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Ttli Cut (Ilústrate tho ir.annerof Uslng pWBHB Foanüúa Nasal Iiijcctor..fHH DOUGHEijjjPk f TblBinstrcmcDtlnespootally deslgned for tho prfectappllcatlon of DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. Itistho oníy form of instrnment yotinvented TCith wliich fliiid modiriiii c:m lo cnrrid high up and pcreetly applied tf all pnrta of tho atfuctud ïifisfif passagen, mul tboch.ui)l)rBor cavitiencommmiicating therewith, in whlch Bcrcs ftud ulwrs írequontly oxíbí, and from Tvhirh tbfl catnrrmtl dlacbargc goneraHy procceda. Tl '(vant of aucceí3 yti treatlníí cíit:irrfci hcrotoforo has ftrisen largely froin the lmpoMibilltv of applying remediea to tht'se caviifes ainl cliainbera by any of the orrtlnury metbods. Thïs obstado in the wny of cllefting enitrt is ciitivcly ovorcomo by tho i invcnüon of tbe Douche. Iu uaiyg this in?trument, the Fluitf ís carried by lts own welght (no snuffing, forcinff er pi'niping" boing required,) up on 11 os tril in aTull gontly flosviup etream to tho highest portiou of tho nasal passaffes, paspo into ftud thoiouglily cleanses p.fl tho tubos aml cüambers connectod tbercwith, and fiows out of the opposite nosirit. lts uso is plrasant and eo eiiDple tliat a cbild can nmlnretand it. Kuil tul cxpll It lii ( i'tkmi accompauy encb inatru' me&t. TVhen nsed ■witb this instrwment, Dr. Sae'B Catarrh Kcmody cures recent attacks of Cold iu ttie llcafl'' by a few application. ymptoniH of Cntarrh. Frequent headaoho, diachargo f&tling info tbrout, sometiinea profuso, TVttttiy, tuirk mocna, purultnt, oflen eivo, &c. In Dtbn n drvuiws, dry, watery, weak or inflaroed o,Ya, atoppinR np or obstruction of naaalpMMgee.rinKtiiglii CArs.deafiieM, bawkloff nd cuujchiiig tocit'ftr throat, nlceratious, scaha front nlctn, voico alterdf na.-n] twanpc, olfenivo breath. ïmpuired or total depri vation of sonso of emell and tusto, dizzintss, mental ili-prcssion, lom of appotite, inmeestlon, eniarged tonsila, tickhug coTiru, ko. Ünïy a few of theBO aymptoma are liliely to be present in any caso at om timo. Dr. ag-s t atarvH 'Rt-mcdy, when usod with I3r. Plercc1 Nasnl JJouulie, and acenmpanied Tvlth tho constitntional trrntnient ■uhiih Is recoïompndi'd in tbo pain]ibU'ttlnit wrftpa eat'h butilo of tho Kumecty, is a perfect e]ïccificfor tbis loutbsonio diBinse, nd Ibn prtpriotÓt oilers, in pood fulth, S5QO it'WRitï for a caso lio canüut cure. Tlie jcnirdy i mild and pleasaiit to uso, cuntainlng nu streng or caustic diuga or poisona. Tho atrrh lU-medy Ín sold at 50 cents. Joiu:1jc nt i'yi ceuts, byolï ii'i'uftlatitt or oitbor will beinailcd by proprtotor on receipt of 60 cents K. V. PliCHCK, 1.2. D., Üolo Proprietor, liUPFALü, N. X. neWWtIuhöe STORE! At No. 8 South Main Street. Thft nndorpï'ncd taïtes pïcnsnre in annouucinfr to tho citizens of Aun Arboi und viclnity that he has openod a ncw busineB plnce, where he wlll keep couetantlyon hand a full asiortoicDt ot BOOTS $c SHOES And evcrytlung in that ine, WIIICII WILL BE SOLD AS LOW AS POSÖIBLE. Repairing Done Neatly and Proniptly. t Picase give me a cali. L. ORUNEK. Ann ATbor, AnR 2, 18. M85tl T Q. A, ES1ONS' INSURANCE AGENCY. nis Comp.nlcs Are Sound. piKENIX INSURANCE CO., IIARTFOItD, CONN. CAPITAL AND ASSETS.Jui.y 1, 18n....81,7Sl,000 CHICAGO LOSSES -. 