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29 29! 2O ! who wlll explain thia slniple Igo, Au i toll ns wlll it pay to cnll at the IUL 20 I Wlmt mean thoao mástic ltstteris tlirco. Over brau new jrrocery - V. OI C for Credit ! and D f r a dun Thnl'i the wrty business is olten done : But that's nnl Ui way to read the siun Of L. COLUV, whu íells irrocerics ut 2. C is for Cisn : for the goode hc asila o cheap, 'Tis better to buy tliem thcre your moncy to keep. '. O. D.- Cash on Delivery- this 8 the way Ho is abla to 8ell so low and make it pay. He has no bad debts to mako htm crose, Or fax yon more to roake up A lon. So thiit v the place to biiy your foodt . He wlll sell it cheap, and you will ttnd it goerd. At the C. O. D Qrocery yoa will alway find Th! of CoftVe nj Te ia of all kind, With silbar, t io, and fresh, ripe fruit, Or canued, nr dried, all uatea tosuit ; OrangM, I.emom Kius and Italinn Pear, All the ïpice thnt tree or ehrub of tropic bears, NiUK.raini i.Hiuxi vnriii'.is kind f Oaudy, Thai GhOdreo lovu and mothers llud o handy, To keep on hand bidden store, A " stick " of tilia will move them more Tlian tho old-fashioned "rod" our fathers nsed, Whcu ■ Ui n were plenty and otten abimod. He has al] kind al Provisión the palato to please. Fitfh, hacou , flour, bread, butter and cheese. Cookieg and crackers, cherrlut, chocolate and cako, Thlsga to boil, fry, roaat, stew, Bteam or bake. hui pncau.i peanuti, prtinefl and pickle. To coax the appetlte, o capiiclous aud flckle, He hs iilasswari, crockery. and vesscla of tone, Prcnch Lus ir.'.l Snap- the best ever known : Tobacco and cipire, both for chewing and smoking And never will fruwn ifyou i-houlil I)e joking. And iiany other tilines too ni,merou to mention. All of wtiich to sell cheap for cash la taiB tcntkn. Thfin come. Rood people. one and all, And eive the O . O. l. grocery a cali Oome try ourprice and iry our wares, Por in onr proñts the buyer nbares. Yon pay the cash (or what you ;et, With no turlffon lossee to make yoii fret ; !m't ask for credit, thouh your a mi llionaire, But buy yourgroceries for cash at prices fair. Come from the country and thejtown, Prepared to bny and pay canh dtnvn, ('■■me, rich and poor. come black aud white, Y.hi II niid provisions plenty and pricee right. Come frieiids of Grant and Irlenda i Orci ley. Shake hnud nt 29 and trade C. O. D. frccly F1KE! FIKEi ARE YOU INSURED? Don't wait for a Fire. hut secure protection by procurin a Policy in one of the following Kirst Clasa Companies: Home Ins. Co., New York, ASSETS, - - - $5,000,000. Continental Ins. Co. New York, ASSKTS, -.- $2,000,000. Girard Ins. Co. Philadelphia, ASSETS, - - - $050,000. Oriënt Ins. Co. Hartford, ASSETS, - - - $600,000. These Companice adjnet and pay lossea promptly, C. II. '1 1 1 ,1 i ;, . 4, S. Main st., ANN ahbor, riicu. 1392- mS ____ ii GOODÏBAR FARM FOR SJLE. HEXRY GOODYEAR, of Sharon, having assigned 11 his property to us tor the benefit of his creditor, we now orter tho projïerty for sale in pareéis to suit nircliaaers. The lands are flrst class- none better in he State. Over one thousand acres of improved land l a btxly. Persons buying tan insume mortírages for part óf the purchas'e money. All haring claim pluist the said Goodyear are retiuested to present tem to the aasignees. Uated, September 26th, 1872. R. S. SMITH. W. H. C ALK IN. 1393 JUS. McMAHON'. [pOE SALE. The undersigned offers for sale, on reasonnble terms His Residence in this City, Corner of División and Willüim Sts. A most dcsirable loeatiou, anrt of ti"c beat properies in the city. Enquire on the Premises. Dated Ann Arbor, October 9th, 18T2. DAYID HEXNING. 