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The Magazines For November

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The Atlantic Monthly has : Tlic Poet o the Brcakfust-Table, xr., by Ollvcr Wen dell Holmes; Nocturne, poem, by Harrie Prescott Spftfford ; A Dlnner-Party,- a posereven for the credulous ; Orlóle, poem, by Uose Terry ; Jcflerson's return froin France lu 1789, by James Parton, a capital number of a capital series: Idloiicf, poem, by J. Logle Robcrtson ; Guest's Confosslou, H , by H. James, Jr. ; Mozart, poem, by Celia Thaxtaf ; The Primeva! host World, by John Fiske; The New Day, poem, by Louis Bushnell; A Coraedy of Terrors, xr., by James De Mille; A Prodigal in Tahiti, by Charles Warren Stocldard ; Literatura, Art and Music Notes, witli the usual Pohtlcal article. Jas. R. Osoood & Co., Boston. From the same, Out Yonng Folks, Wlth a varied anti choice blll of fare for the boys and glrls, including: A Chance for Hlmseif, tour more chaptera, by J. T. Trowbridge; One Little Woman, i., by BlliaÖBth JtuartPhelps; The School mistress In ölam, and numerous other articlcs iu prose and poetry, with illustrations, chats wlth "Our Young Contribiitors," "Tlie ibvenliig Lamp," "Our Letter Box," &c. - The Cathoiic World has: Centen of Thought In the Past, n., Flcurangc, The Poor Ploughman, A Dark Chapter in English üistory, The Progressionists, The Virgin, The IIoin3less Poor of New York City, The House thut Jack Built, VVhcre are You Going? Number Thlrteen, Use and Abuse of the Novel, Review of Vangban's Life of B. Thomas, To St. Mary Magdaten, God's Acre, Personal Reeollectioiis of the late resident Juárez of Mexico, wlth reviews of new publlcations. The anieles are cholurly as usual. Catiiomc Publica'lox BOUSB, !) Warren sireet, New York. 'M Northern ,,'iKi and ?:.!- . klufl De n Proctor, proloseiy tllusiral i; l'lio Eurtli quake at Arica, bj E W. Stardy, iilus ; Arthur Bonotcastle, clmp. i., a New Englanrl story in autlblographlcal form, by J. G. Holland, wlth an Illustratlon exquisitoly drawn by Miss Hallock; At His Gates, by Mrs. Oliphant ; Knte Parkman' Wedding Days, by Eliza Wood ; The Demons of the Shadow, i., 11., by Moncure D. Conway ; An Excursión vfith Stanley, by Edward King. The poema are: Days of Vanity, by Christina Rosettl ; The Singer's Friend, by H. II ; Guendolen, by Celia Thaxter ; The Closed Gention, by Mrs. A. D. T. Whituey ; and Every Day, by Elizabetli Akers Allen. "The Topic of the Time," "Old Cabinet," "Nature and Science," "Home and Society," "Culture and Prosress" departments are wcll filled and readable. It is a good initial number to the new volume. Messrs. Sciubner L Co., 654 Broadway, New York. In the Supreme Court on Wednesday a lecision was mado in the case of the People ex rel. John Hedoemajt vt. Board of legistration of the Prst Ward of Detroit, The relator, John Hedoeman, waa reused registration by the Ward Board of tegistration and applied for a mandamus ?he record showed that the relator was was bom in Canada of colored parents who had been slaves, and who still reside n Canada, The court held that the paents were not rocognized as citizens be'ore they migrated from Virginia into Canada in 1834, that they were not citiens when the relator wiis born, were not made citizens by the fourteenth amendment, being non-residents, and that, herefore.the relator had acquired no right under the naturalization laws which mako a child of an American citizen reiding abroad also a eitizen. Tho manamus was, therefore, denied.


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