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'BUSINESS JQIBECTOBY. TTibt ST1'S TJI.vrciïS'.H. Altorner anfl Ij Counselor M Law, N. Kust Huron Ann AfU.r. Micli. ■ M8B MW. FASÍIUEI.E.E, OT. . Ofllv over A. A. ferry's sitóte. Resideñce WasWneton Strêet, fonr dooreeairi of ISTSyl N AUB9S ÍIISAI, SPJSIS1JS. 1. M ll.l'. M. 1)., Suporlntnndeat. Office n ballïlnz corner ACinn and weat Huron Strccte. MI 5 H ES ft VrmE?T, ÏO Sonth Nfain streot, T Ann Ar nr, Mk.Ii-, wholesala aud rotall dealers iu Dff Gi-ik UarpeU and öroceries. ISSUf TE. Htt"V?f, A-ni tot the Fiukle & Lyon " Vielor" Sewimj Machine Thcy are sllont, .-ili.c, run t'i?y :m ui .K ■ l!ic lock stltoh. No. 7 'i:iln strf't. Ann Arbor. 134i1yl ïfACK & SCJÏ-TIIÖ, l)=ali-r u Dry Gnoja, .tl úrpeeriea, CrockaiJ, c No. 51 Soulu Muln Btmet. STICHAEIi I?Ii;JtItAV, Boofer. Fire and -M Water I'rool, i'-lt aml Oompositlon GravoJ Jï difs i):it on to order and frarrantod. iic.sitleaceou - n Street, Ann Arbor. RW. H!,I,l.S & E;o., Dragglstg aafiiealer in Pjiilits, Oils,ctc Nu. ü Soulh Slnin Street, Au Arbor. WH. JACK"S!X, IiMiü8t,8Hcces?ortoC. B. Portar; o:ii corner Mainaad Hurón atreeta, jver tho store of E. W. Ellls Co, Ana Arbor, Uich. nes the tlcs dmJnletercd if ren;iircd. WF. l!lt!MKlil, IH. I., Physicliin and Snrseon. OiUc.'1, al roêidence, cOcner of Huron and División Streeta.lrat door easl of Presbytrrao Chnrcli , Ann Arbor, Mlch. EJ. fOBUtSVK, Rmler ín Hats and Capa, ?or. Siraw Oooda. Qenta" Pnrolahins Ooods, fcc. Ño rSunth Main atreet, Ann Arbor, Bien. SOTHERIA7ID & WIIEDOIt, Llfs and Ptreinmnnei '_'ete.and dealcrein BealSstate. DiSceou Ilnron Btrt. L E WIS '. ILl'!", Dealer in Hardware, Stpvea, Hi'.M.' Fiirn'.-liiuü Goode, Tin Ware,&c. öonth .M.üii streot. BAC1I .t AI!:i-, Dealen In Dry Goods.Groci'riee, &c. tc.Ni). 28 South Main Streot. Ann irbor. SI.ÁWSOSÍ & SO., Omen, Próvido! nd Commission Mcrcbanta, and dealere iu Water itaeLand Plaster.and Plaslar Parla. No. 16Eaet 'reet. 0 S)l.VUlILm, Wholesale and Ketall Dealer o. in Made Clotblns, ülotha, Oaavlmertv, FiMtlnsa.andÓenl's Purnjahiuï Goods. Xo.'J South niu s Wil. YTAdrlVBR, ü.iilir in It-ady MadeCloth rng.Clotbs, UaalmerR iru. Tint. OapBtranks.irp.'t H igB, jc 21 SoaiJi Main Btreet. 1 !l.iJS!'. .V ÍIS1ÍK, Bookwllers nclStali , ■ . TcxtBouks, ïchiwl :u-tl Miweltaneoue Books. No. 3 North Main . Qregor; Bluck, Ann Arbor. 73.1.EY Sc I.KWIS, DealcrslnDooi, 1 Giiter, S.ippera, &c. No. 'i East Uuronstrect, (rtn rlnr. XJOAM W. CHEEVEK, Í ATTOENET AT LAW ! t bffloewithE. W. M' I sifleofCoartHonfie Square. T ESSONS TX FEENCH. A. liKN'NK)riN. lately arrived from franc, wil lTe iiiütrncUon In tlie Prench Languag. PrtTfttelesouttheatndenti reridence, i orinclawosol four pupil ani upwarda. Mr. Hen uwjum c i'j ba neen ora 1 troased ai tti" rldnc % to Huron et'rcft. caroof Mrs. L. FUsqnello, Aau Arbor. J. F. SCKAEBEELE, Te icber ■ f M nsic. G:"cs instructoii n the P1AN@9 ViöüN AND GUSTAR, !his office. No. 67 S.iuth Main strcet, (.Moore's building), or ut thorestdoace of thu pupil. PIANO TÜNI1SIÖ, áa'lc a pecillty .ind eatibfactioü guaraiitceá; iiBOCKEBY GL.VSSWARK & GROCEKIES, J. & Donnelly BTelntoroUrgestocltofOr(ker,Qlaagwiire, ílrtofl Ware, CnHorj Orocerion, &c, Ac, II tobe Puld at onan'allj low priors. No. 12 BaatHnroBSlnwt.Ann Arhor. IlJSlf J. .V f. POWNE1,L.Y. TOHN G. GALL, DEALBB IKT FRE3ÏÏ AND SALT MEATS, I. llí), SAVSACKS, K-., (kdorssollclted and promptly Illled with tlicbest neats in the market. BI Bat Wa.