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- Four years ago - October 1868 - Etartranft rsn for Anflitor General of PentïBylyania and wiis elocted, receiving 331,416 Votes, and his opponent 321,739. 'i'his year Ilurtrnnft gots !Mö,üGl votes, an inoreua of 11,848 over liis voti' in 1868. l!nokU:w's Tote is but 309VS27, or 19,212 li'ss {han the vote of Boyle, the opponent of Hartranft in 186S. 'J.'hi! total voto at tho late ulcction wns Gó 1,791 ágainst 6&3.155 in lSi;;J, the Ifirgest preoeding voto, an increaSo of bnt l,(i3U. - These flgnres show that tlio Tunnsylvania Bourbons must liavo votcd fov Sartranft, or stíiycd away from tlio polls; and in tho latter case Hartranft's voto ahd majority were swelled ropeaters, iniportutions and fraudulont returns. And tíf tho samo process of fraudulunt returns tho vote of líuckalew was also diminished - it' there is any relianco to be placed opon the sworn atatenienta of Philadtilphia election inspefitors. - Ilaviiig given cordial and cnthusiastic support to Austin Hlair in tho sucoessive Congïessional eloctions sinoe tli rexpiration of his gubernatorial term, it is rather lato for the Latising Republicctn to bo oharging him with misfeasanoe ot mulfeasaneo in offioo, the acoepting of bribes or tho salo of commissions. Has not silenco 011 tho part of a journal then and now tho official oigan of tlio State governincnt, placed it iu tho position of an acoessory iií'ter tho faot, a partner iu tho orimos it now diseloses? If this responsibility does not attaoh in full moasure - ind it does - to tin; I!e]id)lirnn, it has at leait cqndoned the oflensos it now oxposos, and should bo dobarred from. apgearing asprosecutor. - In 1868 the aggregato votn of Ohio was 616,744, whioh was tlio largost vofo ever polled in tho Stato uutil tho late eleotion, üotober 8th, wheri it was 517,6T'")--iui increaso of only 691. Tho Iteittblican imijority l'or Secretary of State n 1868, was 17,383, and in 187% 14,055, a alling off of 3828. If tho Liberal Itcmblican voto was any whero near as largo isclaimed a ltirge Bourbon votu wai giyn the RepUblican candidato. - No Democrat or Liberal Republiciiii hould stay away trom tho polls on TueflIny noxt bec&use Kome Radical noighbor Mures him that Grant's ro-oloction is certain. It is as much tho duty of overy elector to voto, though he is but ono of a mail majority, as if his ballot alone was :o turn tho scalo and decide tho contest. 'esides, tliero aro othor oflicers than 'resident to olect, and a candidato for a officer, tlio very man you would go milos to do a favor, may bc dufcated' 'or wast of your voto if you stay at home. - Asa Mohán, if elècted to Conj vill not vote to tax the farmers and ;n;hanics and day laborera of his district, who ono alld all aro obligod to work from en to fourteen hours a day to mako tho wo ends moot, to pay government clerks, nechanics and laboréis in govornment navy yards and on govornmfint buildings 'uil pay for oight hours' werk. Farmers ind inechiinics who aro thoir ovvn omployors should romombor this on tho öth of Novombor. - A vote for Grant on Tuosday next is a voto for porpotuating the reign atWash ngton of such men asChandler, Morton, 3utlor, & Co. ; the further fattening and gorging at Now York of Murphy, LeetS) Stooking and their confedérate customïouses leeches, the perpetuation of carot-bag rulo in tho South, with tho troasury robbers of Soüth Carolina and Louiiana. Will yoi givo it ? - Tice-1'rcsident Colfax has been forced out of his retiracy and is now on tho tump in tho western portion of this State. What'sup? Is Fostor or Julius Cieear iurrows in danger, that such a proper man as tho Yice President should bc comjclled to viólate the proprieties and open lis mouth when not himself a candidato V - Tho " Comniitteo of Soventy," iiomnating che candidato for Mayor of tho 'Custom House Hing," and the candidato, tho Eeforincr Havemoyer, writing a otter of thanks to Tom Murphy, who resided ovor the Custom House Convention! Iioform, like tho roso, would evidently smoll as swoet by any other name. - Tho edict has gone out that when Congress meets in December tho Sonate 3ommittces aro to bo roconstructed, and iesars, Sumner, Trumbull, Schurz, and ;he other Liberal liopublican Senators aro to be troatcd as Dcmocrats and placed low down on the coinmittoes. " Sich is lifo." - The IUdical Adtninistrationists are lattoring thomsnlves that Grant is to bo ro-elected by suoh an overwhelming maority as to be taken as an indorsoment of all his schomes, San Domingo, habeos c&rtuê suspension, carpot-bag and family rulo incluilril. - Tho political cliquo whioh govorns tho Iiepublican party and through it tho country, at whose word l'rosidiint.s are made, now having a man to thcir liking, is ;_riving out intimations of conferring a third term upon this groator than "Washington. - Chas. II. Denison, Esq., of Bay County, " Liberal R'jpublican," having failed to get a nomination for Congress or some othor position beyond his merite, huw taken the stomp fot Grant. Greoloy's Pittsburgh speech is assigned as the causo of his conversión. Bah ! - There being no eloction set down for the öth of November in tho late District (now Territory)of Columbia, tlio Secrotary of War has given tho clerks in his departinent from eight to twolvo dnys leave of absence, and they aro all ander orders to go home (r1) and voto. - To voto for Ilenry Waldron tho '110publican candidate for Öongrens in tliis clist'.-ict is toyote fora perpetuation oi the disgraaeftil monopoly legiglation ol tho last severa! Congreeses. - Anna Dickinson sa] ■ thi 1 35,000 m'ajority for Hartranft makes her sorry ehe lire in Pennsylvanis. - Secretary Boutwell having no iïnnnci;il sclirmrs of his own or mimipulation of Wall strect in hand, is agaia ou the i stuuip.


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