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New York Wool Market

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Vinn.vv, Sepfe 27. The wool marteet is still very much doïoi'iilizod, although there lm boon a uich groater amount of business dono vithin i fortnight since tlio opening of he London salus. Uut the transactions io' nevertheloss, generally, of retail haractor, :ml at very imaatisfaotory and vrogular ratos. Tho recent panie in lonetary uftUirs has exorte 1 an uufavorblo influenco on the wool business, as peculators and woak holden have boon ffering sniall lots, chielly poor deseripiona, and at awy prioeobtaiuable. Soiue )arculs of California (and othur grados) lave boon disposod of ut a great sacrifico n priee. Thw lias unsottlcd tho inttrket ery much ; bvit the fa-ct of the matter is bere has leen no establishcd market for vool hero tliisseason.for at no timo COÜld bnyer Iw indueud to give within tivo or ight cents pound of ïts real v.iliu; fcr ny lar(! quantity of even tho very best lass of wools. Never did the -wool tr.ido open wlth uch bripht prospecta M i ir did tliis seaon, and yet ure the lapso of two or tlirre nonths we h ■ -. v i ■ witnessed a eollapsa of mees which i aa truly astonishing to the erie8t cro ikera as it isbewildering to tho irraers, wüè tnlied wool up from six , hillinn;s to a dollar. Amonpr economiate no sound reason can , De alleged for suc'.i a wonderful state of ; nins, for it is well ltnown that tho supily of wool in every land is short and indequate to the wants of oonsuraers. If emand and Btpply then ftfford any real uide to values, wool unioubtedly ouprht ,o command high figures. But, never ieless, it does not, although farmers as % ulo havo liKld out with great stubborness. about offering their wool even up to m) present moment. Perhapa tho presat demoralized condition of the wool rade in this country is attrihutable to io stubbornne.=is on the part of farmers , n -withholdiiifi tiu'ir WOOla from m:irkrt. 'here is no ijuisj)ion but a tidal wave j wept over tlio golden State of Califorirv, waicli carrfed wools whilo on tho bheep's back to juicos far above theii intrinsic value at any timo. This was occasiomd by wild spnculation, and when eousumers noeded supplius the staplo was held t pricea wholly beyond their views, and they returned homo without any pur, ohftSOB. In the meantime the high pricos horo last Fenruary invited heavy Bhipments frora Australia, Iho Capo and South Aun rioa, and these wools being theu o-and relatively oheaper than domestio, manufacturen soon began to work thom entirely, ingtead of in part, as formerly. Tho ï'csult was California wools began to mjzlate on tho hands of speculators ' as wol] aa dealers, until the bauks com' menced to cali in loans, and then gome i nnxiety was exhibited to ghip wool to our Eastern markets, whioh finally bccamo la-nguid and doprossed. Welli the result ; ig too well known. Sorae of the consign. ruents have been sold at GO and 70 cents on the dollar, to the utter astouishmunt. j and chagrín of the owners. The principal holders finally got lired cf this statu ot' thingS, and ettftblished . offices of their own here for the salo oi ; their wools. But the demand is still very limited, unless at very low ratc. Dur ing tho week under review there has been moro doing in California wcol in S this markei, and SOtne heavy sales of fair average wools in Boston ut 29335o, prices which no doubt must result in very heavy losses to tho owners. It is proper to 1 assert, howevOT, that tho Luik of all the i desirable wools of thisclass arenow with. 'liuwn from sale, as the owners aro stil] I oonfident of seouring much better pricca fcr these wools ere tho close of the year Uocent ml vicos from San Francisco jusi tify holden in this courso. The Fall clip which last year yielded ten millioi j ponsds, will only yield five million lbs this year, as numerous farmers prefer nol ' to shear tlii'ir sheep this Fall. Abouj t one-half the Fall clip will be wantod for . homo use on the Paeilic: coast, so that we cannot at best expect inore than the otber half to come East. The ruling pricos j at San Francisco for Fall wools are lic tu 21o gold, for inferior to choice, freo oi - burs ov seed. Texas wools are in ampio Bupply, with , a moderate inquiry for Western at 26a28o and 33b for the botter grades, while fine ! and mediara may be quotèd at 17"-15c. s Pulled wools ai'e abundan t and continuo depressed enougb. Tho tiner grades of domestic fleece ! wools aro still in meager Bupply, and thoro . is little desirablo X or XX Michigan oi ■ Ohio wools offeing. The sales fox tho week includo Ö),OOC lbs. ühio. Micbifran, [ndia&a and Vis1 consin fleeco, at 57ü()c ; 10,000 lbs. State do. at GOe. 4,000 lbs. medium Western do., an private terms ; 8,000 lbs. medium wasbed do., at 59c ; 10,000 lbs. X and XX ' Ohio fleece, - c ; lO.OOn XX do., atö8a60o; 8,000 lbs. X State, at GOc ; 8,000 lbs. Long Island, at GOc ; 3.3,000 lbs. unwashed and unmorcharitable, at .'51ii42c ; 7,000 lbs. Onwashed fleece, at 40c ; 9 bales do. do., at 47o ; 5,000 lbs. unwashed, at 37 l-4c ; .'5,000 lbs. do. do-., at 4 ie ; and 5,000 lbs. Georgia, at 40c. - [U. S. Economist, Sopt. 28th, 1872.


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