Implemcnts thero was iv largo display, - but by o single exhibitor, Moses Kogers - and il" we should be ïllowed to teil what wo know about farm implemcnts wo should say thatiu no department of tho farming interest is thore more ovident improvcmeut tban is geen in the demand for nico tooi", ornamental :is well as useful.such as wero on exhibition at the f.iir. Thü time bas como when the farmer can no moro got along with the tooi of tho old pod au jer days than oan lbo carpenter and oincr or tho machinist. The farmer do miiils thom and the manufacturcr sup)lios tho (Iemand. Of grain and soeds thero was a fair how generally, and of corn in particuar The farmers must bo satisfiud with heir corn erop this year if the specimens ■xhibited at tho fair fairly represented :his cereal. No lack of corn bread this rear provided we all have tho good forune to have wives wbo know how to make it. In vegetables thero was a groat display; iquasbes largor than soma men could lift, otatoes so largo, as we board it eaid bat ono woultl make a meal for an ordin ary famiiy ; Ilubbard squashes larger and iner looking than any we over beforo aw ; and so with tho entiro list. Tho class of butter, chooso, oggs and ïoney vnn not fill, though fairly ropreonted. Wo noticed somo nice, yellow Jutter, almost as good, wo tbink, an that epresftntsd by President Angell in bis ddress, which ho said sold in tha Philaolphia market for 90 cents per pound. 'bo President was right whon bo said hat tho butter makers of Washtonaw üounty might got fivo cents per pound more for their butter than thcy do if bey would take more pains in making t. Tlve class of domestio manufactures was woll fillod. Cassimeres, Satinets, loths, rig carpots, socks, mittens, stockngs, &o., ifco., all in thoir appropriato laces in that portion of the building alottüd to them. They mado a fine apjoaranco. Where tho flowers are, there the ladios ongregato. The tlowers, the ladies inluded, coustitnted the great center of ttraction. Mr. Toms, with his profesional list, and Mrs. Winf.gar, Mrs. Ten'iltOOK, Mrs. ADAMS, Mrs. OOODALE, and thora with their amateur lists mado up n exhibition Tarely seen. In fino arts, needle-work, and fancy werk tho show was excellent - nover jetter. We have tima burricdly passed ovor ;he princijial interests of tho fair, bnt uust not close without saying a word of ho excellent airangements for feeding ho multitudo that on tbc last two days f tho f'iir wero on tho grounds. Tho ociety rented tho eating rooms to tho adies of tho Congregational Church, who hoped theroby to raiso moans to asiit in furnishing their now eliurch now n procesa of crection. It was a good arangeraout for the Society and tho ladios s well, l'or the fonner feit happy over a good dinnor cvery day, and tho latter in a woll replcnished treasury from tho prooods. It is duo to 6ay of tho fare that t was first rato in quality, abundant in uantity, and politely and rcaJily furnrshed each guost. In short, it was just he thing, so cvorybody Baid. Tho addross of President AxOELL was eliverod on tho socond day of the exhibtion, and for practical suggestions, eminntly valuable. At tko hour of its deliv- red the wind was blftwing as though, it vas having its last blow, and it was a I wondeï to us that the Doctor couldspeak at all, but ha cntertidned tbo delighted audience for for forty or fúrty-fivo minutes without flinching. Oí' tile trotting, r:iL'in, Ixilloon ascensión, and sido-shows w(! have no timo to anything. Wo understand tbat tho pts at the ticket office wore entirely satisfaetory. II.


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