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BÏÏSICTÊ3S DIREOTORY, R' VSTPS TH 1TCHGR, Attnrncv iind 'oimsclor .it. Lhw, Nü. 5 Bast liuron Street, Aun Arhor, JliiOi. 138S Mr. FASQVKf.LE. BI. D. Offlcn over A. k. ferrvN store. Kesidcnce Washington Street, four doon aart of State. lOTSyl AN 1RHVB IHINEBAIi SPBIHOS. Mirria Hala. M. D., Superintendent. Office u biilldlnr, corner Mann and est Htiron Streets. WIM Sc VIIC!:', ■.") -'.. i:h Mniu sin-it. Ann Aroor, Mich., whotsMla nd retall dealer ín Dry Qoorts, Carpeta and Groceries. 135Uf MACK & SCIIWIO, Dealers in Dry Goods, Grocuriea, Crockery, &c. No. 64 South Main Street. MICHAEI. .Vl'RRAr, Koofcr. Vire and Water Prooi, Feit and Cumposltion i nivel Rio.r8 pat on to order and warrau-ted. Bedidenceon Jeifurson Street, Aun Arbor. RW. 101.1, IS JL CO., Brusiiist anrtdealcrs lnPlate,9U6,te. Ko. - SwJi Main Street, Au Arhor. Wil. JACKüO.Y, DenUst.successortoC. B. Portcr. Office corner Main and Hr.ron streets, ayor the 8tre f R. Vfr. fflti &, Ce , An Akor, uiestheikü udminiateredif requircii. V ' Itlli: VK.i;V, Ut. D., Physlcian and , f SareApu. Oifi'. ai r .-Mnence. corner of Huron íind División Sireets. ftrst door cast ofPrewby, crian Cliurrh . Aun Arhor, Mich. T?i .r. JOJtSSOX, D.-.iK-r in Hu and Caps, ,1j (Tur, Stnuv (i:iiiils . Oi-nts' FurniehÍ7ig Gouds, &c. No 7 Sout'.j Muiu .-treet, Ann Arbor, Mich. (Ct VTHJBRI. IR A. WIII'.IIAX, Life and v7 Pire liKiirniic.. Aírente, and dtalereiu Real Ketste. 5Hceon Hurón fítreet. ■ïiWIS V. ItlNUOV, Dealer In Hardware. X-i Stovea. HfMise FnrnVËlug Öoodo, 1Í" Vöre,.&c. No. 31 South Main struet. JACII ie AIII01L, Dealers ip Drj; Guoda.QroJJ cenes, ÍC &c.,No. 'Ji Sotrth Ma;u#l?eBt, Aan Arbor. SLAWüON Sc SO!V, Groceni, Provisión and t;ommiin Mtirrhaut . apd dealerp in Water imc . Laud Pluöter.autL Müttei' rarie. JÍO. lti East llnron street. tj !)IIOHI3IH, Wholesale and Ket&il Deuler O iu Re-idy Made lotbing, Clothe, Cassimerfs, , ■flnL'S.iuidQent'a Furnbhiüg Éouöo. No.'JSonth Haiu Street. Wil, %VAiiXK3t. Daalor iu Ready MadeClothi n lt , ■ Uttt'A. páafllraares. Vestinírfc, Uats.Caps, l'ranke, i'aruet Bags, Ac. ál South Maiustreet. jrt ItiRIÓBE I'iskü, Bookelle8 and 8taJx tlonrn M"licnl Lw and College TextBooks, ■ch'iol nr.d MleetUlaneous BooK?. No. 3 North Main ítreet, Gretjory BlOck, Ann ATbor. t.-ï.I,i:V t LR IS, Dealers in Boot, Shocs, F (l.iitiTs, Stippen, Aa. No. ü KustIIurontrcét, ■ nn Arbor. VfoAH w. cniiEËK, ATTORNEY AT LAW ! O 31co wltÜB.W. Morían, EüBtslde orCourtlïouee ■6qure. 1331 J SCHAEBERLE, Teacher of Mthïc. G '"- inrtructloD on the frANO, VIÖUN AND GUSTAR, thi office No. ft7 pouth Hftln ninet, CMoore'ê liuildingj.or at the reeideticc of the papil. PIANO TUNING, &ade a secili(j and satinfaction guaranteed: I i i ROÖ KEBÍ rL.lSSWABi GROCERIES, J. & Öonnélly IIhvc iustore alceítock"f Crockery, Olaístfure, i'lat.-d Wfir,-. 'nU.ry (, ifcc, ie. all tobe'Pold at uprnny ifw pricea. .. No 12 Suí: HuronStreet, Anp Arbor. íi-istf j. se p. oaKaíEiii;-. TÖHN gTgALL, " X)EÍvL,EIl, ITT FRESH AND SALT MEATS, ! Ij AR, f AÍ'SAK, KIi., i OrdcrBsolicited and promptly fillí'á wilh Uiebost áleats In the mnrket. 