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Grant's Custom-house Beef-eaters

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Cfieillicfjiganrgtts I ----- ; Middíetown, in Conn'eotieut. i a very pretty uii.l a very thrifty little place, lt is hara to h.ave to flnd nny fault with Hiddletovrn. Bwi Middletown has outtom-house whioh seums to be ratlier a Federal alms-house. " And s Middletown doubtlens takos good eare of i poor one is at a loss to kuow why Éhere shonld be Federal alms-house therc Poi tho vew onding Mareb 81, 1872, th m : r de it Middletown was : Importa, - Experto, Nil. To taly! cure of t.liis eonimoroe, which niüy h .-,■ ]-!.! -r-.'i-'O in duíi. . wcre ompioyed the officors and paid the salude? ■v;iii:!i í'ollow: Sai.aky. Ooe oolieotor, - - - flOé.ei One deputy collector and inspeotor, ----- 1,117.00 One janitor - 600.00 One inspector, - 642.00 Total, - - -f8,763.01 liet os ask tho excellent Mr. George tVilliH'.n Ourtis, the efficiënt adjutant of IIr. Grv.nt in réforming tho cnil servioe, wlieth'T be (loes uot tliiuk thtlt in ii thoronghly rpforraod civil sorvice that tSOO janitor might be dispensed with. "Wt: voaV ti -'t go p ttvr as to snggest that the Collector shoukl swnep out tbe premisos himself mereJy forexercise. We .iré aware that that would lo bonath tho disnitj' of tho officer in quesüon niight uot the Collector, wlio gets ll.904.61 for overseeing a total trade ot' $si4 and oolleoting poseibly $320, pay for tho Bweepiug out of his own pocket Y j Or if a largo family and heavy ase menta í'1" political purposos prevont that, ani! his wliole time is absorbed i.i his public dnty, might no the deputy, who íeetts ti) hovo potliing else di putizod to hiin, tako the besom of reform ni a véry Miüill v.iiy and olear out the oobwobai' Or the Inspector? Lot Mr. Curtís toll ns if this'janitor and his wagea aro indispensn-Me tor the natíonal well-boing. If thcy aro we will try to bear it, butif ihcy re uot let US save onr $600. ANOTUEB B .M1'1.:. Few of the forty milKons of poople who inhahit the "United Statos havo beard or know íinyt.l'iuL' rib. iu K Igartown, Masa ; yöt it is a port ot' entry, nnd no doubt aopppsed to be of rt)at importance by tli,; Mithoritios. IU ooinmerce is, nevertholofís, in a sort of cain;t. lt may as wcll bo called dead. During tho year onding Sist Maroh, 1872, tho foreign trado of Edgartown was : Iru;)ort3, ... $256 Exporta, - Nil. But if tho coinraerco of Edgartown is trad the personnel that superintend it sre ali olive, n? it takes tho followiug retinuo to attend : Sai.ahv. Ono collector, - - $720.02 Oní) doputy collector and inspector, . - ... 1,350.0 Gtie doDnty collector and inspector, - - - 1,095.00 Ono temporany inspector, - 600.00 One tetnporary inspector, - 300.00 Ono tantporary inspector, - 500.00 Ono nifíht inspector, - - 600.00 One night inspector, - - 730.00 Oue revemie boatman, - 600.00 Totl, - - -$6,705.02 Somohow this important port of entry ■was uuknown undor the Buchanan Administraiion. The disoovery was mailü by thi Radicáis, and has boen worked no doubt simply as a political machine over ii'nce. Formerly, whon a Sficretnry of the Treasnry was supposed to be tbn guardián of the public pnrse and a President Fas held virtually responsible for any corrupt jobs of appoinlnients, an expos0 like the abovo would have elicited Bome notice and correction ; ander the present regime this impudeut swindlo is met by tho authoritips, throngh their organ the New York Time, thus : "ï!ie determined, open eynd misreprepentation to which oertaín journals aro daily aubjecticg the Preddcut is one of the most atrikiug features of our political life at present - oertainly tho saddest. For example, the World ia attacking General Grant'a Administration because of the expenditure mion oertain enstomhousns, for the salaries paid to the ofïicers in which it affucts to hold him responsible." i - i hiIé , fc m -


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