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BÏÏ3ICTE3SDIttECiT0RY. " Ï-i ■: vv. THATCHEH, Arlomev and ' ■■■■: a( !,:iv, So. 5 Eat Huron Ann Arbor, Mich. 1S86 MS-', V isji'rrcr.r.E. HS. I. Ofllen over . A . f' irry'a I StriSct, fonr doors cast of Sisteyl -. . :;-:! ITCüVEKAL SPRI1VO8. 1 Morris Kilo. (. i).. ndnt. om . u Daihlinu', corner M.tnn and weitHnron Stroeto. W:T-S fc WDttDuy. ÏO lonth Main - Ann Ar tor, li.-!i., urhoiesalc ;i'i] ri !.:iil dealcrsin !. i'; n ! ;. Carp ?ts an;l üroceries. 13Mtf MACIÍ & SCUJIID, Dealora In Dry Gunds, Grocerius, Oio;:kery. &C. No. r4 South Matii . Ml( t.Xf.t. HHH.RA1T, Roofcr. F!re aml Water Proo, Kelt an 'ion QraTei Ï?'if3 put on t- order and warranteu. Besidenceou Jeïérson [rt":i, Ann Arbor. RW. i:i,!,is C'!.. Drogglste anddoalcn In Prints, Oils, otc. No.S South Haludtreet, Au Ari)or. Wíl. JACKS!', neiUist.siiccessortoC. B. Pni :■■!■. o.ii ■■: coraer Main and tfnron streeti, ■■■r the store of R, VV. Elli & (:.-, Ann Arbor, Mích. no8thctcsadminl8tercd if reqnired. WF. u:i'.:AKi:V. 1. is., Physlclan and Snrjoon. OlBc", at rcaidenca. corner ofBnton aní División Street íret ib.r casi ofProsbyerian Churfli . Ann Arj}or, Mich. EJ. J3ISiX, Dealer in Bain and Copa, Pora, Straw Ooods. Qenta' Pnrnlshlng nooda, Sc. No T South .Main -troct. Aun Arlior, Mich. StTTJIF.ItrAiVÏÏ et 1Vlï!:SMJ-'. LI ; nsurance t rente, and dcaleram Kool Bátate. 5fflceoa Hurón Stroct. IE WIS C. ItlSörtX, Dealer i Hardware, -i Stores, Elonse Pnmihiug OoodSi TinWarOtAc Ko. rtl Sotith Main utreet DÁCH& su-'!,, !■ rdbods.QroJ curies, Jtc &c..No -0 üonth M:ün ïtreet, Ann fcrbor. CLlÏS!)!V &: SOX, Grocors, Provisión and o Oommhuion .f,';'l:l[lt■. ;nii dralen in Water ji:ne , Laad Platter, mul Plaaier Parli. Nu. i Haron street. y 8ISOHEIM, Wholusalo and Re: ail Dealer 7 In Rïiclv .Uafle Clcthlng, Ulotha, C-isimeres, ■■tinm.andCtont's PnrnlsbJng QO'hIb. Xo.'j South Haln street. WW, WASEB, Dénier In'Beady iuu'. ir'! h ('i-liigs, Hatu, OapSi frank I -, it:. 21 Loutn Kaïn street, CitljlIOUB .'.- i'JNïv:-:. Bookscller andStaX tloui-rs Moflicnl Law and Oollee TextBooks, School ii-rl Mixcfill incona Bool i. No. 3 North Matn try BlocktAno Arbor, FINLEV 8c tiü WIS, Dealer In H r.t, S.tppers, Sx. No. ! Bast Haron streel, .nn krbor. J0AH W. OHEEVEK, ATTOENEY AT LAW ! :! B. W. Ho '■'1.c orrioiirt House Pqnirc. o". F. SCHAEBERLE, TTif!iri' of M nelc. Qee instmcUon on the i PIANO, ViOLfN AND GüiTAR, fttliU ofiteo, No. ' Soiuli Main ft rect, (.Moore's baildiag),or :it the reeldence oí Ux' pnpll. PIANO TUNINO, Inade a spoci:ility nnd satisfaclion guarinteed: I nú O C te E ïiY fGLASSWARE & GItOCERIES, J. tfe Donnelly k r ':■■' 'Uitv, Cbiswaro, f! it ■ I '.V ir',''i!'.liTï Qrocenoa, Ac, k„ nll tobe í'oltl at unusually low prl Ko. li Bast Unron Street, Ann Arbor. iViStr JT. & P. IMM-:i.I,Y. TOilN G.