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The Lesson Of The Elections

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Whatuvúr olse tho olections of 'Eiu.sdny juay havo shown, or failod to show, they k'ftve demonstrated boyond a peradventuroono very important faot. Tho Liberal movement, about whioh soniuch anxiety has boon inauifested - which has been alternately the subject oL doubt and hope, of exaltation and depresúon, which las boon to'tho administration a constant target for thoir spiteful sneers - is reaïly u su blimo success aud a power in the land. In spite of tho faot that tho State elections in no instance in volved issues which woro calculatod to bring out tho full of tho Liborals, they havo proTen sa nuuierous in the strong liopubliean counties of Ohio and Pennsylvania as to dismay their formor allies, and delïght their new ones. Even with the added strength gained by tho adniinistrationists in the accession of the negro vote, they find their majorities materially lessened in nearly all their strongholds, while in somo of them they havo been oompletely wiped out. In Ohio, Harailton County, whero the Liberáis wero in entile harmony with the Domoc- racy, has been carried by a majority of over fivo thousand six hundred, whieh is a loss to tho administrationists of about Beven thousand five lmndred. In Cuyahoga Coimty. tbo less kas also been verv large. In tho strong llepublioan counties of the Western Reserve the majorities, with the aid of tho negro vote, ave boen kept about as they wero in 1871, bnt they havo boen materially lessened from the figures of 1866. The majority ih the State against tho Democracy in October, 1868, diff'arcd only ono or two thousand f rom that in Octobor, 1871 ; but tho aggregato majorities in tho liepublican countiira were 7,800 greator in 1868 than in 181, and now even the majorities of 1871 have been cut down in most of thoso counties, and in somo of them a majority secured for the Liborals and Democrats. In Pennsylvania a similar state of things is observable. In Alloghauy County, where Hartranft had a majority of 9,600 in October, 1868, he now has but 7,000 ; and in Lancaster, where ho had 6,700; he-has fallón off noarly 2,000. The same is trim to a great extent in many other counties which gavo largo majorities in 1808 for Hartranft and the Itepublican ticket. Had thero been the same ratio of gain for tho Liberal cause all through the State of Pennsylvania that there the counties that havo hitharto boes Rppublicau strongholds, not even tno. unjaraUoled' frauds in Philadolghia QQuld havo given the State over ngAih-tO tho domination ot Cameron and Hartranft. And by f ar the grnater part of this gain, both in Ohio and Pennsylvania, is justly attributablo to the despised Liberal niovement which has been so uncoasing-ly bolittled by the artministration and rts friendSv and the leaders of which luive Been stigmetized and maligned in cvery forra which hatred and niolrêo could invent. Truly, lor a moTement which, thougb founded in neeessities which reach far back into the past, has been beforo the people but a short time it has ühown a wondrous strength. Wb.en it is oonsidered that the timo for achioving its real design has not yet come; that its effórts thus far havo been expended upon otofec+s which aoe oaly preliminary and auxiliary to its grande purposo of reform in the national government, and a rcalization of the benefits which peaco ought long sii. co to havo brought, we may well look forward hopefully to the ihiaL strugglo in November. - Free Press.


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