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29 ÏO I 29 ! who wlll cxplain thi simple Iffn, AikI teil lis wlll it iay to cali rit the big SÍ9 ) What Illpan {none mystic lctt 13 thrce. Over bran new rocery- 1!. f C for Credit Í and D f r a dnn ? That's the way business Is olten done : But that's nat the way o ri-ad the siun Of L. (JOLUi', who iells aroceries at 29. C is for CUin : fnr the goods he solls so chcap, 'Tis botter to buy them there voor money to keep. C O. n.-Cnsii on DMvtri-tnia Is the way He i ablo to sell bo low and miiko it uay. He han no batí debtfl to make him cross, Or Ux ioii moro to np Ml loas. so that's the place to bny yonr food, He will sell H clieap, aud you wiil flud It good. At the C. O. I) Groceryyon wlll atways flud Tlie bct of UolTVie and Tuig of all kinds, Wiih aU(.'ar, tio, and fresh, rlpc fruit, Or canned.or drled, all taste to stilt; O-angea Lemona Flgs and Unllan Pears, All the .-plees that tree or shrub oftroplc boars, Mata.raltlni and various kinds ■' Candy, Thatchildren love and motbers flndao handy, To keep on hand a bidden store, A "atick" of this wlll move them more Th.-m tho rld fashloned "rod" our fathers tised, Whec rhildren were pkuty and oiteu abused. He has nll kinds o( Provisi np the palote to please. Ki.h, bacon , tlour, bread, butter aud cheese. Cookies aud crackers, cherrk-s, chocolate anncake, ThlDga to boll, fry, rouet, stew, steam or bake. He has pecana ni-aniUs, primes and pickle. T o comí the appetitu, oo capilclous aud Ückle. lie hns glasfwnro, crockery. and resselsofstone, Froncli Lustra! Soap- the beet evorknoWn ; 'J'oDncco and c!(tar, both for chewing and smoking And never wiii frown if you should be jk!t). Aod many other thlngB too numerons to mention, Ali of wllich to BCll cheap or cash ia his iutentiou. Tlien Oftme. pood people. ono and nlT t Aüil thcO. O. U. grocery a cali Come try ourprlecj añil try onr wares, For in otir profits tlu1 buyur uhnree. Yon pay the cítsh for what yon w, Witli no tarlfl'on lossce to make ym fret : iJon't asf: f(,r cretlü, though your a nii liionairo, But buy yourgricerlea for ca-ih at pricc fair. Come from the country and thetowll, Prepared to buy nud pay cath dmtm, "mo. rlch and poor. come black aud white. Ton will flnd proTisions plenty and prices rijht, Come, fricuds of Oiant and fiirmle (Gretlcy, Shake hand? at 2!) and trade C. O. I. frcely. TEN REASONS WHY No Family should be without a bottle qf WHITTLESEY in the house. - Ist.- Itwill relieve the worst case of BiliOU Cholic or Cholera Morbusinxs minutc% 2d. - It will cure the most obstinate case il Dyspepsla and Indlgostlon in a feu weeks. 3 d .- It is the best remedy !n the world fol 8lck Headaohe as thousands can testify, taken when the first symptoms appcar. ■ 4th. - It is the best diuretic ever put heforf tlie public; curing those distressing compiaints, Diabetes and Gravel and other Urlnary d irncu It los. Sth.- It is a most excellent Emmena" goeuo, and to the Voung Clrls. middle aged Women, and at the Turn of Lif,tliis remedy is of incalculable vajue. 6tn-- It will remove wind from the bowels, and henee a few drops in some sweetcned water civen to a babe is better than a dozen cordials to Relieve and make It Sleep. ContaininL no anodyne. 7th.- It is a sure relief for adults and children affecied with Worms and Pin Worm si It will bring away tbc worms. 8th.- It will cure the PI los and Hemorrhodlal difiïculties. Oth.