-iilntonetrcet. Anti Arbor. Sopt. 16th, 18C9. ISSf-tf Jfniiufiicturer of ÍUMUAGE81 BliUMKS. LITIBKR WAC0S8, SPItliö HfAO18, CIITTEK8, S!.K;HS, Kt. All wrtrk warrantcdofihe lu?t materiar. Ticpair;u- ouo nroraptly and reasonable. AU vork waruntodtogive perfect itUfaction. o s mth Main ït?ect. ' " ARKSEY, Oé&jgik Manutacturer of Carñages, Buggies, Wagons, iHO SLKIUIIS. of evury stvte, made of the best hlUrlal, und wurrautcd. Id-painn? done promptl.Ttnd prlcee reaaonable. Detroit btreet, nuar K, K Depot, Ann Arbor, Mich. ISMyl. tSk7c7á. leitek CONTINÚES T0 PUT UP AND FII.i, Physicians Prescriptioms, At allhour8, at No. 1 Gregory Bluck. C. A. LEITEK & CO. ■AnnArbor.Dec 2231871. l: I rR.C.B. FOUTER, DE3STTIST. ' F-.ein theSAVIHGSBAUKBLOCS, Ann Arbor. til Operations on the Natural Teeth PÉRFORMEIJ WITH Clfffi. t?'30RPASS3D FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE ymm artïfigïal teetii, ro OIVB f.xt'.n individua!.; íMíreííí&e proper lixt, ukapes.olor, firmneseand na al czprettion. 1244 fLOUR. èRAHAM FLOUK, BÜCKWHEÁT FÍ.OLR, (OHX MEAL, PEED OF ALL KINDS. .All the nb.'ívf :u' ' lto warrantd to have o repertorio Por Partridge's Flouring MillsÍT. B.- GriS'.ingdoEcatïIiorlnolice. MICHIGAN OEXTRAL RAILltOAD. ÖÜ31MEB TIME TABLE. Passenger trains no u leuve tlio lerernl ftetiOliSftt followb: GOIMi WK&l . I A i Á 1 -' 5 v í % __! L_z_: u ■ - A. SI. A. K, P. M. P. :. 1'. ti. 1'. K, elioil.leuvc, , : OS í 50 8 15 0 -10 inti, s SO li ii, Ai-I.oi-, 10 í 8 i'" 7 (0 Id IS II 07 - 5 30 8 18 lu ■!.'■ s 32 11 OS iiimLalw, 10 14 1 y :l ;■.-■. i. li. ..i. n :.■ ■ ■ I un il' IS P. M. I'. H, A. If. . M. K'ubMimzoo, 2 10 Í4Í 12 ÍS - - ■ :-; :. - :n_ 0 M 10 M -i'. lííll!. 4 & '?. s -5 S a alo p. M. V. K. l. M.U. M. Chicago, leavc, 5 Ifl 9 OOl (30 9 80 i. M. 1'. M. Kalumuzoo, : 2 20 5 00 11 30 2 28 . v. 'P. M.' Jnckson. 12 ■". 4 40j R 10 2 55 4 40 Uke, ' i S 2-v : A. K. 9 07 3 55 ■ r, 25 9 M 4 15 Ann Arbor, I 1 58 li 00 6 SS 9 55 4 45 5 40 ïpsilnnti 2 21 6 M 7 M lo 20 ." 08 ( 00 Petroit, arrive, I 3 35 7 2Si 8 48 11 30 6 35 ? 00 The Atlantic nnd l'noiflc Express run bcilween Jatiïaaa and Nr iU-. on the Air J.lne. DatcdJnly 22. is;-.. ■pOHT WAYNE, JACKáON A NI) Saginaw Railrcad. The mort direct route to rittsburg, Fhihulelphia, Baltimore, Washington, nm nll ]nnit soulh und f du Ui est. Trains run by CbicagO Time. TSADn GoiNO sorTrr. Maü, Kïi-n-i. Angola Af. Juckson, 7 1Í a. U. 13 10 V. U. 4 !U 1'. M. HanoTCT, 7 54 12 4U 5 20 JonoeviUe, 8 25 1 20 5 50 Angola, 9 S3 7 SI WntcvlOO. l'1 ':! S '5 Auburn, 10 -17 S n Vort Wayne, 11 45 9 25 Indfanopli, GOOr.M. Iosoa.m. ïnciiinn'.i, 8 50 Louisvillc, 