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THE NEW YORK 1ÏIWP0ST.1 SAFE, SUBE AND STE.4DFAST. A JXJtTBNAL FOK ALL TRUE EEPUBLICANS, FOR ALL TRUE LIBEKALS, AND ALL TRUE DEMOCRATS. THE NEW YORK EVENING POST Eijited by WllXULM OüLLEN BliYANT and PALKE üodwix, assistod by tho strongest tiilunt that cüii l)o ongaged, has for moro thfin half a century inaiiitaiiuMl the sum! Iiiii(;ij)tc3 of Frotdom and Progross, tliroughall changos of partios and policies. IT STANDS FOB EUUAL R1GHTS ; for tho Dkstribution of Power ; for Iloncsty and Economy ; for the security of the glorious resulta of Etnaneipation and Enfranphisfiisent won by thowar; and for all practicablo Reforms. IT IS OPPOSED TO INJUSTICE a .vn SPOLIATION, disguised underthe name of protection ; and to all corrupt party comljiuations whic'u sacrifico principio to more succoss. THE ETBNINfl POST is equal to any othor as a newspaper, and is completo in its Politica], its Literary, its Sciontific, its Agí cultural, and its Commercial Dopartments. TEEMS OF SUKSCIilPTIOX. WEEKI.Y. SINGLE COFT ONB YKAU } l 50 FIVE COPIES ONE YEAB 7 00 TEN Cpi [ES ONB i E i! 12 60 TWBMTT COPÏE8 ONE YKAIÍ 20 00 SEMI-WEEKl.Y. SJNGLE COPVO.NKYKAH $ oo i i E i: YEAl'. is ;,i i EN e il'! J..SOXK YEAlt 20 00 Thoso subscribing now for one ycar wil reoeive the paper until January 1, 187-1. Or wo will sond the following periodicals to subscribers in connection with the Evexixg Post, at the prices naiaed : VTith With Wwkly Somi-wcek Ev'nif ]'ot. Ev'ng l'ost Harpcr s V. cckly, . . f-l so $6 oo ■ 1 1 :i i iir-r's Bazar, ... 4 50 6 00 Il,il 1i i's :.l:i :.:iiu, . . 4 50 6 0J v, ... G K 0 50 Atlantic Momhly, ... 4 00 550 OlIP Yown Kotky, . . . 3 00 r' .MimtLly, ... 4 50 B M Xcw, . . , 4 50 6 00' TheGnlaxy, . . . . 4 00 s ;ïu [lircmjiiL'icnl Journal, . 3 50 5 01) The Aytifulriu i-t, . . 2 50 4 00 I[v:iri h and HomOi . . 37 5 2.S Littell's Living Agí, . . tiio 1)50 Appletftn'a JuLi'iut', . 4 50 stO tlonschold Magazine, . 2 00 9 M, ... 350 500 The Cbrirtian Intcïligencer iviih ( iiuino 3 75 5 25 To e;ic!i subscritor to the Iïvesixo Tost and Chrit. tltlgtnoer will !.j rant xha .Wauiilul Chromo, i'ii:; QuuvXBfn TRY IT ! TRY IT Far 25 cents wo will send tho WEEBXY :xo Post for two montlie, or for 50 cents wc will send the Semi-Weekly BtEKINa Post for the same tiuio. Spechce Xumbeks Sehi Feeb. ADDRESS, W1LLIAM C. 15RYAM & CO., M-;w IOBK. i of Joh:i yyortley. QTATB 0FMI1 HIÜAN, - .w, ?s ' At usessioaof the PtobaCe C url I .. . holdon ut t ii1 I'robato Ííííjcp, in the city oí Aun .: w::I;iy, the i ; r. in the yeaL oñe Üioiua&d eight hujv-licd ■ wo. i. Iliiam J. IÏL':iliPs. Jmlgeof 1'robntc. 1 1 1 the matter of tho ustato üL John Woröey, Aeceaaed. Ou ntinlincrr.nd iiliniT tlie petition, luly veiiöccl, of John A. WoHli-y, praying that yrus JEtaymond or sume olhcr snitable pervon ma y be ftppointed adaiinútrHtcr of the estáte of snid deceaeed. it isorderedi ihatMoudny, Uuieoond ■ t. ;l ten A'clQeJt tn .■M'. d tor tn. ■ he ■ that iho hozra ét Uw oL s;:id decotcBed, rad all ofchcr personfl iniwested n aaid estáte, me reqoired to appeo Jit n eewiozi of' mud court, tlien to hd holden, ni the Probarte Office iu the city of Ann Arbor, und sïiow o:msc. ïf uny tlavo bo, why ti;1 prayex of the petitíoner sv ■■ ud it isfuitlirr orfeved thoi mid p petnona Entorested in sníd i lency of ind the heftrinK tlu-nof, y catisnig a cdpyofthis order to be pnbliaked !n tlie H c priiited nad circulating in snid coxinty, ' ■ -kspiovious to suid dayof heanng. (A tvnecopy.) HIK AM J. BEAKE8, 1G99 J udjo ot TrobiUo Eetato of Scth Smith. ST AT B 0 P MICHIGAN, i 'ount y oí Wiwhtttneir, s. At aaeaaionoi Üïe Pitbate Court fur the County of Waehteuuw, holden t the Probate Offlce, in tLe ('ifyof Ann Arbor, on Tlnii.