31 Kast Washington itreet, Aun Arbor, Se(rt. 16tíi, 1?(Ü. WSbit ] T F. UROSSj i Man:if:irturer of t:ttt:i;Ks, um.giks, lcibeb higs, Sl'itOt; MlíiftJiS, ClTTEits, S!.!:i(.HS. &c. , AU work warranted of the bost matcriar. ] .ti i; lone promptly nnd rnasonablc. All work warfinteJ to ''ve perfeotsatlifacllon. 08 S"uth Malu Street. 184Sy! J ARKSEY, É Manulacturcr of Carriages, .aggies, Wagons, i ; ANDSLBIGHS, of cvery style. made of the laterial, aud warrauted. RepairiiiíJ done promptMaud pricee reasonable. Detroit Street, near H, . Dept, Anu Arbor, Mich. 13Myl. "TJR. C. A. LEITEK COKTÍSÜES TO PUT ÜF ÁND FILL Physiclans Preseriptions, At all houra, at No. 1 Gregory Block, C. A. LEITEK & CO. Ann Arbor, Deo. 2Sd 1871. 13.14 t&. ü7Y7Yo1rïer, dekítist. ffloela theSAVINGS BAKKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. flk.ll Operations on the Natural Teeth PBRFORÜED WITH CARE. UNSÜRPASSED FACILITIES AND BXPBRIENCE ARTIFÍCÍAL TEETD, TO GtVE E ACH INDIVIDUAL; Dntur$e oftke proper eixt , skapc, color %Jirmnetf and na al tpreion. 1244 JTLOUR. GUAIIA5I FLODB, BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, C0RN MKAL, FEE OF ALL KINDS. AlHhe -ïbove artíclos are wnrranted to have no superior i n Por sale at Partridge's Flouring MillsN. !(.- Gristing done at Bhort notlce. NÊW FLÁNNEL8. .lust RccciTcd, 20 Pivccs more o f tliosc Canada Fluid Hiiuiiils, yard wide, allll lili voil. llu se un liiltt r stylc and quality thau un j ili nir iii.mufactured in i !■ otateii. U'J6 JOHN II. JIAVXAKD, HICHIUAX CENTBAL RAILGOAD. FAI.L TIME TABLE. Pasaengertrainenow luave the severnl Utions.ns follows: BOINft wm. STATIONS. _ J ! . O ï_ j_ il J_ j_Í A. M. A. M. P. M. 1'. M.jP. M.!l'. M. Detroit, leave, 7 U U M 4 05 5 45 8 IS1 9 6f 'piliinti, 8 15 10 47 5 88! 7 12 9 48 11 07 Ami Arbor, ! I" 11 05: 6 02! 7 45 10 lt II 25 Oeztar, I 9 40 (i SU 8 i" ni 45 Cheltea, B H 8 30 11 05 OrnsaLllke, 10 25 00U Sí'i. M. Jackson, 11 00 12 50 35, 1 00 12 50 i'. H. r. M. a. M. a. If. Knlainnzao, 2 20 2 5S tl U I W COÜOagO unvt, 8 44 8 00, 6 30,10 20, 6 OU UOINrt EAST. f I 5 a f I !a i .f 1 i s g-, i : i F. M. F. M. A. M. A. ir. Chicago, lonve, 5 15 00 6 30 9 00 A. M. A. M. P. M. Kalamazoo, 1 S0 5 00 11 30 2 05 Jackson. 2 40 4 t 8 05 Í 55 4 40 Qrnssljike, I 8 32! 3 55! Chcls,.!, I A. M. 8 67 3 5! Dexter, r. Í6 'J II 4 10 ■ Ann Arbor, ! 1 58 0 00 (i M 9 45 4 38 5 24 Ypsilnnti, 2 22 fi 20 7 20 10 1fl 5 02 5 43 ivtroit, arrive. I 3 35 ? 25 8 45 II 80, 6 20 1 4 The Atlantic aml Fncifie Express run betwecn Jaokson npd Niliw on the Air Line. DtltcdOet. 27.1872. rpOHT WAYNE.JA.GKSON AND Sagina w Rail re ad. The most direct route to PiUsburp, PMladeiph;, Baltimore, Wnshiupton, and all points soutU aud southwest. Truius run y Chkugo Time. TiiAlxs SOIHO fioi.'Tn. Mail. Erj'MS. Jbnffcla Ace. Jackson, 7 U a. m. 12 10 f., m. t 40 i-. n. iliuwver, 7 54 12 49 3 20 Joneaville, H 25 1 29 5 50 Angola, 9 53 :- í 35 WHtwion. in :i: t-. jt is Auburn. 10 47 8 '.si Kort Wayne, 11 -IS 0 25 Indianuplis, ft 00 p. M. IOSOa.m. Cincinnnti, 8 .10 Louisvüle, 10 45 - - ! 