10 4J 10 4."iP. M. TKA1NS liOINd NORTII. A-nfiohi Ace. F.ipms. .lAr1,'. lAjuimille, 9 10 A. M. 10 2S r. m. Cincinnuti, 7 1" a. m. lndianiillis, 4 0 v. M. 10 W) l'ort Wuyne, 7 05a. m. -1 28 r. u. Aubum, 8 00 5 22 Wnterloo, 8 13 S 37 Angola, 8 50 6 35 Ie, 10 IS 3 05 r. M. 8 02 Kanover, 10 50 9 M 8 32 J;„k,OM, 11 30 4 15 8 10 At Jnclcaon - Close connectione are m;i V witli [icliIgao Central, Jaekson. Laiising & Baginaw, and (irand Biver Vaiu-y Bailnada. At Jouo.-rt ilk- Yv'ith Uike Shorc& Jliclugon Southern Ritiktad. At Waterloo- With Lalie Phorc & iliclngnn bouthern (Air „,,,., At Fort W'nync- Witli I'ittsImrR, Fort Wayne (c ChiKi'o; Toliilo, Wiibash & Wcstom.alld Ft. Waynu, Mmicic & Cini'iniiiiti Bailro W. A. KKNBT, Supt. Hob't. Killie, öen'l. Ticket Aï't. July 25. L87Ï. PÜTATION BiTTl S. T. - 18C0 - X. Tli is -wonclerful vcgctnLlo restorativc is thé sheefrnchor of the feeble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for the ftjeed and langnid it lias no equal among Btomachics. As a í'incdy for the nerrotie weaknesess whicli women are especially Biibjected, it is eupersedini ewery other stiimilant. ' In all cliinatee, tropical, températe or liigid, it acts ás a speeifiein overv sjieoies of disorder ■wliicli nndennints tlie bodily Btrength and breaks down the animal spirits. 1386-yl. Beautiíiü Woman IIAOAX'S THAtfXOIAA BAI.M Jfivcs to tUe Complexión tíic Frcslmcss cf Vuulti. Haqah'i Haoholia Halm ovcrcomes thc flushod ■ppmranceeanced ly neat, ÜJAgae and cxcitemcnt. It malfts thc huly of fortf nppear bat twcuiy, and ■o nutiunl .inl peí fcct thnt no pcreou can detecl u appilcatfoD. By ts use the ro"ngliot Mu Is made to riv:ü tb pote ndlaut t.xturc pTyouthfnl beauty. It removee redaoss, blotctte, and pimples. It containa oothÍD that wUHijure the skin in thc lenst. Uágsólia Halm is used Ijy all lashlonable lad New Y'jrk, Londqn and Paria. It costa only 76 ecuts per Buttlc, and is sold by all Drnggieta and l'erfiimcrs. ]35S-c3w-y. BOÓKS. SS F B% %JF Q - J. H. WEBSTEK & CO. NEW KOOK SWÍ M'AIt THE " EXPRESS OFFICE." tOOt TO lOUÏt INTEBE8T JÜ8D CALL. BOÖKS. j _J TNN All BOE Mineral Springs House. This benoilftti resort for henUh-aecbera '13 now open, wlUilla IRQN, MAGNESIA AND SÜLPHÜR WATERS, dommodia_batldlrg hc.itedby steam.aud largo 1_ wll-vcMilatMl roomsWATER AND AIR BATHS, Of nll tempfrnti'.rep, illso Sliowcr. '.];ior, UedlcAted nd Kloeliïo Batha areMnployid wltli the treatment of Mi forme oí chruulc dl tnd ilisenBca of feniale. K;:;iul attentloL pal I Wlth pteasanl enrronndlitgi.and eitnatcd Inoae ■of thc!tnnt heulthy iiu'U i.ullul 1 i'.i.rt Ín tl try 11 1 oneiBei attractlona for Invalida ot rurpluasIceri b Idom foundí tlic Sprlng8 will be lnrniabed on ïijspl ic:-i lion - Persona dealrlog circulflrs to eoml ta l.n ir frionrs CM) ftrocore t hom at the 1 IBceofthc I 1 lora on Hnróntret,orttb prlni . Addreaa all lel tei 1 ol loqati ■ MOKRIS WALE, M. 1)., Snpt. A sn AnBOH, Micrr. Sutlicrlnnfl =!! "'it:c-loii, l'rov'. Aüu Arbor.ich., U,


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