ÍJALL, X3HAX,EI3Sr I PRESH AND SALT MEATS, i LAIID, SAUSAOB8, K-., (jricrsaólicTledanilpromptly iHed wlth 'Iipbest ri-:it" in the market. SlEastW wet. ( Ann Arbor, Sept. 16th, 1869. 1835tf T F. JiROSS, Maiiuïactnrer of , (ASSlicEB, BlÜES. MTICER WAGONS, si'imu wí;í)s. ei ii tfts, 8LEIOB8, k. : All '.virk wnrnntnd (ïfthi! bet materiar. Tiopairíti-: done pr:nnjtiy and reasonable. AH work w :ir rmtedto glvepefföstsatinfiictlon. c s Jinin Btrcet. 1848yl NARKSIY, 3 Ilnnufactnrer of Oarriages, Buggies, Wagons, Q9, ofeveryetyla, made or the beat material, and varranted. Iíc):iriui;lone i)romptly and p:i:tís reasonable. Detroit street, ncar 11, ti Duput, Aun Arbor, Mlch. la "JU.O. A. LEITEK CONTINÚES TO l'UT ÜP AND PILL Physicians Prescripflons, At all hours, at No. 1 GrcKory Block. 0. A.LEITBB & CO. Ann Arbor, De-. 2id 1871. 1354 rR.C.B. PORTER, rE3STTISTffloeln theSAVINGS BAITKBLOCX, Ann Arbor. 4.11 Oporations on the Natural Teeth PF.RFORMED WITB CARK. Ü T3 tJ RV A33SD F ACILITIES AWD EXPBRIENCE SETTIy ARTÍFÍCIAL TEETfl, TO QIVE E ACH INDIVIHTTAL; Dt.nturei nfike prtper sir-e, skape t-.olor%jirmytc9eand na cl ezpretêion. 1244 FLOUR. QBAH.VH FTjOTJB, BUCKWHEAT FLOÜB) OOES HEAIj4 FEED OF ALL KINDS. Alifienoorearticlesare warranted to havo no superior in Por sale ;i t Partridge's Flouring MillsN. 1!.- Oristing done at nbort nollcc. SÑÍEWFLAÑSMELS. JuNt ïïocc!vc1,20ïicccsmorcoi tïioso Cuiindix Plaid Elaanel) ysirrt -lc-, nncl nll tvool. Xlicso (roods nro bctter M j ii' anñ qoalitx tban nnythin mimHïactiirc! t5ic .itcN. JIÏ Iï. MAÏHAIJD, 'MICHIGAN CËNTItAE RAIIKOÁl). FAI.I. TIME TAB iigertminsnow lcave the BOVetal (tallón?, a foüows: ooixo ■ T e L -I A i statiox. „ " 2 ; Jo . M P Ig j H [ g a. M. . m. i. . P. sr. p, kf. Detroit, li'iivc, 7 1". ü 4 I 05 .' ii Ifl '.i ■' V]..-ii;uiii, s i', i' ] 5 A8 : !v D 48 n 0 Ano Arbor, " H II 04 6 (■: 7 ir ln 1.1 1! :'. Dexter, ! ' - C 3ü lo 10 H;i Chclsen, 1 1 M Oinsa L.iko, 10 U SI 00 ;1 3S . M ion, 11 00 lí ;o 12 . y. v. r. m. . M. lhw, -1 -:' 3 S3 12 SS t 20 Chicago iimve, G 51 OPINO KAST. II , f gif : t :5 ; a - :í _S O i', m. p, m. a. y . ühicago, lenve, .'■ i: II no.-, :; A. H. 1'. M. Kalamaioo, : s oo n JO p. v. Tnckínn. 1 40 4 -Í5 8 OS 2 í.i 4 40 OrnssLake, 3ü : a. x. s .'.; 3 52' ■ 0 25 !) 13 t 10 7iii Art.or, 1 M 6 OO 6 5 9 l.i 4 .f Sil inti, 2 S2 i; 90 7 SO !'. líi .i W 5 48 . :irrivn, 3 35 i The Atlantir n ti-1 Pnciflc Rxpxvsa rúa bctween JTackson :imi Ni'i on Uio Air LIiil', Dated Oot. 27. 18JÏ. tpOUT WATNE, JACKdOX AND Saj?inaw Rail re ad. The moM; dired ronte fco l'!'NlTircr, Philadclphia, ■ re, Waabinfrton, and til pointe Boattk nul nm l.y ChioflgO 'i'iinc. TKA1NP QOINO POUTII. Mail, Bsrpress. Ang Jackaon, ' t . x. IS 1" p. ai. i -t i u. rer, 7 ..! 13 4!l 5 -Ji rille, s i 80 il .Vi -- 7 .''. ril ■. 