760,000 TÜKVIIIKMX ín thcbCKt coiiilurlol lire Insiirnnro Compnny in Ilin I nihil States. ïlwiiys prudent and soumi, ;iMl silwiiy prompt in payiiunt of IonM J N'TEKNATIONAÏ, INSURANCE CO., TEW YORK GITT. - ■ ■ ■ letil of t!i V. n ■ : - RÍDCC t fu I T'ilüMP --i ATSTT! Imod ; is;i:itch. November 2, 1RT1, TUK INTERNATIONAL 1N81T1IAKCK COMVANT. TIn: Snpcrlntendent of the New York tate Inmranecbepartnieiit, wholamtking aenreful offlcMciaminaion if the New York City Compítale '.■ thnt the Internalioniil Oompany! ametoof ?i..'.ii ',i'(io are ecarry nveeted, and te cpttlof600,iOO,ii(trprov1aiii(rfornll tlibilittos, tncladtngtbe Chicago flre( i whtlly mitmp:iired TIn Company II pSyMg nllils Cliicnso losees and Lasoond am! rOltáblo Poliic8ts8ucdiit fHirratee at mj ofllce, No. Jl sEat lluron street, Aun Arbor, J. i. X. 8JB88IOJÍS1 Agent. 184Ttf. TAMR8 McMAHON, Justicc of tïie Peace, Office in ncw block, North of Court House Money colleetcd umi proraptly paid over. INSURANCK AÖKNT. THllDPb, aséete,. N..HH Missouri, " 645.41T.81 EHbernla, " 350,000.00 RKAL K9TATE. I s ■ acri's of land % of a mile from the city iiits, liin'ly locatod Tor fruit or gardeo purposca. . Aïso 40 acri'n. Also 10 acres, witH lttnw and ltarn.and a llvcly stream of water riinninirthruagh the baru yard. 60 aero, n mlle out. I dll ftell'any or all tho-bovc ohcap, or cxcliansrn for fity propovly. 1:71 JAMES McMAHON. F IVE ÖEESE FEATHliRS PIBST QUALITY , ioueUi2Ü.vnitiand androrsal by BACHfr ABEL, riMIE RftST NEW GOODS IN" MARliEÏ, AT HftSLEY LEWÏS' THE Finest, Lnrgcst and Most Complete töck of Fine (Joods for Ladies, Misses and Children, at FINLEY and LEWIS' Burt's Fine Calf Knots at Finley & Lcwis, and at NO 0TI1EK Vluce in Town. The Best Kip and Stoga Boots in Towd at FINLEY & LEWIS'. The Best Boys' Hoofs aíFIStEY & LEWIS'. TUo ilock w liicli is honpht Cor CASH esn be old, it b.iter pnces thau those bonght ON TIME. Finley & Lewis BUY FOR CASH! anfeau eell goods at FAIR PBICE8. IS NOW READY M TilE FALL TRADE Haring Uecelveda Large Stock of HU & WINTER GOODS, 1SCLUDIKG CLOTHS, OA8SIMEKE8, VESTINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and QUALITIES WHICH HE WILI. MANUFACTURE on terms to suit. Also a full line of READY-MADE CLOTHING AND aents' FÜRNISHIEG Goods. J3JE1&T STYLB. ALSO LADIES' AND GENTS' MOROCCO SATCHELB No.21 Soirtïi Sfaïa Street,- EaetSidet OALL AND SRE THEM. jcni'it, Ann rbor, Octobcc lst, 1ST2. JL % GIDLEY, Saccessor to COLGKOVE 4 SON. DRLGG1ST AND IliliST IN COOK'9 NEW HOTEL, 3STo. 12 R HUKON STREET DEALER IN DIU'GS, Til-IHf IKS. si :t(. : nsTRiitETS, PIRE WIÜE8 XMi LIQIOKS (FGR HBDI04L PUIíPOSES ONLY.) Fancy Goods, Teríuiiury P.VI.