1.") i'. m. (BAOfa GOINO NOHTH. Angola Act:. J&rprttt. üéitf. Louiaville, 9 10 a. m. 10 25 p. M. Cincinnati, 7 10 a. m. I iuliun:i]K 'lis, 4 00 r. M. 10 10 Fort Wayuc, 7 05a. m. 4 U P. M. Auburn, 8 00 i 22 ■Wutcrloo, 8 13 & 37 Angoln, 8 50 .6 35 Jonesville, 10 18 3 05 p. u. i el Hnnaver, 10 50 3 38 S X2 ittolisou, 11 30 4 16 9 10 At Jnckson - Oioae connoctions nre made with Muhiii:ui Cnniral, .lackson, Lansing It titlgillüw, KndQltt&d ltjvcr Yalley Riulrondü. At Jonesville- Witu Luke Shore & Michigan Southern Ruilroad. At Vaterloo- With Lake Sborc & Micbigan Southern (Air Line). Atïort TVityne- Witii Pittaburgr, Euit M'iiynp & Cbicaffo ; Toledo, Wabash & WosUjni, and Ft. "Waynu, Muncic & Cinciunati liailroiuls. W. A. BSK8T, Supt. Kqb't. Rii.l:e, Oen'l. Ticket Ag't. i JÉTATIOfil BITTERS. S. - 1860 - X. Ttiis wondèrftd vegetabio restorative is the slieet-anclior of the feeblo and debilítatela. As a tonic and cordial for the aged and languid it has no equal among storaadilcs. As a rinedy for the nervoas weaknesess which vromen are espëclally Bubjected, it is euperseding everj other stimulant. Ia all climates, tropical, températe or frigid, it acts as a ecitxein every species of disnrder which underiniiies the bodily strength and breaks down the aiü-, mal spirits, ÏUi-jl. Beautiful Woman IIARASi'8 KIAUMOMA IIAl.Jl givcs to tltc ruuiplcxion tlie Frcsliucss lèüï Youtb. IIaoaÍí'í Magnolia Balh overcomes the fluhed ipp'''raucecoafod by tiost, fatigue and eicitement. [t mal-'eii the ludj ff fercy appuar bul twcnly, aud io natural and perfect that no' person can dctecl ite ipplicallon. üy its use the roqteat skin ie made , nSal tlie pure radiant testare of youthfiil beuutv. . U removes rcdaesi;, bioichöst andpifoples. 'ít con ■imm uotVIii'j; thut will iujnrc the skin in the least. MaL'uiui Ealm is useil ly all fashi-niibk1 ladien in S'ew Tork, L'.ndon and Paris. It costa ouly 75 :euts per lioitle, and is sold by all Druggists and erfumers. 1355-c3w-y. iocks. ■ OÖKS. - Ú. 11. WE8STEB & C.OHBW H0K STOItiS HBAR liiK EXPBESS OFFICE." LOOK TO YOUB IMTEBÜST AM) C'ALL. 1 BOOKS. NN AR BOE Mineral Springs House. This beautlful reeort for healthseekcr6 ie dow OpeSi wilh lta IRON, MAGNESIA, AND SULPHUR WATERS, Gommodioas buildii L heated by steam, and large and well-vcnlilated roomB WATER AND AIR BATHS, Of ni! temperftturce, nUo Showcr, Vapor, Mcdicated and Electric Baths are cmphtyi d with advuntiigu in the trealincut of oll forins o chntnic dl and diueuhes of females. Special atttiutioi. paid to dfot. With plcnant aurroundiue, and situatod in one of th mout licalthy and beaiitifnl citica in the country, it jofM'SKi-s attructíons for invalide or forplcaure-aeckurs eoldom fouod. ThE an;ilyBÍs of the Spriags will be Inrnihhcd on appllCütlon. Prfoiis doeiring circulara to nend to thclr frienñB can procure thfm at the t;ilk'cof the Tiurietors on Huron ftreötTor ui the J-'priugs. Ai.Ulrt;'. hII lettr&4f inquiry to MOKIUS HALK, H. I)., Supt. Anu Ahboh, Mich. SutUerland and Wliedon, Prop'K Anu Albor, Mich. Juuc. 11, MT2.


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Michigan Argus