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BÏÏSINE33 DIREOTORY. " ■ '■ ' - - - . E'l 1SXUS T!I ITCIIEIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law, No. 5 Enst lluron streel, Ann Albor, Mioh. I386 Mf. FASfi;cï,r,E, mr. n. onico over A. A. ferry's Store. Reeldence Washington Street, finir dooraeaet of State. 187Syl AS ARBOd 9PR1NOS. Mirria Hale, M. O-, Superintendent. Offlce ■ huildiuL', corner Mitnn nnd est Sn ron Strects. WIXES Se WfORDEN, SO Sonth Maln-atreat. Ann Ar mr, Mich-, wnplesale and retail dealer la Dry Oid, Carpeta and Grocoriee. issuf M.ICK & SCHTÏÜ, Dealera in Dry Goods. Grocórtea, Ürockery, ttc No. 54 ïouth Main Stri!t. MICHAEI, JtHIlRAT, Roofer. Pir; and Water l'roo!, Pelt and OomuosltlOE .Gravel Hoofs put oa t.i order and warranted. Bestdenceon Jcirurnon Street, Ann Arbor. RW. i:i,S,I.X CÍÍ., Drngghita anddenlerB In Palats, Ölls, et. Xo.s Soath Main Street, A11 Arbor. WU. JACK$N, Dentist, snccessnrtoC. B. Puricr. Offlce coraer Main and Hnron streeto, lr the etorc or R. vv. Kllie & Oo , Ann Albor, ïtich. 4Hostheticsudmiiiisturcd if rcqnlred. WF. R1IK1REÏ, OT. D., Physldan nnd Siir:t'on. Q:Wc-, tii rejidenoe corner of Tluren and OlTlaioii Stréets. firel 'loor cast of Presby.criiin Chnrrh, Ann Arbor, Mich. E JT. jrOHTSOIV, Dealer 11 Hats nnd Caps, Pur?. si,r;iw Ooods. Oents' Fnrnlehlng Ooods, bc. No 7 Soa th Main Street, ánn Arbor, üich. OIITIIEKtAND Sc WHSBOK, Ufe RJiá 0 iirelntnranca Atrcnts.and dealcrem Heal Esüite. 3'Hceon Hurou Street. ]' I3WIS C. KISIO?i, Dealer in Hardware, -i Stovs, Bonae Pnrnishing Qoodf) 11" N'arc,&c. Ko.31 South MaJii Dtreet. HAC1I A; AIIF,!,, Dealers in üryGoods. Groceries.Ac. &c.,No.'.C t'outh Jlain .Street, Ann Arbar. SliAWSOJf & SOÍ6, Qrooent, Provií'.oTí end Oommisslon Mrehants, and dealer in Wat et „ime.Land Piaster, and PlaBler Parie. No. 16 East (Iuron streel. ki 89IÏBHEIHI, (Tholoïale a BetáilDealer O In iie.idy vtade Clothlng, rioths. 1 ntlnits. :iini'Oant's Pnrntehing Qoods. Ho.96onth Itreet. W.TI. WAfiNEïl. D ■■ 1 In Kadr MadeC Ing.Olotbs, Casfimeres. Vesflnön, Hat, Oapsi fronks, Oaryot Bnga, &c. 21 South Malnstrei 1. ÍJIjIHOIíE & i"ISK5', Bookseller ndSta'■ tlonen Medical Law and College TextBooks, ■rt Xlscellaneona Boola. No. 3 North Matn itreet, Grcijory Block, Ann Af bor. FIXÏiEY & LEWIS. Dealercin Hoote.Shoo,: Gaiters, s Ippers, jbc. 'No. 2 East Ilnrouttreet, inti'Arber. ]toafTw. cheevek, ATTOENEY ÁT LAW ! j -CM:'.; wKh E. V, Morman, Boet sldc of Court Honse Squ ire. SCHAEBERLE, 'i'i-nciief uT M118ÍC. Q'jealnBtrucUon on the PIANO, ViOUN AND QUITAR, athla office, No. 57 Soo-tl1 Waln streettJloore's uildingj.or at the resideaie rjfthe papil. PIANO TUNIIvG, ma'le a specialfty and Batlsfactlon uaranteed: :!2Jyt rROC ER Y OLASSWARE & GROCER ES, J. & Donnelly? Tlavc in store a largo stock of Crockerj , Gl:ivare , platod Ware.Cntlorj Qroeenes, c., c. all tobe Pold at unnsiially )ow fices. No. lí BKt liaron Sireet, Ann Arbor. AH-KIÍ J. & I'. IO!VEI,I,Y. TÖHN g7gXll7 DBALBE IIT FRESH AND SALT MEATS, I, l{. SAITSAOES, Etc, ■OrilerRíiilicitcd and promptly fllied witli tbebeet'i meats in the market. ai Bast Washington itreèt. Ann Arbor, Sept. lOth, 1SC9. 