1 S3 S 18 Anburn, 1" 17 s 2il l'ort Wayno, H Ui '-1 Í5 up'iis, ': no r. u. - i ■ . i1 .v. Cincinnaü, 8 50 JLouUvülc, 10 49 I0 TI'. INS (OINU ■■ Angola Áw% ISxpttM Mail. Louisville, 0 Oa.ii. 10 25P. K. Ciucinuati, a. M. Indianapolis, 4 00P.K. 10 10 ■'uil .iy:if, 7 OSa. m. -1 Ji v. . Auburn, 8 On 6 2! WaUrloo, 8 18 6 37 8 90 (i SS Jonnrille, 1 H 8 M ■ . 8 ra ter, i" 50 8 33 Jacküon, 11 S0 -1 5 6 10 At Jiicksoii - Close connccHons are ni.-i.v wirli &Cich i iWj and Gmnd Kivt v Valley lialln ■ At Joneaville- Witb Lake Bhoreft Miohigan Southotn Rnilroad. iteiloo- 'Wlth Lake Slioio i: Hiehigan ern (Air I.:' I. At Fort Wayne- Witli PitisbotR, Foi Chicairo; Toloao, Wabaali & Westenk,and Ft. wayne, Mniicie & Cincinnati Raüroad8. W. A. EEN8T, Sopt. P.ob't. Rir.i.iK, Ocn'l. Ticket Agt Station lïii S. T. - 18C0 - X. Tiiis wondorfnl vootai.'ie restprative is tlic sheet-anchor of 1I10 f'ceble and debilitated. As a tonic and cordial for t!ic aged and langnid it has no eqnal among etoraacliica. As a rinedy fot tl 10 nervons weakncsoss whicli women aro espccially subjectcil, it is piipei'sc'd.'np; eory other stiiiitilant. In all clim; tropical, tempérete op frigid, it acts as a speciñe in every Bpecics of disorder ■srliicli ïindeniiincs tlic bodily strength and breaks down tlie animal spirits. 1356-yl. LYOE'S KATHA1R0N. For lrcorviitcr nntl ncaiiiiijïita: tlic HamanHalr, To Prevent its t'alling out :.nel Turniu;; iiray. A well prcpervcdllendof llair, in per?on ofmld dlc Sc, tonco lïc-pcnksrcnncmeutlegancn.hcalth and beauty. It may truly bc CHlled woman'scrownlug slory , while men are nol Insensible to its adran lases and clmrnis. Few tblng are more Magnstlng [lian thi:i,frÍ7.zly,har!li, untamed hair; with hond and coatcovercd witli dandruff. Visit a barbar and jon fooi and look likc a ncw man. Thlsiswhat yoii's Kntliuirou wül d all Uw time. The charol v.hich ios in wcll placed Huir Glossy Cu;l?, Luïtiriaut Trt'pÊce, and a Clean Ilead, is uoticeablu and irrepi.Ktiblf. S'ild by all D' : ■ tnd Conntry Stores, is 6s3wly BOOKS. J. R. WERSTEB & TO. NEW OOK STOKE NEAB THE "EXI'HESS OFFICE." LOOK TO YOUll INTEEEST AM) ÍALL. BOOKS. [I NN AU BOE Mineral Springs liousc. Tliis hoiiutifnl resort for heaHh-scckcre Í3 now open, with its !RÖN, MAGNESIA,' AND SULPHÜR WATERS, Commodlooabaildti g lieatcd by -stcum, and largo nul wrü-ventilutod roomsWATER AND AIR BATHS, Of all tcmpi?rntnre, nlsi Shower, Vapor, Mrdicated :iinl Electric Balbe are oroploy(d wltn advantageio the treatment of oll fiirm of chrontc dleeaaea ■ f témales. í-peclal attentloi. paid Witn ii'eniaiit inrronndlnjta. and ltnated Is bnc of the moet haalth] i ' theconntry U poaaeeaes attractlohs for Invalide or ior pleas: Uie Sprlnga will bo lnrnlihed on nppllCAtlon. ioub dcalrlng drcnlr to e-nd to roenro them at the (Hceol tKa I ■ tor (in liaron :■4■t, nr nr Ihe Fprlngft. Addii!!' til letten of Inqalry to HOBBIS HALE, M. D., Stipt. ; Aiiroii, Mk ii. Snttiarland aïnl Whodon, l"roi. ,iin Arbor, Utch. June, il, i-.'i.


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Michigan Argus