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29 2í! 29 ! who wlll explain this simple tun, Ani Icll U8 wlll it pay lo culi ni thf I1; 8 ' Wli.t mean tlidíe ínjstic letters thrce Ovcr bran uew rrocery- C JÏ. 1 C for Crodlt f and I) f r a dun í Thut'-i th w.iy business i olleri dono : H'it i'.t uní the way to read tno Oí L. uotEBir, who tolla grooerieaatí. c Ul for Cabii : f,.r the jr-oís ha sel! fo rheap, ' Pis hetifr to bay ihom then your monoj t" keep. '. O. n,-Cathon D'liKrtt- tiiiH i the wiiy He i.- abla t" ncii so Iow and malee ' i:yHa lina u.i txd debta lo mike hlm crL'as, ()r taz .v more to mako up kit lo. Sn iluit's tli? place to buy your finul, liruill sc-11 ItCheap, and" yon willllnd lt KooAt tho C. O. T) Oroccry yon ( ill Hhvnya flnd The Iwst at Oirtfuj un 1 IV i oT :itl kinils, wiih 8ujür !■ n, and trerii rtpa fruit, Or caDUeHiOr arlad, II Mst. t tan ■ O-aiipiti Lfmom Mja and Hallan Peal All the .-pici'K ihattraa oruhrnb oftroplc bears, Muta, ralílns and Tarloua lndsl nlnly, Thutehil.lriMi lova niiil rtiotMOrs flnd o h;iudy, To keep oh hniiíj a bidden in'. a stiik " nr Uil wlll moyo thaoi niffi 'i'hiiii ule oíd faibloned roil" nr fatiuTK uod, Wii.i. ohlldnm wcrc pl uiy nnd oitt n abuwd. He luis ;ill liiii'lf n( Pforlal n tlie pídate to pleaae. Hh. bacon , llcmr, bread, botter and eheeee Cookle nuil cracfceía, cherriem chocolata anacako. Thtngfl to boíl, fry, ronrtt, gtew (team or baku. Ha his pecana pejinuts, prunea uu pickle. To co:ix thu appettto, so capí Iclous and lickle. He hap, crockery. nnd voísel of stone, Preñen 'Lustra) Soap- the bet ever known ; Tobacco .-jud c:'_';ir.í, boih for chewín nnd nmoklna; And naver II Irown if you lniill bojokiog. And Biany otber iliins too nLBierona lo inention, Allof wliicli to lellcJTwjl hisiuteution. Then come, good people. ono ahtl l] And ive thcO. O. D. rocery a í'riii Oínie try onrprlco nnd iry o-ir wirofi, P'or I ii our prollta the lillyór shafea. You pay the cnafa tor whet you get, Wlth no tarlffut) losnep to maka yon fret t tnnU uifcfwr 'i-r'iií. thonffb your :i mi llionairr, Iïut bnjr yóurgrucerSaa forcu--li i i'i'íiica fluí. Come from the country and tlie'Wu, Preparad to buy and pny rnh ciom, Comai lien nnd poor come black and whi'e. Yon wlll flnd provinione plenty and piiaït richt. Come, frlskidj of Orant and liiriiiin iC)relry, Shako hiinds at 2!) and trade C. O. D. frccly. E. J. JflUKIl H ATT ER ! HAS HECEIVKD niS ñi k WINTER STOCK OP Hats a,nd Caps, IN LATEST STYLES, LADIES' FUR8, (Eïïii' Fl'KMS!IIS COODS, ETC, WniCH HE PROPOSES TO SEI.I. AT PRICKS WIIICH DKFY COMJ'ETITIOK. 7 South Main St., Ann Arboi TEN REASONS WHY NaFamilv shouM be without a bottlcof WHITTLESEY in the house. ■ Ist.- Itwill relieve the worst case of BIllOU Chollo or Cholera Morbus n 15 minutev 2 d . - It will cure the most obstinate case M Dyspepsla and Indigestión in a f léeles. ' 3 d .- It is the best remedy in the world feí filck Headache. as thousands can tcstify, taken when the first symptoms appear. 4th. - It is the best diuretic ever put beforY the public; curing those distressing complaints. Diabetes and Cravel and othcr Urlnary diffloultles. 8th.- It s a most excellent EmmenaSOgue, and to the Youn Olrls. muidle ogcd Women.and at the Turn of Lfe,thi remedy is of incalculable valué. eth.- It will remove wind from the boweli, and henctt a few drops in somc 5wectened wator Svcn to a babe ís better than a dozen cordiats to elievenndmaka it Sleep. Contatning no anodync. , 7tha - It is a sure relief for ndults and children nlTccttd with Worms and Pin Worm. 3t will bring away the worms. 8th.- It will cure the Pilos and Hemorrhodlal difücultics. 9th. - It will cure Con stl pat Ion and keep the bowels regular. It will also cure the worst case of Su mm er Co mp la Int and DysenterylOth.