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BÏÏ3INE33DIRECIT0RY. T,"i't ASTI7S TIIA'rciIF.R, Attorney and j Counselor ut Law, No. ■ Baat Horon Rtreet, Ann Arbor, Mlch. ' MM MF. FAl;f:ï.I..E, W - . Offlre over A. A. Prrjr'a store. Tti'sideiice Washington Strcet.four door's ■:! t bfSt&te. ltTSyl V lli'liia WINERAI SPRIKO9. A Mirria Hule, M. D., Snporlntondent. Offlce ji niiildtnir. corner Mann and (V'getHuroii Strcetn. WIN ES & WORDEX. 20 South Main stroet, A:ni rsor; Mich.ï wholeSale anfl reuil dealers in Dry Qnoda, Oarpeta and Groceriee. 195ttf . - MACK lt SC5IMID, Dealen in Dry Goods, lïrocerlcs, Orockery,c No. 54 South Main tr0t. MKIIIDI MïiRJtAY, Roofer. Vin: and Water Proof, Feil and Uomposition Gravel Roofa pat on t-t orrter and warranted. liesidenceon ff'.Tcrson Strti'ït. Ann Arbor. RW. 1:1.1. is & C., Drtis;alst8 and dealer in No. ü South Main Street, An Arbor. WM. JACKS', Dentlst.snccossortoC. U. ♦ PortiT. Offlce corner Main odHoronstreets, ivnr the slonï of I{. V. F.llis & Oo , Ann Arbor, Hich. tDMthetioi admtnfatercd U reqnlred. WF. BREAKET, IRb D., Physicinn Hnd Surir-'ou. OHicv. at reidenc. corner ofHnTiMi and División Streeti ftrst door cast ofPrubyifïrinn Oiiurcb. Ann Arbor, Mteh. EJ. JIHIXSl", Dealer in ll-u and Cap, fnr. Strnw (9 0ct4. Qeut' FnrBIihlnc Ooods, fee. No t Sotil 1 Blatn treet, Abb Arbor, Mtchi STTTJri::tI.AI & WHEBOlf, ÍMe and Flrelnsnrance eenta,and deslerem Keal Kstate. O.llccon lluron Stri-cv. LEWIS C. KISVOX, Dealer Vb Hardwarn, Btorea, House KiinfiU]u,' Goode, Tin Ware,&c. tJo. 31 Sotth Main Btrect. BAC1I AHI'.I,, Déniers in Dry Goods Groceries, te &C..K. -6 Sonth Main .Street. Ann krbor. SL.AtSO . SO, Orocer, Provisión and Gommlsalon Uercbants.and in Wfltor jimcl.and Piaster, auáPIs(.er Puris. No. ■ fiaron street. y ,S.VJIKI-U, tvholesa!e and Itetnii Dealer o in IL Made Rlothine, Cloths, Oaulmerra, - - 1 i 11 .■nul Oent'e ff ornlshfng Qoode. N0..8 Sonth Kaïn Street. Wr. XV Aii. KIS, D-ler in Rendy MadeCiofhlug.Olotbs. A ■ -1 ;r ■-. Hats.Oniis, rriinks.'-'ariict Ha-;s, Ac. il Soutb Main t reet. .Il, Tioit 1", St PISKB) Bookeellere andStavT tionrfl ntedlcnl Law and Cdllege TeTt Boolcs, School and Stlícellaneone Hooks. Ko.ï Kortli Main (treet.Gresoiy fMock, Ann Arbor. .13M.1:Y A; ÏjKU'SS, Dealers in lloo'S.Sho, (lartern, Slipper, dbe. No. s Kaet llüron streot, nn r!or. XTÜ AH W.CETEËVELi, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! OTleithfi.W. Morgau, Eastside of CoartHotc Sqn irc. Teacher "f Mnic. G'es ÏHStmction on the PIANO, ViOÜN AND GüiTAR, at hi! office, Kf. 57 Sonth SlAln ?lr-ct, CMoorc's building), or .it the resldedCe of the pnyll. PIANO TÜNING, taade a sneciality and taüsfacliou gairantcea; U44jl UOCKEliY rOLlSSWAUE & GROCERIES, J. & Donnelly Have in -tori alarííestoclínf roeker. ölftpware, ltodWare, 'ntle.ry Grocenes, &c, ie. all tobe folíl at Bnwally Iöw pricea. Nu li SaitHnroa Street, Ann Arbor. lUStr .T. ie V. DONXKLLÏ. TÖHN G. "qALlT" PAESÏÏANÜSALTMEATS, I,AR,8.1fSAKS, KIe, Ordernsolicited and promptly fllled ith thebest meats in the market. ai Kast Washington slr-et. Ann Arhor, Sept. 16th, 1SG9. ISÍHf T F. BRO8S, Mannfacturer or CULUAAGSi'.S. LlílííER UW0H, SPKIVO UU8. EITTEBS, RLBIOflS, &c. All w.irk warranted nfthe lu-sl materlar. nepairtn-4 done trorrtHly and reaaonable. Al! work wartaated t gire perfeet aatUtactlon. os S'.nth Main Street. . lMBy! AKKSEY, Q& Hannlactntet of Carriages, Baggies, Wagons, AND si.KiiJiis. of every atyle, made of the beel material, and warranted. RepairlDg done prompt !y and pricas [reaeonable. Detroit .-treet, uear 11, R Depot, Ann Arbor, Mich. 13Myl. T R . C. A. LEITEK CONTINCIKS TO PÜT ÜP AND FILL Physicians Prescriptions, At all hours, at No. 1 Grejrory Block. 0. A.LEITER & CO. Ann Arbor, Dec. 22d 1871. 1351 TR.Ü.B. PORTER, DE3STTIST. ffloeln theSAVINGS BANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. LU Operations on the NatHTal Teeth PBRPORMF.D WITH CARE. ONStTRPASSBD FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE S ARÏÏFÜÜAL TEETB, TO GIVE EACII INDIVIDUAL; Di ntures of ike proper gixe, shaptf.olortjirmnrstoitd na al tzprctêion. 1944 JTLOTJR. ORAHAM FLOUB, BÜCKWHEAT FLOüK, COEH HEAL, FEEDOF AU, KINDS. AlHhe aboïo artlclen are warranted to have no Kttperforln Foraale at Partridge's Flouring Mills. N. B.- GrUtlng done at short notlce. ÑÍWFLANWELS. Just Rccelvcd.20 !'c csmorc of tiiosc Canada Plaid Ilaiiiiclx, y;irl widc. and all ivool. TIn-so iood are bcttrr ■tylc nnd qiiiility tliun ;n j tUinp 111:1:1Ufuctiircd in the; hUUcn. I3M JOHN H. MAYSAUB.


Old News
Michigan Argus