-.i;iy, tl-e tJiuiy iirst diiy ber, in the yeai o&e Utousand eight liuud ed :ii"l Bivanty-o. Present, Siram J. lknkos, Judgeof Irol:io. i ii thfl matten t-i iw eaite Of &tji imïtl, , ■cd. On rejHlinj? and filrngrthe rtition, iilr vorified, of Am Uu l. Smitb, pmying thai a osjEtaln in-' tow on tile in thw Court, piuprting to be thelaet will and tcdtument oï s.iid aecaeed, moy be aAnaiited : i :iuil tliatahencd Lymuo tS Woud may be appointed l . . reoL Thereupon il isordercd, thfttMonday, thesreond day of Deofember next, :ii ten o'elnck in the fore. for the hearing ufsuid peütion, and ttnrt tho lega ■ . it ]U it" 8aid I cl iu uid Datóte, aro reqoiiM to apj :■'■! of üuid Court, tnen to be bolden e the Probóte OfHce, in the city of Ann Arbor, an show CMUtto il :my there bc, why the pryer of the petitiïmci1 should nol be granted; And it is farth&y ( that su id peti ;i tl"í ei'Wir.a . . i i ii saM estáte, ef tho pendency of .mul petiiin:i, and 'Ik.1 henring thereof, by oauëing a npy of tiiis order 1 1 bo published in the Michigtm a-jus, u newspnper piintea nnd cireulatiug in Raid Couniy, ■- ■' weelu -rtviotis tosald day of hearing, (A trae oopy.J HIUAM J. BEAKEt?, f l'robat. lístate of Bi'okiiv. -miiioro. STATE OF M [CHIGAK, County of Vasbtenav, sa ite I iom t !■ ar I ).-■ t i-univct Wnühtenaw, holden t the ProbötÖtü of Ann Arbor, on Baturday, th yember, in Lhe year onb thousand eight hundMd and -two. I üiramJ. Beakes, Judge of Probate. Ite wtate of John A. Brokaw, Ann 1". Brokihv and Alforetta C. Brokaw, mixiorA John Brokaw, ..■i.;.n pi :A catate, comea into Court and represente thai ne is n-)v preparod to reader hia lirst nccount aa ftuch guai Xhereupon it. is ordeted, tliat Mandag, the scrondtiuy of December next, at ten o'olock intheíoieuoon, be asedgned for examining and ftilowiag tnico account, fmd tht the next of kin of bhW minors, aul i U otljfv persons inlen-sted in s;iid e i'iii"' 'I to aj peat at a -■ b Ion of --■lid Court, tl. 'Ti to ba hriMen at the fmlmte otficc, in WW Öt of Ann Arbor, In said county, and show cause, iï' iUMT be, why the luid aocuni should not be aïloweo. MA it b turthor rdered, thai said goardian give 1- t ' ■ tacni ■ 1 in ;úd rslatcoi tlio pendency of Bjlid l nul tha hearins thoreof, by oauaang a oapy oí thii bliahed in the Michigan Antas, a ncwr. paper priuted and oiroulating tnsaid Couniy, three ■'tsprevious to HJtid day of heAitog HIEAMJ. BEAKE8, 1399 Judge of Probate. Coraijjissionojfs1 JS"otice. QTATE OP MH HIGAN.eouny#i Waahtexwir, ps. The undersigned, haTing beon appoioted bytha Probate Courl for said county, ComnüMnonfera unc , i mul Jiil (■l:iiris uikl dsjnaoda ui" ■ bate of Joseph Ilarriö, iid county, deeeaaed, hereby givo notice that trom date ure aüowed byordei of said Ccirt tor weditow tu present theirdaiips tguinsl the estáte of said deceasea , and that they UI !ïip First Knlional Bank, tn the city o sihmti, i;i ■ .il county. on Saturday, the eleaenth day if January, and on I . -cond day of Muy at two o'clocMt p.m. of eacbof said days, e, examine, and adjusi sAid clims. Dated, Novcpiber 2d, A. D, ■ .!. Wil t..v:;l' BABB] FKANCIS i'. ROOARTHTB, 1309wl ( )ii!iiiiíioners. Commiesioners' Notico. ST TV. OF MICJDnOAN.offliatyof Washtiiyvw, s. The undorsifrned, havius been appointed by the . '..Mi i for sal ■ íl1 v':iul adjusf ,i!!c!:uin and demanda of all ■ ttoof Rachel MuCormiok, late of sul county, diBceaeea, nereby srive notie that six ml:, c "i sald Tro. .,. ( jou i :;ünst j wül meel at :.,... of Jolin B i ','■. s.'