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1 ■ i ■ _ ■_ - ■ ■ - ' ■ ■ ■ - W ■ I o UI E 3 g H lffl S „j LU i_Jh j PI'S ë H 8 H Q o Estáte of Eoots- minors. OTATE OF MICTíTííax, County oí, bs i .' h íessioD oí Probate iourt fot the i'ountvof Wasittcn.iu, holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Mondar, the thirtieth day of Bep. ui ilic yuur one iliousand eight hmidred and scvcnt y-ttvo. Preseni bLiraniX. Beakes, Judfre of Probate. In the matter of the estAte of John !■'. Boot, Desdenionii Root, lainy 1,. Umi, Harnh E Hout, mul I,trn ui 1 T. Root, minors. Tracy W'. Root, gv pi aaid estáte, comee tato Ooort and reprew ota Umi he n ju prepared to rendex iis final account . iuirrdiiin. . ai i teordered, that Afondar, the twentyeighthdayof Ootobernext, at ten o'dock in the forenoon, bc assfffned lor exanuningand allowing uch account, nd tliat 1 1 1 #_; iif.M of ;ii. uf uid minoro, and all otlier persons interest cd in said estáte, are n quiii il to i peai nt ti iessjtn of Fid Comí, tben to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arlxn, In aaid cuunty, nd show oaoae. it' my there be, why the niúá itoount should not be allowed. And it is lorthei ordered, that BAid guardián gire notice to the penoni ! in mdd fstatcoftbcrcndcncyof snid account and the heniisg thcrëof, by oaueing a copy of liiif order to c publiahed ín the MicJiigan .irqu.t, n newppupev print'-'l and dvcaiáting bisaid Cotmty, three sucecssive wocks previous to soid düy ot' ïiOMTiiifr. . (Atruccopy.) 111UAM J. 1? KAK MS, 1SM JudRcof Probate. Estáte of Charles Stuck, Son. STATKOlMICMrfCÏAN.CoiiTttjofWiiphtenaw.sp. At Asesslon of the Probate ConrtforflreCoantj oí Wa?hti'ii!iw.]iol(]('ii nt the Probate OlBce, in tht City of A nu Arbor. on TnesdAy, the lirst (Wy oí October, in the year one thousa-ud etghi hundredand eeveaty twó. Present Hiram .rBcafeef.-iuflüP of Probate In the matter of the catate of Charles Stnck, Scn docea-t'd Charlea Bhler, Administrad r of pa!d estotöi comen hito Cowt and rJHsentt that he h now pre pared to renrlcr his fiual account as such Admiuiatrator Thcrenpon it is Ordered, that Monday, tbctwentyftlghth day of Octobor ïatU ut ten o'cl'ck lu the forenooii, beawijrned for esamining andaUowins such iiccon"nt,aiul ihai the hetrs atlaw ofsald ■ ad and all otber persons interested In Baldeêtatear reonlred to appoar al a Boapion f ssid Conrt, tben tn bo holden at tin; Probatd OfflcS in the City of Ann Arhor, in saidCounty. and ahow cflne, if any there bewhy f.ii' said account nhoultl not beailoved And iis Im-tiicr ordered eaid AdmlnUtrator glve notice to the persone Interested in Baid estáte, of the pt'mW'iicv of said account, and the hearing thereof. bycamnis&copy of iiiis order to be pnbllshedln tne Michigan Argu$n ,-i newepaper prtntrd and clreulatlng In said Coimty, three successlve nreoka previo n e to 8iid dny oí heartae. CA truecopy.) 'IUKAM J. BB AKER, 1SB l Jude of Probate. Estato of Benjamin II. Glenn. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, Countv of Washtenaw.Ktl O AtaseailoD of the Probate Court forthe ununty of Wahtenawf holden at the Probate offlen t it the City of Ann Arbor, on Tofttdaj, the lirnt day of October, In the year one thousaiul eight hundred and seventy-two. Present, HlramJ.Beakes,Judgeof Probate. Tn the raatCer of the estáte of Benjamin II. Glcnn deceased. " Cbarlea Glonn aid Emiiy J. Glenn, Administr.-itors of eatd estáte, come i uto Oonrt :md represen! thnt thoy are uow prepared t rendcr ihcir lin.'il se coiint un snch AdnlniBtrators, Thereupou it la Ordered, that Monday. thr tvrentv-elgbth dity of October. inft., nt ten o'clock in the forenoon, beanslgned for examtnlnK and allow ing auca account, and that the heirs at la "t Baid deceased, and all other per pou8 interpgtcd in Mid estáte, are requirod to appaar at a seaalon of Baid Oonrt, tben to be holden at the ProbateOfllce. In Ihe City of Ann Arbor IntiatöConnty andshou canéeif any there be, why the said 'iccount should notbe allowed : And it. is