-VTN, OI1.S, VAK!I!SHi:S, eiAG9 JLXD PITTT FÏIYSICIWS' PBESCRIPT 0S ïro r-.tlly compoundiül al all boor. ] pm)j TOBF UWT BY AHY ÍN THE ■ LE. ' . DOW'T FORCET Thnt ihp Falreat. SqimrMt. nod 1pii placo i A: n Arixir to ii-.iy Pnre Drnva aod Medicines, vu.s and Liqmn, tor Uedlctnal 1110808, PAINTS, OILSj VARNiSHES, BRÍ33HES, &C, IS A'i' 11. W. ELLIS & COS. Corner Oppoxitü the Savings B;ink. CA-LL -A.3ST3D EXAMINE Onr Per mimen t Colon, for ontHdeor lusido patat inr. ïminnfiicturi'd (rum Pure White Lcnd, zine, and Liiiscvl (til'. Cheapcr anrl hctler thnn imy other l'aint made. Suld ly the pullon, keg, ir larrul. AlHoPuri! Whlti' {ad, Zinc, Ac, at litUbctorj Prlces BBUBMBKB NA.MK AND PLACE. R. W. IJ.I.IS de CO. ÜTTLED LAGEKr ALE AND rORTEK, l'ut up in Pints and Quarts for Fainily se. ALSO BY THE KEG. nr lrdera I'rfi ui I, citer Co.'s Iiruir Store wili be proinptly fillcd. mix & chapín. Ann Arbor, May 2S. 1872. UWÜ IN FAUT, XV VOU WISH TO O-KT ANY GOODS and cel the worth of vemr mmiey, TOU munt. _-o to the Farmen1 store trher tin-y .11 all ;:"i. cheuuer this Fall thnn ever liuforo. Ui liAYSiSuiierintcaduut. A 1W ARRAHENT ! 1 AJÍ MOW OPEN1NO 1OOCASES MEIP8 AND' BOYS' Boots and Shoes I Ladies', Misses' and Children's BootSj Shoes and Slippsre gooda liave Jast l,.-n pnrch.ased of first liftni's, nnd as T have no expenae of IiLNT, Dd glve my eníire persoíftf attcfftiun ti) the business, I hope to Compete Successfully wltlMtll engnged in tlie A. D. SEYLER, No. O Ioríli maiii St. Ann Arbor, Aua. 8, 181 2. 185fim:t i Wu.KBR, I'ropristor. R. H. McDonu.d A Co., Droffg"11 - (Jen. Afonu, San FtwicUco, Cal., nd 34 Comnwrc ttret, N. V, MIM.IONS Ucar TeMlftioiiy to lliett WomlciTiil Cu latí ve KíTccts. Thcy aro not avile Knucy DrinU, M.idc of Poor Knm, Wlilskuy, Prooi Spiiiis and Kel'uso ÍJqíior doctored, spiced and swcctcncd to picase tho tafite, cnllcd "Tonica," "Appctizcra,1" "ltestorera'áíJ., thntlond the tippler on totlrunkenncssnml rr,in,butare & truc Mcdiciric.inndc fromtlic Nativo Itoots and Herba of California, freo f rom nll Alcoholíc Stimulanl. IhejarethoGREAT KLOOI) PURIFlEItand A UVE OlVING FKINC'11'I.E, n perfect EonOTOtOI and lnvipror;tor of the BjstaflV curryirigoff UposonousmntterandrestoringthvbUxjcF (O'tf hcnTChy comiition. Koperson can take tliesc Bitters accordinc to directioná mid remain long iinwell, provitlod thcir bonea aro not dcstroycd by mineral püisonor other inenns, and the vital orcana wasted beyojid thc pointof repair. Thcy ti it ti ;'inl' trurgntivc n s wcll nn a Totiic, possossinj;, ilso, tlie pccn-lÑiF merit of nctíníf ns a powcrful aírciit in rrlicving Coiigcftion or InffaiaDinfiloa of the Llvcr, and all thcVisceral Organs. FOR PEMAIiE CO:UPIV1NTS, Inyoongor o4l, nmiTtod or BÍiigle,at thcdawitof womanliood or at Uie turn of Ufo. UtcttTonk Btttci í tímvc no equBf. Foi I iiMutitiufitory auil ('lironlc Rboimia iImh und íiunf, Dj apópala or IndlEreNtion, ntlioiiH, Kcmittciit mid liiirrntiitcnt Fctci'k, UlMNMM "i" Mip Klood, J-ivrr, Ividncys nuil Klnildor, those Itiitces liavc been must imeceHsful. Surli IHhcusob are can sed by VItinted III(mhI, wliich isfjcncraüy produced by dcrangcQient of thc I) i', cfti vu Oriíiins. DVSPKI'SIA OR INDIGESTIÓN, IleadfiHu', J'ain in tbc Shoulders, Concha, TuílitiuiF-s of tho OhMti Duziness, Sour Jirnctations of the Stmnach, Bad Taste in trio Mouth, Billoua Attack-i, PalpitattoD of the