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"29 2 ! !) ! who wlll ézplnlií thio sirpplrt sn. Au I WIJ ll will i ,ny Ui ;:lll ut the liU 'J ' u hul Mean iltoee mystic lottnra itareo Over ai:v Vucery - V. ! J C for Credit ? and Dtir dan ? 1 üií't the wny tnialnesa ís otten ilonc : l!:lt thnt's ,i„t Uu) wnv to reail Uk b il Ot L. UOLliV, iio'eclls iroiwi-les al 29. C la for f Aun : for the r"O( lio Bella o chonp, 'TU betler lo boy them tbert yoor monej ; keep. '. O. .- 7-ths l-i Hit w.-iy He K abl to ion so low nul m k t pay. lle Ii:ih m b i.l (!t;i(t3 to injikü him crow, (r tux mure to maki' np '"■ loWi Po thiifn the place i bus yout rond, He wllJ scll t cheap, oud yon wil) fiml 1' good. At the C. o. T) Oroecry yon wlll nhvnys find The lut of Ouffee an 1 n of all kimt, Wiiii siiLMr, t"o, and fregh, ripe rmi;, ()r tanned, (ir dried, all IBBtea tnsnit ; Omugoa Lemoni Flgs and ltallno Peel! Allthn pii'i'H thattreo orshrab oftroplc benrs, Nuta, rnUir.a and farioua kinds of Candj, T h-it i-liililrt'ii love :ir[ mothers lUitl u Jiai:dy, To keep ou hnnd a liidiipn atore, A ' N'i.'i " oí thia wlllmoTü tli":n moro Than the "!l hihlooed "rod" our fsthera nsed, V het. Rtülóreu wcru pli nty iidU oiten abnix i. II(! hl all kiiK]? of ProvUlnn? the palutc to iilnaso. Flih. haft . ilmir. bread, botter and cheese. Cooklea nnd crackers, cherrleí, chocolate and cake, Tiiinj.' tu I oil, fiy, roaati stew, sternn or bak e. Ue lina jic-jiiiM pnanats, pranea and pickle. 'loco:i.v Ihü Hipctitc, tu caiüicionB anü ückle. He hH ffla88war crockcry. mul vospolf of stooe, Prench Lntra) Soap- the bert ever known : Tohacca tmrl c'mrK, boih for ohowlna an'l Bmoklng Aud mvr-i vrtll IV,. u If yon t-)i"iil[ be r khn-. And many nther th'uifa too ni.mernn( to meotion, Ali ol wüicn to 8Cil chta) .i, as iutcinion. Thon c"mn. ijood peóple. ono üiiil :il', An I ïfvo the-.:, o. D. srocery a cali ('mi ti v nitrprtee1 and try oar w ir mi. Por in uur proiits tlni buyor Bbnreff. '"u priy the C'ish tor whnt yixi tri'. Wiru no t'.rift' "ii Iose8 t mk i y ui frot : !'■"' lii, though a'mi lllonnlrp, But btiy yourijr i corlen tor Mh al pibes i'.iir. Come from rouTit"y and fche'town, Prepared to bny and pay - ''■ me ri'-h nul locir. come blactt and vhito. Ynu win ünii pruvisiont plenty and(rices riLhft Uome ftit'!i!l of Qrant and Irlendfl cretlfyt Shiikc banda at 2!) and trade O. O. D. freely. TEN REASONS WHY No Family slimtld he without a tottle of WHITTLESEY in the hoiisr. f8t. - Itwill relieve the worst case of BilïOlU Cholicor Cholera Morlgusiin; minuten 2d. - It will cure the most obstinate case J Dyspepsla and Indigestión in a fe weeks. I 3 d . - Tt is the best remedy in the world iel 6 lek Headache as thousands can tcstify, 3 taken when the first symptoms appear. 4th. - lt is the best diuretic ever put bcfort the public; curing those distressing comphiinis, Diabetes nnd Crave I and other Urinary d ifficu Itles. 