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Address Of The National Democratic Committee

Address Of The National Democratic Committee image
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Tho Ootobor olootions are over. Tluy , ennble us to form a tolerably sccnrat j idea of tho true political situation of tho co'intry. Ia Goorftift we have to rocount a vktry ior the Liberal ticket as take hor mt cif tin; list of doubtful States, and praetieally to prenouiioe in advanon tho d'vUinu ot' :it leut 'Z5 tho Elootoril College. To this oumbei it is only nonessary to odd (50 votes to elcct Groeley uil lSrown Iti Pennsylvttum tho dtstinguishod h lirnmn of the Liberal Committee haa olorjuently charaoterized the methods by M'hicli the Rttultof tho olcction thcro U Bcoomplishod. Wo comniend liis Statement to tho thoughtful iittention of tho Country. In Óhio, dospito most unprecedented p:vins fov tli Liberal Domocratio ticko, t'io Orant managers have oarriedtheolection by a rsduoed mnjority, hsving lrought to the lolls their entiro reserve voto. Bad our Democratie friends in cerIiiin loRülitios of that gteat coiunionwoalfh shown tho samo earneatuew and netivity. and enablod us like our onomies to record our ontiro strength, they would now bo oxuHiiig ovor a biilliant victory. In Indiana tho Democratie and Liberal torcos havo achieved a most important eucot-sa over Pennsylvania taetics most nnscrupulously omployed by the adminWtration aml its allios, showing thus that freo peoplo when aroused know their riglltg and dare maintain thom. Indiana Ikis fairly domonstrated that sho can neitlur bo " bought nor bulliod." The moral of these resulta i that victory is still in plain view fpr our national ticket, tvud that enorgy and eonrago will assuro it. That viotory must be won. If we mean to preserve freo histitutions on this OTitinont we must assure it. Tho event in Pennsylvania, on Tuesday last, when considered in its causes, is the most appalHng poütieal catastroqho that K:is ever taken place in this country. - Should tho sy.-steni through which this catastropho was brought about be condoned by tho pooplo and foisted on the other States, it seals tho doom of freedom in America. A sad contrast it is suruly that the city in which our republic was bom amiii the antheius of a freo people Bhould now bc the first to toll tho knoll of its libcrties, It is for tho free, unbought peoplo of the other States to calmly review the fearful crime against sufïrage in Pennsylvania, and to decid'! whether it shall bo repeated withïn their own borders. For the iirst time tho systom of free (jovernniont and tho sanctity of the ballot ure really on trial in tho United States. From this hour forward tho preservation of tho franchise in its integrity dwarfs all othnr issues. Let our frionds in each of tho States oatch inspiration from the heroic conduct of our fbllow citizons in Georgia and In(Tiana ; anii from now till Kovciubcr let their struggle be manful and unceasing for liberty and an utitainted box, for reform and an honest administration of tho irovernment.


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