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The Late Hon. Augustus S. Porter

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b of the lii'o and Bei of tho lato Hon. A. S. Porter, in the ara Falls 6V ííí, we extract the f olio . In 18Ü7 hu removed to Detroit, the sfai of goverument of Michigan, thsu a T;rritoiy, where he oontinued to reside uutil 1847, when he kransferre I hia n sidenöeto Niágara Falla. En kis Western home he beoaine earlyand deservedly a favorUe of his fellow oitiiena, who evinced the estimation in which he was held by ILoni, by eleoting him Mayór oi' the cüy of his adoptioii; and lilurwjird, when the ritory hftd becomo a membor of th l'edcrul Union, by niaking üim a Senator in Congrios .irom tiio íítato of Michigan. - In tUis latter cap&oity he serred in the 2(th, 27th, and liStb. 'Congresses, extending from 1H3D to 1815 - a puriod whioh saw the halls of our natioual Legislatura adorned and illuuiinatud by u galaxy of tho liglits of statosmanship and oratoiy such as huil had mi previeras oxamplc and has had no purallol üinoe. Iu his c.apacity as Henator Mr. Povter was brouglit into intímate relations with lnading men of his timo in politica] life, with many of whoiu his friendship becarae warm and lastiug. He was oredited witli i among the most ieful men of tho Seaato. He wag certainly ono of tho most untiringly indnstriou, and most conscientiousiy faithful in the discharge of duty. His withdra-.val from the St;ito soon after, which took placo in opposition to thé wishes and earncstly (xjjresscd regrets of tho hosts of frionds who had üttacheil tbemsoltös tohim therp, preveuted any possiblo return to public lif as tho representatWe of Michigan ; and ho nover nought or desired to incur political obligations clsewhere. Political life was not, in ím-A, in liariiiony with his tastes, nor did he even find pleasure in the oxut;i utti-nding tho active pr of his profession. Aftcr taking u;i hit residence at Niágara Falls ho aecordingly retired from aotivo business, ar.d occupiud the remaindor of his life in the oaru of hi3 modest asíate, and in tha disciiargo of tho cluties of good citizeQship, to which he was conscientiously dovoteil. Tho oharaoter of Mr. Porter was ono in which woro happily combined ii:ost of the oloments which go to form tho model oitizen. Upright in all his dealings, honorablo in all liis impulses, strictly jnst iu his esthnates of human actStí'ns. but oharitablo to tho v i of others, he commanded tho respect of all with whom ho camo iu contact, and insunsibly won the warm affoetion of those who wero raore intimn-toly associated with him - His funeral, which took place from his late residonco on Saturday, tho 21st inst., was attendcd by a large assembly of frionds and relatives from the neighborhood and from a distance, all anxioua to testify thcir respect for tho memory of a man whom all honored in his life, aud whom many deeply and sinoerely loved.


Old News
Michigan Argus