6th.- It is a most excellent Emmena HOgue, and to the Younp; ClrlS. middlc aged Women, and at the Turn of Life, this remcdy is of incalculable valué. 6th. - It will remove_ wind from the bowels, ond henee a few drops in some sweetcned water given to a babe is better than a dozen cordials to Rel ieve and make it Containing no ano dyne. 7th. - ït is a sure relief for adults and children nffected with Worm 8 and Pin Wormsj Jt will bring away the worms. 8th.- Itwill cure the PI les and Hemor" rhod lal difficultics. 8th.- Itwill cure Con stlpatlon and keep the bowels regular. It will also cure the worst case i .f Summer Co mplalnt and DysenterylOth.- It will cure Sour Stomach, Stlmulate the Llver to hcalthy actton. Relieve Heart-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the system. When taken dilnle the dose wilh Sugar and Water toa Wlne-Classfull and you Iiavea pleasant t p n i c . Whittlesey (Dysyepsia Cure) Si.oo per bottle. Wlijttlescy Agüe Cure 50c. per bottle. "VVhittlesey Cough Granules 2e;c. per bottle. ' Sold by all druggists and warranted. Yhltücscy Tro;). Med. Co., Toledo, O. FIKE! FIRE! ARE YOU INSÜREI) ? Don't wint for n Fire. but secure yn-otcction by procuiiiifr ii Polioy in om ol" the l'ullowing First Clátt Compaaiea: Home lus. Co., New York, ASSETS, - - . $5,000,000. : Continental Ins. Co. New York, ASSETS, --- $2,000,000. : Giriird Ins. Co. Phihidelpliia, ASBÊIS, - - - $050,000. Oriënt Ins. Co. Hartford, ASSETS, - ■ $600,000. These 'Compnr.ies ailjust and pay losses promptly C. H. BHlJbEIir, fio. 4, S. naiu St., AN.N AKGOR, .M1C1I. 1898- ma THE NEW riSINFECTANT Bromo Chloralum, K05-P0IS0X01S, ODORLESS, POWERPUL DKODORIZBS AND DI3INPECTANT. ENT1RELY UARMLESS AND SAFE ARBB&T8 ami rr.ttvF.N'iH contahhw. t'swl is private (iwell)DCB , hotols rstanrants, pulí, lic schools, h)s;iiiii].-, Inxauu Mjlum, di.-p isnarlea, ja!N, prltfOHS, pO r-lioir ■. oti !-lii [--, Htciuu-boate aml In topemcai hoasps, markets for water dosbtSi arlnals, state . sew ei b, cepoolB, sUibles, At. .t tpecyic in u!l cantagivHê and fmtütntíoí ns fiii:i1I -iox, r. uieuslcB, discaecs ofan. . &o. Propari 'rii.ui-:" & Co.. New Eiobanon, untl itg WilliitinSI., . V. SolO iy nu flmgiW. WAL. WIIKHK ABE rOU (;i(I; DOWN TO the V:uni'Ts' Slore where Ihej hi jupt reeelved Buch lts of New (ood&.i wüy tln-y nrevo cl ?! i yon -'i i ;:-i 88 ui-: 'i iHr Bü cotits in I re ÖnouHtl ■' il."ü ;tt a;iy othcr I il rf In (hiscoQBty. MOTHERS! MOTHERS!