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H ATT EB ! ■IIAS RECEIVED niS PAU k WINTER STOCK OB1 Hats and Caps, IN LATEST STYLES, LADIE8' FUHS. GE5TS' PBiSlWttO COODS, ETC, WUICII HE PROPOSES TO SEÜL AT PKICES wnicii i i::y compbtitioh. 7 South lYTnin 8t . Ann Aiboi TEN REASONS WHY Nq Family skouid he loitkout a bottle of WiílTTLKSEY in the house. lat.- Itwill relieve th o worst case of BïlïOU Cholle or Cholera Morbus in 15 minutes 2d, - It will cure the most obstinate case il Dyspepsia and Indigestión ia a few weeks, ' 3d. - Tt ís the Lest remcdy in tlie worlcl frl 8ick Headache as thousnds can icstífy, iï faken when the first symptoms appear. ■ 4th. - It is the best dïuretic ever put beforC the public; curing those distressinp conrpiftints, Diabetes and Gravel and other Urinary d ifticultleo. 5th.- It is a most excellent Emmenagogue, nnd to the Younp; Clrls, middlc .v:'lWpmen,andat the Turn Of Lfe,this remcdy is of incalculable valuó. 6tn - It will remove wind from the bowels, and henee a few drops in somc swee tened wator civcn to a it bctter than a dozen cordïals to Relieve and mako it Sleep. Coouining_ no anodyne. 7th. - Tt is n snre relief for atlults anc! childicn artected with worms and Pin Wormsi It will briug aivay the worms. 8th.-It will cure the PlIOSr.nd Hemorrhodial diHicultics. Oth. - It will cure Con stl pat Ion and keep the bowels repular. It will also cure the worst case cfSummerComplalnt nnd Dysentery. lOth.- It wil] cure Sour Stomach, Stimulate the Llver to hcalthy action. Relieve He art-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the system. WRen taken dunte the doe with Sugar and Water toa Wine-Cluss full and you have a ploanant tpn ie. Whittlesey (Dysyepsia Cure) $r.oo per bottle. Whittlescy Agüe Cure 50c. per bnitlc. - Whïttlescy Coupjh Granules qkc. per bottle. Sold by all druists and warranted. Whittlesey Prop. Bied, f0., Toledo, Q. FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FARMERS. Tlicbcst böoka pabUshcdon the Ilorsc nnd the t'ow Uboral u-mi-. mniey.adrapUlt-bj Agente selling these books. Scnd f or circular t, ;r Sí COATES. Publisujbs, Philadclphia, Pa. [DR.CROOK'SWINEOFTAR êlO YEARS PUBLIC TEST J5r. Crook's WINE ■S. rTo have more 'tisúMjíféSií -rit Iban any 'aBHHBl K siifiiilar prepara SBBÜIav f Ion ever oifercd tbc public. ' It h rioli in the mcrïieïnal niialitiesof Tar, and unequalcd for aireases of tbc Tbroat and IjllllgS, performing the most reiuurk able cures. Coughs, Colds, Chronic Congha. Xt effectually cures them all. Astiiina and Bronchitis Has cured so many cases it has been pro ' oounced a specific for _ these coni plain ts. tfor pains in Breast, Sido or Back, Grayel or Kidney IMsease, Diseases of the Urinary Organs, Jaundice or any Liver Coinpliiiut, It has noequftl. " It is also a superior Tonic, Restores the Appetite, Strengthens the System, Restores the Weafe and Vcbilitntcd, Causes the Food to Digest, Removes Dyspepsia and Indigestión PreyentsMalarions Ferers, Gires tone to your System. Chanccry S&lo. TIirci;:: Ci uil fr theCountyof Wiwhtpna Id ChaBCêryCiouvcniuur Umk', Complftiiiaut, vs. John A. Yol i; QeO3 G Vi '■■ éU-'CfpBed., :m 'Anna Marín V , ui eaid deceattcd, and Anfi ;. Vula, Krederick V'olz, I Vol z, C nro i Ênimn ■ ■■ : im V"ola', cbildrenof sai . sed. Defendí i -ii Cour j p Wtwbtenutr, Ín made ■ ,ï Bubacriber, al )ublic aöction. Ltinn door ol the Cpuil House in th Cityof Am ■ - -i' urclay, I ii Lbirtieth di v ;' N'ovembev next, at t ., aoon, i ■ "i lan vis : 1 ene! hall i ui hwes ii, d'i . .11 8 tent in iwMiiiji Dninbe hree soutb, In I itainini ■ . . ■ oí l;üid. be the Ban tereof ub mAy .be neoessar j tosatisfj creo, wiih mtexesl und costé. Dateíi Ü i . . EAHA'N, ■ iti'iii dnjrt i 'ommissioner . W.lit il iT Solicitor iur C'ttnipliihinni. ïfrain Commissioiïer's Noticè. ■jVTOTK !E ifl 1 i thfti the I M ;in Cn: iiiii ! 1 :-!'■■ u }] be 'i Kalembuch, tn the To i ounty, on tfeo i-i ii dy of tfovt d ockin the afternöon, to meet partiea to oon tract for the excnvution ;.n l oonatruction of ftdraii to be kn n : . :." commenc md running thena ■i.aii'l Bndinf et in fh& ïa ■ ' 11 Creek, uu cours6 cunoin 1hiiiy-f mr, : .... m tliirLy ii e, RW tion thir y-ü. il f of Dortheastqi aection tiirty-flve in the towiDshipof Limn, beta] tpwn 28O.tttn,4 east. I will aUo bo al the house o Gotlieb Kulembach, in the Townshipof fredom, od SatnxdA ' the 9th dayof NoTmber,rftoneo'clo k in th af ernoon, ut. which Hm i and place 1 wil] exhib of the ab ive [n-oposed dvain, an I severa! ird '- of i ii by, and the amountand Seecription by diviaxon ftni ! he ab n' iin by me ap porfiönea to the owner of i ■ ion of land ti nst it' any :. iuch apportiontaenl should bo revised and correctea Ann Arbor, Oot. Hth, W73. DA VID M. FIHfLBT, 1307w3 prain Commiaftioner of WajahtmawCb Attachmeut Notice. vrOTTf'l' ia] Umi on iliotwoniy-weont . daj ■ . il of the l 'ir cult Court for the Gounty i ( nv, in favor o Calvin Broiipon. John H. Wfattal irlesB Phillip ;, PluintiLfe,fi t i i tram W. &ülú( th defendftnt th i en thouannd dollars, whfch Raid writ w 'ii Moudaj the niñth of September, 1H72, nni tl prop ■it. hai eon and thateafddefenq il. Dated, Ann Axbor, S ptcmber19th, ' ( H U!l ES tlRi i ■■ CH ' EPS, VliinüllH vt:'y furPlaintiff. 13M J's'P ECÏ5IVED T THB FA1 c of Bonnet and Sart lüUbonB No v Styloa and Qhoi p.


Old News
Michigan Argus