-.'iit, in said county, nu Saturday, i tiiird daj r, and Üíonday, thfl twenty-jfourtl) day ofMaioh nwxt, at ton at ten oclocli a. w. tf eaoh oi said dnys, twreceire, 5, and adjust said eh [, Bcptembi r 33d, A. D. 1872. EDWIN CÜRTIB, I399wi Coramissioncrs. A Serial Story By DR. lf OLLAS i). Neto Story By 8A !■'■ 110!, if. A Long Story Fiom Bret liarte. BSILLIANT AR11AY OV G&NTIUBVTOBB. CLARENCE COOK On FtmtUuri and Decortition. II. I. STODDARI) On Authon. EÏTSAOSEISf A.S7 liTDUCEJSKTS TO NEW SÜBSCÏI3EB3 .;K Fijares for 8 1 .()! Ac, Ac. The PuWifScrs u!' BoUHrast Monthly, In thclr Prospectus Jut issued, promise for the ensning year a more brilliiuit array of contributors, and an increaee in the vsrlety rad beamy of lts IllnatraUons, already conceded by the cjritirs to bo " flner than nny which have hitheito appcared in auy American mag Dr IIoLtATip; the Editor, vïül write the serial sto ry of the yenr, which wiU bc autobio.raphical il form, aud vtl! u. illuttraicd 1J UlasHallock. ït i entltted AETHDR BONNICASTJ.E, and II dea wH U fioine of the most difllcnlt pro Mf nis of Jlraeiieai Lifo. it .fill bc couMneueed In tbc November ítum bcr. Tlure wlll bw a new story by S-xk Holm.THF ONE I.EGOED DANCEIW. Bkkt IIartk the best wrftcr of short itoriesnow livinc, will contribute a chiiracteriftic story, cntltlei n;-: ;:iTO OV KIÜDLKTUWN, winch wifc4eil!n! tratcd bf S&ept&Tf. R. H.SroiTKn wil] write a series of êniertatnin ropers ahoiit AUÏHOÜS, TliKIK PKRSONAI 11IAKA' Ti.ifSTICS, HOMK LIFE, fAMI.l!.PR1END', WIIIMS, ANP way.S A series of POK TK OP LIVINQ AMERICAN WRITERS, is al soproi '1 Cuitm Coo wiil write nbont FrrfXITI'RE AND TUK DKC0KAÏ10N OP AMEKICAN HdMKs Tinne pMjjcrs w:ll be rmineutiy practical as well as itrtlatlc, and will bu illa.strtttcd wi)h designa mi tícetenos by iiucierous artista n ;itUUvou l ttiose which the v.ritur him-itlf will ftimish. Among thoëe who wHl contribute are: Hanu Aíjuerson, Bryant, IÏL'f ii.vkli., Egolebtok, Froidk, HioGivgoH, BlfBOP Hostisotom. Bket Harte, Johx IIav, II, II., Ma"ionalt, íIitohkll, .M l'uEü-, ?!C9Mam, Stockto.v, Stoddarii , Cklia Tuaxtik, Waunkr, Wilkinsow, Mrs. Wuit.kï, bc. sides a host of otherp. The editorial control and direction oí the Majra■sinc will remata ui the hauds of Dr. HoliahD, ■:., will cojithufe to write "THE TO'.JC'S OP TUL 'l'IM K." which the New York Independent snys " aro more wiilfly tiiiott'd than uny similar papers iuany American EMfpshiG.' Watsox Oildeii will write "THE OLD CaBINET ;" as ititherto. Prof. JohvC. Drapfr oondQCU Iho Department of "NUVK1-: AND 8CIENCB.'1 (lepariftwaiti of "JUiMK AND SOCIKTY"ano .'CUX-TUKE AND PROGHESS," Mll üpage tin cmfril)ir'.inii43f more ihan % scon of üe:is on hot! sul g of the Atlantic. The. Wxlt hmnn and IirjUctor says: "Scribner'i? Monthly for September 18 bettei thnn iiMinl, wlm-h iin!Ii)te ft ucedless waete of editorial brains and i'nblisher'8 moncy, for t ha il aira. zine was frood enon'h betorel" AND TET TUI rUBLISBSRS PROMISB TO MAXE IT 8TJL1 BJCTTJtS VOS Tin: COMINO 7XAKII Tho Subs:rí)tion p'ice is SI. 00 n yenr, with spec. al ratva to ClargJIBSBi IVïciier and Postmastcrs. The followlnx CXÏliAORDISARY INDUCEMEXTïare offered to new suhecrlbers : Poe ,5.r0 the Pnblishers will