- It will cure Sour Stomach, Stlmulate the Llver to hcalthy action. Relieve He art-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the system. Whcn taken dilute the dosc with Suearand Water to a Wlno-Clasofull and you have apleasant tonic, Whitilesey (Dysyepsia Cure) $x.oo per bottl Vhittlesey Agüe Cure 50c. per bottle. "Whittlescy Cough Granules 25c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists and warrnnted. WhlUlcser Prop Bed. Co., Toledo, O.. FIËE! FIRE! ■ARE YOU INSURED? Don't wait for n, F i re, but MCUft protr-Ption by procüriu;? a Polkw in one of the follow ing i'irst Class Companies : Home Ins. Co., New York, ASBETS, - $5,000,000. Continental Ins. Co. New York, ASSETS, - i. - $2,000,000. Gii'artl Ins. Co. Philftdolphia, ASSETS, - - - $030,000. Oriënt Ins. Co. Hartford, ASSETS, - ' ■ $600,000. Theso Compani(i adJUst anQ pay iosses promptly. C. II. til l.l.i; V. . 4, S. !TIuill St., ANN AHBOK, MIUI1. liro- ro8 M O T 1 C E ! The snhscriborRhnqi at thrir c'TTmflníl, np n poneral thlng, from flve hnniredto iïvt thoannd ui lam to lofln on flrot nnd flrst claf mortHKe ittie ï ii lbo ('iMiiify of Waflitciiijw. - ïimt' from thrpfl f" fiveyeata. 'lerfns liberal Offira oppotte the Post O(A ■■■ Mld ut i'. A. Lei ter & Cti.'s Drtij: Store, No. 1 (r -L'tiry Block. Uur Abstrnct lïooktrt'e puatud lij [O (hltl!. Ann rbor. Mnj 80, 1872; TiAot v. aooT, BOOT A LBITBB. til a. A.LKI'EB. IBTOtl BACH k ABEL 26 MAIN STREET, Buy lnrjjely of Manufacturen and Importen, and efcclusively for cash, nul invite the nspeetion of the closest ciï'i t ido OTXR. STOCK OF1 I4 wm mm Vill be fblind large atii attrnctive, ml'racing many uew styles - Black Silks and Lyons Poplir.s at vcvy Low Prices. BAOH & ABEL. FIFTY pIE(3ES BLACK ALPACAS Just rceeiven. Wc shall make a ; 8 SPECIALTY of thete goode, and will fnake prices lower tlisin e er offcred beforc in this ci'y. BAOTI & ABEL. oO PiecesWamsutta Bleaclh CottouB 50 " Lonsdale " " 5ü "Hill'sSem.Idem" " At loWef prices than thty have been 9old for in tbc city in ten years. BACH & ABEL. Our Cloth Department Is very complete, consisting of En "■lisli, French, and Germutt Coatings and Suitings, with man y of the best American branda. We give especial attention to this h ranch of our business and invite an inspection of the goods. BACII & ABEL. 25 3DOZE1ST Telt and Embossed Skirts. We have the Cclcbratod " Ponson " Cloak.and OJöth, (the Bed Lnpoi'tcd.) BACH & ABEL. We are agents in this city for the ceiebrated HARKIS' Uñim KID GLOTEÜ, And have in store a Full Assortment. BACH & ABEL. Tlie Chenpest and Nest Fin! Department in the World. Oter One Thoumnd Actual Firet Put Out WITH 1T, AND MOIÏE TÏÏAN O,000,000.00 Worth of Propcrty Savitd From the Flamen. THE gABCOC ft cc V8W " n tj W r Cj M FïRE EXTINGUÏSHEK Towns thnt have bonfrht thcm Ry twelve Kltlnpniehert nuikr departmert as efllcieut aud ninre avaüablc tban a oteara enginc. Lí8. The Babcock Solf-Acting Fire Engine, FOE CITY, TOWN a-d VILLAGE USE It ifl more effective thnn the Stonni Pire Engine because it i jnstantaucoarly roady and throws a powerful ntrnam oí carbonic ncid ga and water fui ony lonth f time It Is the bet and cticapo't Flrn Kncine in the worl't, Jinfl comes within the financialabUitiesof evcrv piuco. It doee not requlre ai) expenflive syptem of water workft, and !8 neTcr out of repair. Send for their rfmril. Kv'cr? town iti the State ibnn ld hnte thein Iwfore tlie dry weather eelB in, dnd prevent conflagratione. .. T. HAHM '!, Gen. Agent, 118 Woortword Ave., Detroit. Mannfactnrer of Iron, Brns" nnd Copper Wlre, re Cloth, Wire llnllin and Fenclng, Copper Weather Vanes, aud Wlre Work cenerally, 18;'3 lji TT EANDOLPH WHITE, M. D., DËISTTISTOfacc at Reeldencc, N o. 1 Eot Wberty fltreet, ANN ARROR, MICH HURRY UP ! T3AUTIKS MiUnc Wall Papot, Cloth A and P]ht Sliades. Hoilai!!), Windnw Fixtnfcfi, Coiils, Taisolfl. Ac, 11 New HtylfH, at Slitisfactor} Price. by 3. R. ■%robtor & Co., B-jolt ftort1, near the EipCoae Office. X X


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