Í MOTHEES ! ! ! Don't fil to procure 3!BS. 1 LOW'S N()OTHI.i SYIH'P I'OIl UBILD9EN TEETHINO. Tlile ralMbla preparatton lias heen u--el vitli NKVKtt-KAILlNU BOCOBBB IN' THOÜSANDS 01? : vsics. U nol ouly relieves tbi chiltl from pain, out ii:v!l'■ irali-K th' BtomaCh umi b )rl. correen aclditï, ailfl glvee toneandeoirgyto tho wbole Bj-svem. Hwiil Isa instiintlj' rilor Qrlping in tlic liowols and Wind ('olie. Webellovfl IttheBBST nnd 8URE9T EEMEDJ IN TUK WOELD, Id all canee ut liYSBSTKRi N1) DIARRIKEA IN OIIILDUKN, whether artaInff from teethtns or nnv othof chs. Depend npou it mothers, it wil! give rest to yonrRelief aml Health to Your Infnnts. Be rata and oaJI for "Mrs. WInslow's Sootbing Syrup.rt nnvlnu the lao-nmUg o:"CÜRTIS.t l'KUKINS" 011 the ootsldfl wnipt.i-r. Sukl by Drugj;ists throiitlioiit tlic wond. ly Importast Frencli Medical Blscorery. Intercsting to all. HeaUh in a Bottle. í OHsuinption tïalorosis, ïïrsn-iii(ïs" Catarrb, Dynpepala, and l'uimonary Tuborculoa, itAUlCiM.V ('-UHl witn the Elixir J. V. Bsrnardof Paria. This w u.l.nul i-.;ji l. , ;i ■ p id by the most distlnguiehed ond cell.r.ii. d Frencb Pnj rimans, and ín conatnm 4 in the French Hospitftls. Valuable ingtrucHo matton "" il'1 aftow e:tt (fieel to all who deraro it by addressing A. BERNAED k 00., Solé Agenta, 6Í WíUíhid btrect, -New York. Post Office Box V ! s."i. ile by all reepmtabïe dl ujf toto. I898r4 "PHYSICIARS'lÜsijRIPTlöSS VIJCURA'. KLY AND C AREFULLY PREPABED BY R. W.ELL1E & OO.,l)RUOaiSli. NATURE'S REMEDYrV flilfïIEl The &reat Blood PüRmtRjr A vr.m.iuh: iniiiuii uulbpOUlid. lor atf tori ng too healtta and fbr the peraaue&i cure ol all disëaaea arlólo; from Impuritioa of the blood i suchas Nrroiula, MSFOfUlOV Mi:nicrs, (ancrr, i ;it! r r f i;s 1 Ik mor. 10 r sin il!. 'smkr, HiiH SLH'utnT ;'imiI s, tml Humor 012 Hit iiicc, i iift, ConffbS) 4 iitatTh, Kit iik Etil is. 'tirw !i;Êi! B'niiis in tli' wi'.ií', lt iiouiim.tiIM, 2 -.'lljmi'! . líllSlíp.ilion, ( ustnriMss, liz:iiit'ss. S'ilrs, nes) riiiiijmmw :i tbc Stoma eb, i'iKiis in tUv Back, Kiit;lr Couiplalnt ï'e:ituli WcalUlMMt uk! (ciiornl Ecbiliiy. I Thie pteparMIon U icionliftcally and ohjflUlcaïly eomblnedi nttrt bo Plrongy conceotrated dom root-, hevbs and )tnks, that lts (iood cflTecte are rcnlizeu I immedlatei) Riter comruencinR to UU ■ H. There l no dlsease of the human Bvatem Tor rbtcb tha VKG KTINI-i cannot bc uccd wiili i bty. il ie Joca notcoutaln any raotaj k: componnd. Preradi Icutlng the eyptcto of all hnpnrittoa ofthoblnod, ii i hfi ift ofal ït hos liever Nüled to effect .'tctir.-, tving tont1 and Btrecgth to the ay&tom debflltated 1 í)y di1 iis lt wouderfol effèctt apor these comj plato ■ :" [l ■'! Mnny liav.' In-en curcd I ïiv the YKWKTINK that have triod numy otber I iLtucdics It run avII ba culled TUK GRBA.T BLOOD PURIFÏER! Prcpar.-tl liy ÏI. B.STBVlWf, liostou Mhss. ; Prlct.fl.si6. eoldbyïll Draj A itua'ioT by bb 'i' nch fjnnlf nf r, wl o i take i'1-.irji' of a team tml make himaelC ganorally oiwfal. ai i! at : ii Williams Stiwt ut nny lime be.'ore i I'. M. orto P.O. liox H04. I 193 2w pEOPLE'S DRUG STOxix.1 R, W.ELLIS& CO.


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