1285tf T F. BR(i; Ifamtfaotarer or iiaaiicEs, bkkiies. LtnnER yieo.s, Si'!tlti WAi)S, CUTTEUS, BLBK1H8, kc. 4t sTitlc,y?arranted of the best matoriftr. Tii-p.iriiiíí (lone promptly and renoniible. All work warrintedto give perfect satisfaction. 08 Snnth Main Street. 1343yl AT ARKSEY, Qé?3k. Miiiiufactiirer of Oarriages, Buggies, Wagons, ANDSLEUillS. of ov.ry stylr, made of the best material, and irarrftDted Iicpitirir done pr.omítly and prioes nasonable. Detroit Strest, noar 1!,: R Deput, Am. Arbor, Mich. Ia84yl. R. C. A. LEITEU eONTINÜES TO PUT ÜP AND FILL Physicians Prescriptions, ,At all hourB, at No. 1 Gregory Block. C. A.LEH'EK & OO. ' Ann ArTor,Dec. 22d 1671. 18S4 rK.U.B. PORTE7 DE1TTIST. ffloeln theSAVINGSBAHKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. 411 Operations on the Natural Teeth PEUFORMED W1TH CARE. UH3URPA3SED PACILITIBS AND BXPBRIBNCE SBITIUtt ARTIFICIAL TEETD, TO GIVK EACH INDITIDVAJL; Ptnturesofthe proper sixe, tkapc, color njlrmne$ana na al zpretsion, 1244 FLOXJR. GRAimi FLOUB, BUCKWHEAT FLOUIl, CORH HEAL, FEEDOF ALLKIXDS. AlTtTre ftbovo srttdet aro wnrranted to have no sapcriorïFf Poraala al Partridge's Flouring MillsN. B- Grigtiugdoneittghortnotlce. HURRY UP! IAK'J'li;.S wiihlng Wall Paper, Hhftd"6 Bollaads, Window Pistares, Ci-íK Tasecls, &c , all New Style, al Satli Prlcei, bj J. it. Webster A; :o.', Book St"r,near ike E.nose Oülcc. ■ x _o pOTOTHB PAR ! KUS' STORE AND BUV YOUIl Jt Carpeta, QiLC'lotlis uiul Küfs CheBpforcosb. KICHIUA3 CENTRAL Jl.YILROAI). VW.[. TIME TA1SL15. Pnssehgertrainsnow leave the several tat.ions,us foilowe: iOIS; VEST. I 7 tlell Á 4 " STATloSB. r _; W L .te , _ s_ ___ 6 3 m ' __ A. t. A. M. 1'. H. P. ■ I'. !' M. Detroit, leave, 7 U 8 40 4 05 5 U 8 19 9 5Í -■I S I.'. 10 47 .'. SS 7 12 ü 48 11 07 iLn Vrlo'r, 9 n 11 M 8 OS 7 4S 10 19 U 25 netter '■' I" - ' ■ '" 10 „.„ ' UCo'liJO 9 33 f 00 IS 40 p. M. A. H. A. ir. QOIKO BAST. II S I Ijl I 1 J? I-. IC. P. K. A' :1Cbieago, leavc', '■ 15 si nn 5 30 si o a. k. m. p. m. Ealanuioo, 3 20 5 001130 )M Jackson. U 40 4 45 8 OS 2 M I 40 GrassLake, 32 B Sfi nhBlauti ' a. v. 8 47 :" 52 Vl,„ yUv, ! M 6 M i. SU : 44 4 ÍS 4 24 Ywflnnti 2 22 6 M -"' ;'; l(l e 43 nètroit, nrrivc. ■ 3 35l 7 25 8 45 11 30, B i 6 M The Atlantic hnd Pdflc Express run bctwccn Jacksonand Niletion the Air Une. DatedOct. 17.1872. tpORT WAYNE, JACKáON AND Sap;inay Railrcad. The most direct route to l'it.tslmir, PhilBdolphJa, Baltimore, Washington, and all ))oints soutli and "outhwest, Triiins rvm byjChloagfl Tiiuc. XllAINS OOING SOUTIT. .v.i7. Express. Angola Aee. Jnckson, f 13 a. m. IL' 10 r. m. 4 40 i-, m. Banöïet, f 54 12 49 6 20 Jüneavillc, 25 1 M 5 5 Angola. 9 4S 7 35 Walurloo. 10 33 8 15 Aulmm, 10 47 3 2fl . ayns, 11 46 0 26 InálaBOpUÍ COCp. m. lu 30a.m. Cilicinnati, 8 ö( Loniarille, 10 45 - p 10 45p. m. TRAINS OINO NORTIT. Angola Ace. Expret Mail. I.ouisvillo, 'J 10 a.m. 10 26 P.M. Cincinnati, 7 10 a.m. ipdÚ, i ÍB Pi U. 10 10 Fort Wayné, 7 05a. x. 4 25 p. m. Auburn, S 00 5 22 ■YViitcrloo, 8 13 ST Annolli, 8 50 C' Si Jonosville, 10 IS P. M. 8 02 Hunovcr, 10 50 3 8 33 11 30 4 15 !) 