rnrther ordered, that said Administratore give notice Eo the persons lnteredted in Baid entate, of the penlener of safd account, and the bcarlng thereof, by cansfng: a copy ofthla order tobe pnbllehedfn the Michigan .i rgu4,ñ QOwspaptrprínteo and clrcnlattns ,n said Con n t}, three successlve weeks prevjous to old day of hearing. CA trae copy.) IIlliAM .1. BBAKB8, l'1! Judsre of Probate. A GENTS WAKÏED FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FAEMEE8. The best bookt publifhocl on tho Hors mul Ilio Uov Llbofál ti'rm-. noney mm,' rupUüy by Agcuts Belliog tfaeM books. Sena facirculars, POBTBB b COATES, l'i i.isiiEK8,Phllaaelphia,Pa. A NXUAL MEETIXQ. Tlio Annniil jriVtins of tlio Wuhtanftw Mntoal Firelnsorai c paoy wlll be held at the Court SoaaeinUi iy ..i a im Arhor, on Sütuiday, Octu■■ 6th, 18JÍ, at 11 o'duck A. M., for the purpo i ion of oiheers and th tranwvtion of suoh othtr legitimate biuineaa us luaycomc bofurc tho mecturn r insumid piojierly whilat thraahiafebv lOtrorwiU ba ataouned, audalso othcr qu:átíüus oí' ut reet to the i omi any. Uated, September, 187Ï. X. SHELDON, l'jy;i 2w Sccivtary. HÜRRY UP ! PABTJHBS wUhlng Wall Pn per, f liados Gfollaada, nr!ndow Pfxtarcs Codíi Tostéis, Ac . uil New SStjlm. at 3atlfactorj Prlces. l)) J. it. Webster fc Co.. UookSt'ri-,iKMr the Bxpiess Office. X X i j. jinsm HATTERi DAS RECEIVED BIS FALl & IITIR STOCK OF Hats and Caps, IX LATEST STYLES, LADIES' FIJHS, CEXTS' FIRSISHNG OOBS.ETf, W'IIICII TIE PROPOSES TO SEM, AT PüinWHICB DSPÏ COMPET1TI0S. 7 South Main St.,Ann Aiboi yM. WAGNÈT' IS NOW BEADY FOR THE FALL II Havlng ReceivcdaLargeStockof FALL Si WIÏ11 GOOLS, 1NCLUDING ÜLOTIIS, OASSTMERE8, VE8TIN08, iC. cf the BEST STYLES ano ftUALIHB WHICU HE WILI. MANUFACTURE on tcrnis to suit. Alsoafullline of READY-MADE ÜLOTHING AND Gents' FURNISHIKG Good?. I33DÍEST STTLB, ALSO LADIE6' AXD GETTS' MOROCCO SATCHEL8 No. 21 South Main Strect.-EasiSIde; OALL AND SEE TBSM. tr?I.Ï,ÏA31 VAGM'.B. Aun rbor, Octobct let, 1S72. A FALSEREPO11T! THAT A. A. TERRY HASGONEOUTOF TJ'.ADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LAKGKANDCOMPLETESTOCKOf HATS & CAPS! JUST THE STYLB, f ASDAT l'RICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. Al! AFL'LL LIXKOF GENTS' PURNISHINfl GOODS! DON'T PURCHASE YOCP. Fall and Winter OUTFIÏS UNTIL TOU GIVB I-ÏI2VI ACAil 15 South Main St.. Ann Albo. 1321-tf. vyniT.noRE laki:. llavins rcccntïy rcfltted anS r-jT-nithed the CLIFTON HaUSE! I !m now pri-pareil to rcccive snd cnter'?íí L ure. ñshiu},' hikI dtincinq p.irtics, atoce o""'",, sttmctive, pleaeant and healthy wteiinsP'" ' the West. .. M -i My boata nre new. laree and cotnm" well nclnpti'd lor the use of pleasoro sciK.-J-f. _ Anglen wlll fiud a full and complete W''" ahvsvs nu h:md. ,rj -,- s": lal attention gUen ti the wants ",„ fort "i thoMtrho wi-hto rpenda few recreation darlos thf warm Riimmor m ,,TnIil No ualQ wifl be spsredtomake )vlu',,rc. ,KK. in the future as in the pt, a frnt■nerresurt. D. F. BMn'H. CHEAPlLAÑÑBÍ] Iba-re in store brnft''1""1'1 plecea, wliito nntl olorert I1 Cotton Flunncls, Kcnínck Jcaí"811 I.insirs. tUc besí jrooli in Ile cllí n usual U1TMME clliuRf' C I'AV u íi ]r tlicir valúe. ISMwO JOHN MAWAl. M0TIC15! The rabscílbcri lmqc at their wSÜ k fnil thliiK, from flve hunitred to tivf '"' _ ,íidi r to loan on flret aml first clnw 0"í urrt t i, ti. County of Waahtenaw,- time rroni Iveyeare. Terms liberal Office TJTh o 1 at C. .A. LeiterA Co.-s nniB " ' trfiP llOToryBlock. Onr Abstract Books are f L AnneÍrbor. Mj 30, 1S72. ro0T4.rj;rfffHAS. A. I.KHER. Trees! Flowers! BulbslSeo HKEGE PLAN1 : ïurscry Síotk ! Fruit and F1W rlí ' ' Address F. K. PHCENIX : BLOOMINGTON NUESEBï ILLINOIS. 630 Acres: Ll8tyear: Wf"ÏÏ?f ipploe, 1 ,000 1 j-r.. au , 2 y. S.10 : S 3SO 4 Catalogaes, 20 cent. 1JC héaplTñeñsí 'c lave 20 PleeM Tablc Li"" Xíb'u 30O llov-.tii Tonel, SapKm) Cluilts andXablc Covcrf. '"" ilics preparing tak Bn cr hould seo 'ín í""''' IGOOwC JOilX II. IAW


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