- It will cure Constlpatlon and keep the bowels regular. It will also cure the worst case of Summer Co mplalnt and DysenterylOth. - It wiil cure Sour Stomach, Stlmulate the Llver to healthy action. Relieve He nrt-Bu rn and act as a general Regulator of the system. When taken dilnte the dose with Sugar and Water toaWlne-Classfull and you have a pleasant tonic. Whittlcscy (Dysyepsia Cure) $i.oo per bottle, "Whittlesey Agüe Cure 50c. per bottle. a , Whittlesey Cough Granules 25c. per bottle-. Sold by all druggists and warranted. ■ffWtüosey Prop. Bed. Co., Toledo, O.. FIHE! FIRE! I ARE YOÜ INSURED? Don't wait for n Fire. bilt secure protrction by procurinR' a l'oliey in one of the following !■ ns; Class Companies: Home Ins. Co., ew York, ASSETS, ■ i ■ $S,000,000. Continental Ins. Co. New York, ASSETS, - - - $2,000,000. i Girard Ins. Co. Philadelphia, ASSETS, - - - $050,000. Oriënt Ins. Co. Hartford, ASSETS, - - $000,000. These Compnntrs n'Uuot &nd pay loiBes promptiy. c. II. uil i,i ,i;. . 4, 8. Main st., ANN AKBOK, MICH. ÏM- m THE NEW DISINPECTANT Bromo Chloralum, N0-POISOTOIS, ODORLESS, POWEEPÜL DEODOniZER AND DISINPECTAKT. ENT1HELY HARMLESS AND SAFE ABRBSTS AND PHKVENTg CONTAGIÓN. Used in private dvelHuirs hotolsrostunrants, ptïb llCBchoolH.hospitalit IiiH.iiitüisylinns, tlippesnariep, jails, prfeone, po r-honees, ou shlpa, eteain-boats and In teiH'iHout.houf!t'Pt mm k'ts, for water closets, urintil, hiKs , gewors, cetspoolB, stables, &c. .1 in all contagious arul pestitmtial distases íis fmall-pox, scíirlct fever, measlcs, diseasesof ;iq imnln, &E. Prepared only by XIJLIJU. A(ü.,iiv Lcimnon, and 176 AVniinniSt., IV. Y. SoM by all drugfíistf. WAL. WnKRHARE YOUGOrxG? DOWN TO t.lir Farmern' Store whcre thoy havo just received tuch Iota of NcwGaodn; why they arn so chenn you can gct as ranoh for 50 cente in UreR OooíisthtTfí ns von caü get for $l.C0 al auy other Hrv in ciiiinty. MOTHERS! MOTHEESÜ TKOTHERS ! ! ! Don't fall to procure 1 lts. WIS. low's sootiiinu sykip fob (iiiiiiim: tggtiiing. This valuable preparation hns been ncefl with NEVKR-FAIUNCJ SUCCEK8 IN THOUSANDS OF CASBS. It not oijiy relieves the child from patn, bnt iDTlg orates tl'o stomach and boweln. correct? acidity, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. It wil] alao iristantly reieve tiripinff in tbc Bowcls and Wind ('olie. Wctn-lleve HtheBEST and SUREST RBMBDY IN TUR WOULD, n all cajos of DYSKXTERY A.NI) DtAKHHOSA IN CHILDIIKN, whethir arlsI112 from teethiuR or any otlic-r case. Depend npoü It moCherB, it will glvorcst toyourselVeHt and Relief and Hcallh to Vour infauts. Bt ure and Cali Tor "Mrs. Winsloiv's Soothlng Syrnp." Hnvln the fc-eimlle ol" CURTÍS A PFRKINS" on the out&ide wrapper. 8old by Druggi8ts throuïhont the world. iy Important Frencli Medical IMscovery. Inttreitiiig to all. lhalih in a Bottle. oijsilinplioli. i Illorosis. IlrulK 'Isilin. ! uiirrli. l sK'isi:. mul l'iilinoiiary i TulwrcnlCN, ItADIC AI.I-V Cl'BED witn the Klixir J. F. Itcrnunl ut' Fmiü. Thli W min lul remedy is nccepted by tho most distinquisl d und eelbruted lhhy:-iciaus, uni in coiistjnl use in tho Frenen lLospit:Us. Valuable instructiuns and infnrmnlion on tbc '"'' rnt itree) t ill whodesire 11 by addreBsiiiï A. HKUNAH1) & CO., Role Agcnts, (IÜ William Ktrcct. New York. Post Offloo liox-llSó. For salo by all respectable druggists. 13'J3w-t HURRY UP ! IJAUTIKS wisiiiim V:ill Paper, Shdrs Hollands, Window Fixture. Cordt, Tiissels, &c.t uil [few Style. t datlafactor} Pcices. bj J. 11. Vcbstor A; Co., Book Stnre,near the Expíes Ollicc. x x E. J. JOHNSON, ( THE H ATT ER ! BAS IiECEIVED DI8 FALl & WINTER STOCK OF Hats and Caps, IN LATEST STYLES, LADIE8' FUHS. ;K.TS" FIRISUIG COODS, ETC, WniCn HE PROPOSES TO SEU. AT PRIC'ES WHICII DEFY COA.PETIT1ON. 7 South Mala St., Ann Aibor.


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Michigan Argus