licart, Inflainination of tho Langt, PlkUl inthercpíonn of the K.iJnc) s, r.ii'l a liutxlred other paiuful nyinp(Mins, are (he ofltprins;s of Dyspcpsia. Tlioy invisoratc tlie ítomac!) aodstimuhitcthe torpfd LIver and JiowIs, vrfaleb renricr tlteni of unequalled eíHcjicy Ín cteansinc Ihc blond of all Jmpuritiea, atid inipartliif nav Ufe and vigor to tlie wholc ayslem. POR SKIN I)ISKASES,Bruption8,Tetter, falt Itht'ii), JHotchcs, Spots, PinipIcR, Pustulcs, líoils, Csrbiinc1o., Kiiiír-V orim. Hrnld lleail. Son1 Evos, ErynlpcIm, ílch.iícurfs, Diwolorntions of tho Hkiii, Humorannd Dffieaaen Of tfatk Ukln.of whatov.-r name or tinturo, aro IJterallv up titid earried out of the system In a short timo by the use ot thfse lïitters. One lKttlo in nuch ciisc.4 vrillconviuco the most iucrcdulous of tbeir curativo eflbets. 9tantc Uw Viti.itcd Dlood whenever yon find its impnrftics tursting throupli tho ekin Ín Pimples, Eruplions or Sores; cleansc it whon you find ft obstructod andslufígih In tho veins ; elcanso it when it in fnul. and your fecünss will tellyouwhen. Koop tho blood piiro, and the hcaltli of the svstem will follow. l'in, Tuie, and other Worm, lurkin? in tho sriteni of bo many tliousandsaro effoctually destroyed and remorad. Btju a distíitauished pliyioloírist, tliere is erarct-lv an individiml upon the face of tho cnrth WOOM body is exenipt (Vnni the prrsenco of worins. U is lint npon tm liealthy elementa of tho body that wormi existí but UDon tm dfaaued bu mora and filiuiy UepotiitK tbat breod tliosc living: inonstei-H of di4'ase. No System of Medicine, no vermifueeR, no aitlu-linintics will free thc syetem froin worms like tAuse Uittorfl. ; J. WALKEll.Proprietor. E.H. McDONALD & CO., Dniffgists and Gen. AeenU, San Franciro. California, and 32 and 34 Commerce Street, New York "SOU LX Áhh DUUüGIKTS AND DEAUCRS. For íTofuIsi, ScrorT ulosis Dlscasea o f thc Eyeo-, or Sc.i'ofiiJ,J la i ii any forin fey Anv dipeitse or cruption 7. of ihe Skin, dfaenge oí the Wjö Lívcr, Khenniiitïpm, Pimêr& pleOldSoreajUlcenBrok&T L0 í'ii-tlo-vn Cons-titíi ti ons, Oík SyphUir, or any diseasederL pending on adepravedcon5 dition of tlie blood, try mff DE. CEOOK'S FSA SYRÜP OF fPOKE ROOT. It lias tlie medicinal propirty oí Pokecombinedwith a prepaiHÜoo oflroowbicb gOÍ8 U once into tlie blood, performing the most rapid and woniltTi'ni corea. Ask yonr Droggist ior )r. Crook's Cbmpound Syrup of Puke Koot - take .tand be lieaied. Ilcal Estáte for Sale 1 TTIE VOLNií.Y CHAPI HÜMK8TEAD, Nenr the north 0Mt corner ofthe CourtHoOP sipriri' This piOJMrky wilï be Mid nt reftSODáblf p rices, in luis mltabl for r for buel ne88pnjtposes. Al so Iota 011 ililiep Areaaeevl o Totas' gruen Uoase. Aleo u Fiirni of 1G0 Acres, Wc'! wai'Ted and fencod, wiih good orefcard and fair Imildínjí. witliin a mile ot Ihe ('utirt Honaelii B(.Johoa) Hlcblgaa, hnd reverá) bnndred Aerea oi pino and oak timberud luudu iu Sn;iiiaw Coantyi Mhliiu-an. luqiiire Of N. W. CTlEKVKR.or US0m C!. A OHAPIH. rilHE PLACE TO OET YOUU NEW STYLKS OK I Unsif Trimmiiif, i ai ihc Farmers' Stüro.


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