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The Horse Disease--symptoms And Treatment

The Horse Disease--symptoms And Treatment image
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(tlri)iiciganiTgïï5 Dr. E. Slink, a distinguished Toterinary surgeon óf Rocliester, furnishes EBe Democrai of, city, with the following: In 1000fd4n.ce with a requgst I giye yon BOUie of tho syinjitn.iis which eh;nnterize tho epizotio that has just made its n iparnceand U ngorously ut work viutitnizing the horsosof tbia city, with some Buggestions as to the proper cara nud ment of 'the di iase aunug lts course. I tliiuk it eannot propurly be rcardod ns a aew discase. It is claarly a form of nflaouza that lias ocounvd frequibptly in the United States, ;r it uiten lms in different portions of Kuropo. Threo forms of influenza are spoken of by vcterinnry authors - tho catarrhal, rhcumatic, and tho gastro erysipelatous form. The disense whioh is now seiiing ao generally the hors-es of this oity is plain]y df a oatarrhal charaoter. Tho ñret nottblo symptoms wiH be a flow of tcars f-om the eye.'. a watery discharge from tlic uose, and general languor. Nexf, a cou;h( which, becomins; moro frequent, will POon oceur in ]mi xysnis. ín tho ccmmenrenient tho membranes of the nose will bo found palo or of a lcaden color, and those of tho oyes proaontín a yellowish or reddened appeatance. Many caoí are ushored in with a chili. All this is soon sucoeoded by a general faverish condition, manifested by heat of month, membranos of tho eyes and nose roddeued, pulse frequent, tliough soft ftnd easilv compressnd, rospiration quickened and sometinies laborious. At thia Btagfl the bowela may b luggigh, íirinary v frnns inactive, and tho disoharge from the nose often assuming a yellowish orgreenish nppoaranco. Tho discaso usually runs its course within ten days, and with proper trentnitnt fr-w if any cases ought to prove fatal. - Those that do are usually ooinplloated with othor diseasos. as bronchitis orpneumonia. Treatment- The patiënt phould bo pxc.uacd froin all labor uid allowed complete rest. The stabloa should be olean and woll ventilated. Disinfectants may 1)0 useful and in poíno cuses necessiiry. - Bitht-r of tho follorong will answer : Oarliolíc acid, sulpbate of iron, or bromochloralum. Tho patiënt shonld be properly grooraed, and the nose and ejes frequently sponged with water, and the ïimhs if cold bandaged. The drink should have the chili sliphtly removed but not enough to make it warm and npalatablo. Tho diet should Jie Hgh4 and of a laxativo nature ; say short feed 01 "riraii wottetl or scaldod, with a little salt ttdded. Hay in limited quantities inay bo allowed. In regard to remediéis, I wish to say tiiat heroio treatinent should not be tolerated. Bloort-letting, oathartic nauseants and arterial sodativesaro all of them either injurious or uncalled for. Next, whatevor medicines are administered should not be given in tho form of draughts or dronches, as the animal is sure to bo thrown iuto a paroxysm of coughinc; tho moment a drffnoh is attompted, and somo of tho medicino will in 6uch eveut bo alniost sure to find its way into tho wind])ipo aud bronchial tubes, thus induoing fatal bronchitis or pneumonía. Balls should nót bo givon, as thoy will bo coughed back or out, and the irritability of tho throat will be inoteased in attempting to pass thuin over with tho hand or fingers. Powders are well-nigh uselcss, ns when mixed with tho food tho patiënt will usually ref'uso both food and powders. Electuaries, syrnps, or pastes are tho only forms in which medicines may be safely and successfully administerod in cases where tho throat is tender and irritable and coughing eagily induced. Balino medicines I reprard as the most usofnl ín this diseaso. Either of the following will answer: Chlorate of potash, muríate of ammonia or hypo-sulphite of soda. As an anodyno to relieve the oough rluid extract of belladonna may bo added. The proper dose of either of these medicines may be rubbed up with two or three trances of honey or inolasses, and these poured in the mouth from a small bottle or placed on tho tongue with a spoon. Giren in this way the medicines will 1; readily lapped ut andeasily swallowed. But little trouble isroquired to givo it, and no danger of gettiug any medicino in tho traohea will be incurred by this method.


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Michigan Argus