10 At Jaokson- Close conncctiims are made wüli Miish:tral, Jadcaon Lansing & Saginaw, and Grand ïtiver Valloy Uaürooda. At JoncsviUk.- "NY'itli Lake Shore & Michigan Soiith. At Vaterloo- With I.ïfa Shore & Mio!ug;in Southern (Air Line). ■ Wayne- Wlöi ritfAnrp, Fort W.'iym a; Chicago; Toledo, Wabash & Weetern,and Ft, Wayne, Muncie & Cincinnati Ruilro W. A. EHN8T, Bnpt. Bob't. Bnj rr, Qen'l. TicVot Air't. July 251873. MTATIOI BITTtt S. T, - 1880 - X. ( This woiiderful vcgetnMc reetorative is the sheet-anclior of ilic feeblu and debilitated. Ab a tonic and cordial for tbc Rged and langnid it 0 'jqual ainong stomachics. A3 a ri'iiK'dy for the neryops iweaScncsoss yfliicl) woraen sn espociallj subject ed, it is pnpereecHng e"erj otlier Btimnlant. In all climatcs, tropical, températe or lïi:id, it act6 ■.c'iiiciii i.-vcry sn-ii'i of dis-j order ■whicli nnrierrniííea tii? bodíly strength and breaks down the animal .spirits. 1365-yl. MiXICAN MÜSTANfi UXIMEJI yOR MAN AND BEA&Ï. Probably few artitlfs have vrr hnd so extcnilv a Sale, isile none have Ijpii more uuivcrsally benclkirtl han Ihe felíísrat.-d BEXICAS ÍI18T,V l!EST. Cfffldrea, AduKs, Horses, and !)o.aiEUt. ïnlmals, are always liaiilfi to !-fl(icii, and it Is safe (o say, (hat no fansiiv can pass a single season without cme feiud of ancoll)ent beinpr netetvnry. U licmes a iHalfèr'of tóiyortanrc then to sEfurc the best. Over three hundred llvcry stabies in the ciivof New York alone are iisin the Mexican Mustang Qt, Inallof whlchlt kívihj universal sntis'actlon. 4 tilSON .- Tne Rcmiineis wrappedln ravlng with O. W WcMmjt. OKcntS .-■.■ and " Tra Ie Mark, UKXICAN vrst 1 V(9 Lltf! VB 'I' " mgraïed acrofs the f:icc et cach wrapier The whole liears thu. proprietof's private Uiiitcd States Rcvenuc Stamp, and not a cmcion stamp, aSUSedbydrí:ígNMANÜPACTÜKlNC1W,. i::"T..:iwyl BS Park place, H V. BOOKS, S %aP Har Mi sfe p . ! J. II. WEB8TEB & CO. NETV DOOK STOTIE KAR THS " EXPEES8 OFFICE." LOOK TO 0L'K ! , IKlVBESl! A.M) CALI. I BOOKS. A KNAK BOK Mineral Springs House. Thï honutiful reeort for hcalth-peckcrs is now open, with lts IRON, MAGNESIA, AND SULPHÜR WATERS, OommodlOQsbnildlig heatedby ttcam, and largo and well-ventüatttd rooms. WATER AND AIR BATHS, or all toraperatare, sleo Sbower, Vapor, Hedlcatsd ancl Blectrlc Batha ;irr employfd itli advantage te the trmtmiint of sll fnrutB of chronit dl : ii ! cases of lemales. Special atlentloi. paid to 'liil. Wiih pieapant niTronodlBfri.finá íitnated In me of ttaeinoat faeaUby and beaatffnlcltle4 [o the cono pouesaea atlracWone forlnvalldeor forplcaeure-seek(;rftifi(lom fonsd Ihe analysisof the Springs will bc Uu ■ on appUcatton. Persona Aeslrlng cï to sond to thclr frlcode can procure tlicm at the cfiiceof tliel'roprietors on Flnritn f tn-ct, r at t&e i-])iings. Addreat all letten 'i' inqairy to MOBBIS HALE, M. Í)., Slipt. Avm Arbor, Míen. Snltiorlnnd Huil Wlirilon, Prup't: Ann Arbor, 5cch. Juue, 11, ls2.


Old News
Michigan Argus