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- Tlio balances in the State Treasory at tlie closo of business hours, Octobnr 22d, was $1,011,164.07. Fat plueking for tbo "Hing banks," wliilo tho Stato institutions pay interest onloansfroui the treasiiry in advanco of appropriations falling duo. Wouldn't it be well to so reviso the law that such largo balances neod not accumulatc in the Stato Treaêury niouths in advance of au y ;ill 'i - In a speech at Detroit on Monday eveniug, Ignatina Donnelly, of Mimi., 1 tbc permiseion ot' Qrant's friends to furnish this epitaph for the Louisvülo sido show : Oor llttle babel dmd, 11 ncithercitai itorhollen; It. üved ,r.ii tventy-asven days, Audooot us forty ilollurs. - ■ Tho Pree Pret charges that Moses W. Field boa prouiised his influence to procuro a pardon for a prisoner serving the Stato at Jackson, if certain men wil) vote and work for hiin. W- at of that 'i Did nat Orant and Cumcron procure tho pardon of Yerkes so that he could cortify to tho character of Ilartranft ? - It was proved beyond question that tho Republican candidato for Governor of Nebraska at tho lato election, sold his vote at a member of the Legislatura. Yet he was elected by an increased majorit; over 1670. Ilonest oüice-holders get no oncourageinent in tho Republican ranks. - The Itepublican Journals give particular prominence to tho Bourbon circular of W. W. W. Why not, isn't tho bourbon party a Grant aid society? - Judging from tho way tho Adrián Timen makes Dr. Mahan au objoct of special attack he must havo stirred up tho animals in that vicinity. - Mini; ter Washburno has como homo all tho way froin Paris, just to voto for Grant again, njthing uiorc. What a faithtul admirar. - Tho completed registration of Xew York city is 148,810, about 18,000 less than reg_tred in tho " trooly loil" city of Philadclpbia. The Detrost Tribune, pleads the honor of the State as a reason why tho railroad aid amendment to the Constitutiou should be adopted. Bepndiation and its odor is the bugbear it raises. Will two wrongs iuake ono right? Bucauso dissonting tax-payers, recognizing the aid laws as unconstitutional and void, as taking away thuir proierty without tho warrant of eithor law or equity, and conferring it upon or giving it to a Corporation, successfully sought tho protection of the courts.are they now to be foroed to vote for an amendment to tho origanic law acting retrospcctively by the cry of repudiation P Have not tax-payers rights equally with the holdcra of valid and worthless bonds ? There is a better and moro equitable way than this. lf the roads havo been buil with the proceeds of theso bonds, tho company owning the roads have receivec: tho full value of them. Then let tho coinpanies which nogotiatod them or receivec the proceeds of' them assumo and pay them. If they negotiated tho bonds in the market they aro legally liablo to tho holders, if they roceivcd the proceeds thej are equitably so. This solution of a vexed question would bo better than establishment by constitutional amendment so dangerous a precedent as would ba establishec by the adoption of tho araendmenl in question; Raüroad aid taxation is wrong first, last, and all tho time, and the people oug'at to havo nothing to do with it. TüE Cotiritr charges DEXSMOr.E Cramer, the Doinocratir Liberal candidato for Prcsecutiug Attornay, with coquetting with botli the liquor sellers and the churches; with promising the former that ho will wink at their violations ol law and wont prosecute them, and the latter that ho is a good temporáneo man, has no sympathy with liqnor sellers, and will, if elected, prosocuto them to the full extent of tho law. Mr. Crameb denics both set of charges, and says that he has made and will make no .pledge to anybody. If elected he expects to discharge the duties tho law imposes upon him, without regard to who votcd for or against him. Any other courso or any pledges to any other course would prove Mr. Cuamek or any otliT man taking it or making them unfit to roceivo tho suffrages of intelligent electors, and of courso unworthy of being elected. - In addition, wo niay say that Mr. CitAMKK has had considerable experienoe in defending crimináis, an experienee valuablo to a prosocuting oflicer, which exporiencc his opponent lacks. - Wo niay also say that as tho only candidato our Liberal Republican friends havo turnished tho county ticket, ho is entitled to the support of tho Democratie portion of tho unión forcé, unless it can bo shown that ho is an unfaithful ally, or lacks qaliücations or fitness for the position assigned him. " B. B. P.," wnicn is short for ex-Sheriff Portek, says in the Courier that "neither the ARQl'S nor any other man, can furnish a shadow of proef that Mr. SCHAFfer is or was a Greeley raan." Xow, be it known to " B. 11. P." that the editor of tho Argus was personally informed by Manchester men who know Mr. SOHAPKKii, wo do not, that ho was a Greeley man np to the time his head was turned by the proffer of a nomination for liegister. We havo also been informed by men whoso word wo consider good that ono or both of Mr. Scüafi'Er's employers said beforo the convention that ScilAFfer was a Greeley man. This is tho basis of tho allusion which so stirred "B. R. P." As to threatening the Gorman votovs wo statcd what had been, and what it expectt'd, and gave warning that it could not bo repoated with impunity. That warning wo ropeat. Lot "B. R. P." mako tho most of it. No CITIZEX of tho First Representativo District of Washtenaw County is better qualified to represent the district in tho Legislature than Hiram J. Beakes, the Democratie candidate. Ho combines ability and judgment with experienco, and will make such a lecislator as the Stato needs. Vüie fok him axd elect Also voto for Eijas Haihe, in the second district, and Malcom McDouOAI.I, in tho third. Both havo learned the ropos as legislators, and in this rogpoct have tho advantage of thcir compotitors. _____ Georgb S. CArwELi-, the candidato for County Surveyor on tho DemocraticLibcral ticket is as good a surveyor as over sigbted a compass. Vote for him. And to make a clean thing of it vote for MriiKAY and Cole for Corouers.


Old News
Michigan Argus