v;nd, or any Book seileror Ncwsdealer will supply, the Magazine foi onejear, ard the t.welG numbers of Vola. III aiu l , infni: i: th: bcu'inninï of Mrs. Oliphant'ti Se al, "At HU finte;" for JfT.SO, the Hlgaaina foj one year, and the 2i back uambers bound (4 voïe.) baigei onboDSd Tol pnld. Thlswtll givenearly lOCO pajees of tho choiceit readlagi with the flnefi Mustrations. for Í lo.iO, ornearly 400 pages for a íol;ir ! and will euable every subscriber to obtaiu the series from the ftrst. ïj'iritil Terms to Dealer, Ciergymen and Teachers. SCUIRXERiV ('0., 054 Brondnay, '. V. 500 Oords of Hickory Wcod. 500 Cords of Hard Maple. 500 Oords of White Oak. .i .-M-i-.Hone uid half gTecn, for which cash will bc d delivcry. luquire ut the AVoort Vrd, Corner oï Huren nucl Fiftli Strrrts. Adu Arhor, í);:tobcr SOtli, 18T2. i:j'J8tf A.H. HOLMES. TEN REASONS WHY A'í Family sAould be vithottt a htíUff Will TTLESE Y n the hcttu. l3t.- Itwül relieve tlie worst case of BiltOU Cholioor Cholera Morbusin 15 minuta 2d.-It will cure the most obstinate can : Dyspepsia a.iJ In d i gest on u weelci, 3 d . - ït is tlie best remedy in the worw kí 8lok Headache, as thcusandscan tesufj,! taken when thc first symptoms appear. 4th - It is the best diurelk ever put beta the public; curing thosc distressing complamBí Diabetes and Cravel and other Unnary d ffleu Itlcs. 5th - It is a most excellent Emmena" BOguo, and to thc Vounp: Olrl. "{ ayed Women, and at thcTurn of Lirtitw remedy is of incalculable valué. . O til.- It will remove wind from the bo1', and henee a few drops in soine sueetcnee a'í given to a babe is better than a doien cordia. Relieve and make It Sleep. Cohubmg no nnodyne. ..._, 7th.-It u a sure relief for adults jn! cliM afTectecl witli Worma and Pin wormi' It wirl bring away thc worn.s. 8th ItwilJ cure thc Pllesand HemOr" rhodial difficulties. .._ Gth - Itwill cure ConstlpatlOnandkKP' the bowcls reguhr. It will also cure ihe wo! CJ ofSummerCq mp la Int and Dy senté rIOth.-It will eure Sour Stomelii Stlmulate the Llver to healthy cwt. Relieve Heart-Burn and act as íacm Regulator of tho system. ..j When taken dlliite the dose witli Sugar an" Water to a Win e-Cl asa fu 1 1 ad r have a pie asa nt ton i o. . ,. Whitllesey (Dysyepsia Cure) $1.00 per bott. AV'hittlesey Agüe Cure 50c. per bottle. 7 Whutlesey Cough Granules 25c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists and warranted. WhltUcsoy Prop. Bed. Co., Toledo, Fr oroflila. SorcfT iilous Oisoa ses I tlu Eyes, or Scrofu { la i 11 jiiij' form. sg Anv diseuse or ernptioí W of the Skin, dieeaM of In 6f3 Livor, Rheumalism, P"J' t a ple?,Old Sores, Ulcers,BrokHk en-tlown Constituí i on; Qifó Syplnlis, or any diseaseof t&SJSi pending oJiadepraveilo Xjá dition of the blocxi, t7 Ê& DR.CROOK'S í@ SYRÜP OF W POKE ROOT, E?Br5$ It lias tlic medicinal pwp BifáiA ertyof Pokècombincdwi ]y a preparation oflron!" Jyy' goes at once into tlie blo"! Jfcrat performing tlie most rap f and wonderfal cnres. Ask jour Druggist ior Dr. CrooM Componnd Syrup of Poke Koot- tí A and be kealed. - - " COR SALE. Tho .intlorsigacd offers for aal, on rcnsonaMc t His Eösidence in this City, Cerner of División and WilluM 8t A most desirable location, and ono of lh bes " ties in thc city. Enquire on the Prexnisea. Datc4 inn Arbor, October Oth, 18Ï2. DAVID HENNlHCf13!)5tf - - rTJ TÜSTREöFriVRn AtThE "PAB]íEa6SBl1 .' v7 targe Rtock of Bonnet and sa-11 New Stytofl ;ud chcai.


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Michigan Argus