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- Camoron, Hartranft, Warner & Co. (Iemand of tho President that one Truc man bo appointed Postmaster of Phila delphia, but the President i inolined to iromote ono Fairman, a deputy. It is not certain yot who will win. Later - í'airman has been appoiuted, and Oumcron has a, íiea in his ear. - Anothcr calainity is promised as an mmecliato result of Gmnt's re-election : ;ho rosignation of Justice Nelson of tho Supremo Court, and tho appointment of ' Judgo " Settlo of North Carolina, to bo lis successor. It is a great pity that tho venerable Nelson couldn't renew his age. - One of tho early consoquenoes of Jrant's ro-elcction : Gov. Baker of Indiana recommending tho building of two additional insano hospital, the enlargement of tho hospitals for tho blind, and ho oarly completion of tho Houso of lefuge. - Concord, N. IL, oxperienced a sovero shock of an earthquako on Monday ast, at about 2 o'clock I'. M. It bogan vith a sort of explosión, followed by a ;rembling and shaking for about 10 seconds. Anothor consequenco of Grfcnt's election. - The printing office ol Rand & Avcry ío. 3 Cornhill, near the foot of Washington stiect, lïnstoii, was bnrnrd Wednesday llght. It was one of the largfest offices in Sew England, giving employment to about 300 hands. Loss 8250,000 ; insured mostly n Boston compsnles. - Grant's niajority in Pennsylvania is 137,548, while his f uil vote is 3,792 less han tho voto of Hartranft in October, jroving him, notwithstanding his unprecedonted niajority, a lcss popular man ;han Hartranft. - Ex-Governor and ex Senator E. D. klorgan, of Now York, is narned as the successor of Secrotary Boutwell. It' Boutvoll don't get to be Wilson's succossor he will probably hang on to his present osition. - Chief Justico Chaso is in better lealth again , whioh tho Detroit JJnwn akes as affording oncouragenient that if ie gets no severo pull-back ho may regain lis health fifty or seventy-fi ve years henee. - Harvard Collego suffored a net loss of from $200,000 to $300,000 by tho Boson riro, and noeds &30,000 immediate ïelp to keep tho wheels running, besides arge donations to enable it to rebuild. - The largo storehoivse and grain elovator of Woodrufl' & Kobinson, Amity treet. Brooklyn, N. Y., was burncd. en Monday afternoon, with 6!J0,000 bushels of grain. Total loss cstimated at $800,000. - Miss Susan B.Anthony and 15 othor tochester, N. Y., strong-minded woinea ïavo been arrested for illegal voting_ 'ho election board should also bo proseu-ted for recciving illogal votes. - Buckalcw rocoived 319,700 votes at ho October eloctioi. Just four wereks ater Greeley veceivod but 210,000 votes. That aecounts for that big Grant majority in Pennsylvania. - Anotlier fíre oceurred in Boston on Monday everang, at No. 207 State street nd adjoining buildings. Loss estimuted t from $100,000 to 200,000. Tho spread f the tiro was preventcd by the fire-proof oof of the block. - The railway aid voted by the sevoral ountios, oitios and towns of ühio, under ;he Bcesel law, already aggregato over 2,000,000. Another inillion or more has also been voted under special laws. - The pork-packing houso of John J, loo fc Co., Convent strect, St. Louis, was mrned Monday evening, with six thous md slaughtered hogs, worth $100,yfO. 1.OS8 on buildings not stated. - It is now out why Washburno camo ïome frorn Franco : it wasn't for tho solo and only purposo of voting for Ulyssns. Je wants to bo United States Senator 'rom Illinois. - When a Radical Legislaturo can't be egitimately secured stratugy is the game: ;ho arrest of conservativo or opposition members, or that is the way it is down in Vlabama. - In thu United States Supreme Couron Monday tho Chorokeo laúd caso was decided in favor of James F. Joy as against both the government and all set,lers. - Tho Democracy of Wayno County saved a singlo niember of the lower sianch of the Legislature - by a niajority ef 35 : that, and nothing more. - Snow feil at Buffiilo, N. Y., during ?riduy night last, to tho depth. of two eet on a level, blockading and delaying ;rains on the sevonil railrouds. - Senator Trumbull declines" to reniain Kt the head of the Judiciary Committco : which declination the Radical journals will declare wholly unnecessary. - Tho rocvat pai-dem of Preident Grant of Appleton Oakesmith, convicted of fitting out a slaver, is regarded at tho South as a tender of the olivo branch. - In Ponnsylvania, on tho 5th, Grant receiveJ 7,309 votes more than ho received in 1U6S, while Grccley's voto was 101,341 lus llütii Seymour's. - In 1808, Qrant had 44.08G votes and 11,777 mdjority in Vennont : on the 54h of November ho had 41,487 votes and 30,Ö40 majority over Gfreeley. - Rosenzweig, oonvicted in New York a ycnr ago on an indictmont for tho rnurder of Alico Bowlosby, has buen granted a now trial. - Bishop Huntington, report says, has declined to lecturo in tho eourse at Harvard Uuiversity : becauso Henry Ward Beeoher i.s to do so. - Solioitoi-Oriicral Bristow fias resign 1 and Judgo Samuel J. Fhillfps.Jof North Carolina has been designated as his successor. - Miss Anthony says shc is now just where she wants to be : umler arrest and in court niale-criniinnl likc. - Eight thousand bales of flannel were burned at Boston, sending flannel uptwo conts a yard. - The vote of Maine on tho 5th inst , waa the smullest polled in tho State since 1820. Iï is probable that all throo of the constitutional amendinnnts aro lost. We can only wish that all who votod against tho salary amendment could bo set off to to the jurisdiction some country justicu. TtTE Danish consul at New York has inade an appeal for aid in bohalf of his countrymen who wcre sufferers by tho reaent storm..


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