1305tf TTTHITJIOBE LAKE. Havlng recentlylrefltted and f:irnl(hfd the CLIFTON HOUSE! urn now prepared to reectve and entertain pleanure, fishtiif; and dancing purties, at one of the moBt ttractivc, pleasant and healthy wateriiiü placte In he est. ■ . Myboats arenew.large and commodloue, ana well adapted for the use of plcanreeekcni. Auglcrs will flnd a full and complete cqnipmsnt alwayson hand. Special attentlon Riven to the want and comort of those who wih to spend a few weeks in ocreatiou durinp the warm nummer mouths '■ No paiiiR will be spared to make WHITMORfc ",AKE. in the future au in the pt, a favonte nmiuer re6ort. D. F. SMITII. JUST RECEIVED at the Farmers' Store Ann Arbor, FIFTY DOZEN of Ladies' Wrappers and Drawers, FIFTY DOZEN Mens' Wrappers and Drawers, and a Splendid Line of NEW GOODS. Come and See Them, they must be sold. 1396W4 O. W HAYS, Supt; Q L. PACK Eeeps on hand a first class stock OF CIGARS, TOB AC CO, PIPES, SJWÜPF And all smokers articlcs AT TUE OLD STAND 2 doors west of Cook's Hotel ftt the sign of the BIG IN JUN. 13S2m NP]V GROCERY STORE! THK nndersincd has opened in MoMAHON'8 BLOCK, north side of Court House Square, a full stock of Grroceries and Provisions Which will be sold at the lowest prioes. The highest price paid for Country Produce. Ann Arbor, Oct. 17th, 1872. UW6 2ra GEORGE MOE. HURRY UP ! "IJARTIKS wlshing Wnll Pnpcr, Phadee -- llullands, Window I'ixtlires, . Cnrdu, Taesels, Ac, nll New Styles, t Sstisfnctorj Pricca, liv J. It. Webster Co., BookStore,near theEzpioss Oflicc. X X WATv. WDERKARE YOUQOINQ? DOWN TO the Farmer' Store wht-re tliov have ji)t received 8uch lots of New Ooods wny they arn ro cheap yon eau get au much for 50 cents ín l'refls Goods there ah you cao get for $1.00 at any other etore in thiscounty. " tiï L9ft Pp dftyI Aprnlfl wantod f All VJ IV S?W classes of working pcople of either fcx, yoiui or o)d. runkc rnore rnoncy at work for na in tfieir upare momenta or all the time, than at anythlng cUe. ParticuJam fne. AdUxMi (V. btinsoö 1b Co., Portland, Haiae, r BACH & ABEL 26 MAIN STREET, Buy largely of Manufacturera and Importéis, aniexcl usively tbr cash, and invite the inspection of' the closest cash tade. OUB STOCK OF LADIÜS' DRffl (M Will be foiind large and attractive, embraciug many new styles - Black Silks and Lyons Poplins at very Low Price8. BACH & ABEL. FíFTt PIEOES BLACK ALPACAS lust reeeived. We shall make a BPECIALTY of these goods, ana will make pnces lower than ever of'ered before in tli is cily. BACH & ABEL. 50 PiecesWamsutta Bleach. Cottone 50 u Lonsdale " " 0 "Hill'sSem.Idein" " At lower prices than thty have been old lor in the city in ten years. BACH & ABEL. Our Clotli Department 8 very complete, consisting of Enlish, French, and Germán Coatings and Suitings, witli many of the best Amefican brands. We give especial attention to this brauch of our )usiness and invite an inspection of the goode. BACH & ABEL. se dozen Feit and Embossed Skirts. We have the Celebrated " Ponson " Cloak, and Cloth, (the Best Imported.) BACH & ABEL. We are agenta in this city for the celebrated IIAIIRIS' SEASLESS KID GLOVES, And have in store a Full Assortment. BACH & ABEL. The Cheapest and Best Firo Department in the World. Over One Thoutand Actual Vire Put Out WXTB IT, AND MORE THAN $8,000,000.00 Worth of Proportr Saved Krom the Flamea. H a: b c'o c k jt' p e ík eïïingüishI TownB thnt have boiiL'itt toom say twelvc Kxtin guifibersmake a fire departmert as t-fficlcnt and more avollable tbau a uteam engfne., The Babcock Self-Actifig Firo Engine, FOR CITY, TOWN and VILLAGE USE It is more efTccUve than the Steam Fire Engine because It h ÍQstHntancoutly ready and throwa powerful Btream ut carbonic acid gas and water fo anjf length uf time. It is the bet and cheapcut Fire Engine In th world, and comee wlthin the flnancial abilities of er ery place. It does not rcqtl!re an expenelve syetem of wate v.'rks, and ÍB ver out of repair. Seüd for thei record. Every town In the State Bhould have them befor the dry weather eets in, and prevent conflagrationB Ii. 't. BAIINrn, Gfi. Agent, 118 Woodward Ave., Detroit Manufactnrcr of Iron, Brasa and Copper Wiro Wire Clolh, Wiro RailtnK and Fcncing, Coppe Weathcr Vanos, and Wire Work generally, 1S93 lyr TTltANDOLPH WHITE, M . D. Ofllcc at Keel dence, No. 21 Eaet Liberty etreeti ANN AIÍHOR, MI Cl HURRY UP ! PAllTl r.S wlehinK Wall Paper, Cloth and Paper Hhades. Hollauds, Wlndow Firtnre, Coide, Tntnels, Ac, all New Stvlos. nt Satiwfactor) Pricee, by J. R. rltT de Co., II )uk clore, Bear the Kiproie Ofltce. X -X


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Michigan Argus