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i i ii.i.-N OPEBA iiotsi:. TWO NIGHTS ONLY ! Wednesday and Thursday Evenings, 3STOV. 2th AND SSth, 187ÍÍ. Tht K'r-Famrd Gomtdiatu and Dtli 'n"clor of tht 'ctiuHo a,.d Cutiiic Jtru,iia% JOHN E. OWENS! Supporfed , W wll+éltcttdmd Tahn'ed Dramatic Ofganisaiton, txftrti tytnpagtd to vceompttnjf hiñditriiqf kie exicut'rji oii,' ome (Tnitêtt 8íae$ Wclneslay Kvening-. ov. 27(11, thr ■■'!, ■iu"liff w'U romm lino t'o,is Everybo&y's FrieadMajor Of, I2oo$, the Swashbttcklèr, Mr. .1. E. O VKN. To coiiclmlcwilh Mr. Owtn'sixjpulíir Fnrce of 4O WINKS. lloro'io y ).?"■"'"'" n nrtscrty ltniton maker from, - - Mv. J. E. OWEXft. THUKSIUV E?E$i!!Efj ÏOYEMBER, 28, W'tll be prccenled Üic renowed Comedy of the Happiest Days of My Life. Mr.Joñatha Gímvn - Mr. .TOflN' K OWENS. 41' o be CuHoivcrt bf Mr. Owens' wMHy c .■!i v,: r, aui.l ,i í.s ly ramoui impcisonalion of SOLONSHINGLE! ,Soloa .Si' '.(, ',-- 11 1-, JOU N K. OW ËN8. A . ]..i oí ni' el ly liim ilii on hout U'e en.iie Boglfth rtv Id, DpWOI .'■ L ?," "i i' h . PjMCJB Oí' ADSÍISSI02Í: I en)1 fulrafcsioD, ------.--75 Ceñís Hexerveü touU, .--.-.-- $1.00. Oaileiy, ----- 50 Cenia Tltes.'leof lïestrrrfd wn1 íor Mr. Ow-ns' perfoimnno", wH cumm do on Monday moiuinj, November L)lh, ni Gilmore & lke's B00V Sírr. Mr. Oweoiviil perfoim in Toledo, O.,onFvklay, Nüv. L!Lh. nnHE LARGEST I Most Elegant ! MITCH THE CHEÁPEST Stock of First-Class Superb Black and Colors, EVER EXHIBITED IN THIS MARKET IS AT MACK & SCHMID'S. THE UllEAT BOSTON FIBB. Statement of tho n j iulí on of the iKrsTJJELLKroEs 00NORTH AMERICA, PHILADELPHIA, OBAIZEl K. D. 179 í. Over 78 Vcnrs' Snccessful Battfitfft witli (he Fire l-'ii-iul. Capital anS Snrplus, Nov. lí, Í8T2,$3,500,000. DciftT.tin?nll the lossen fts B'osfoTV, nd'f-ere stíll remHius with thc coinpany, as ecurity to ]oUcybolders-, the DUgnlflOODt suiñ of over $2,500,000. The ISTet Surplus 'Over and abo ve all T.iabilities, includini; Capital, Re ntíuniiKv Krtrve, aud Bostou Iosscb, 9 a QUARTER MILLION DOLLARS, WHICH IS THB Largest "Vet Surplus lONNCNNetl by any t'ouipau in AnboricH. I n su re ín fre oíd Pioneer Company - Always safe and reliable. For ioliclcs apply to StTHERLAM) & WHED0F, Estáte of Heurictta Wagner. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wanhten.iw, ra Ata üossion of tho Probnle 'ourt for tlie (ounty 1 of Waithtonuw, holden at tliL1 1'robute Otiioc, intlifl Cityof Ann Arbor, on Tucaday, tlic ninetecuth d of NovemlxT, w the ycur one tltousand eipht hundred and seventy-tw. Pnaent Hirnm J. Jikcs, Judpc of Tïïbits. In the matter of the Ettü of IIcMit'tta "Wfrpner, Aeoeaud, Jnmra li. Ciott, Adniiniatrator of sanl cstnto, comt'K into court ond icprusont thiit lie a now prepared to render Lis final account as Hiioh adminintintor. Thercupn it is oiilered that Mondiiy, tho aixteenth Jny Of Deeemher next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon,he nssjsraed fnr exauiiniíií.' and ivltewing aueh i account, and that t lic heiï-9 it faw oí saW deceased, and all other jiewons inteiMted un wii'l ostwte, í rcquired to appenr at a aession of said Oourt, tlicn to bc hoKten at tho l'robate oliic, in the eity of Anu Arbor, la U coinity, mul thow canst', if any theri' lt', why the saicf account should nol bc allowcd : And it i further ordeifd thataaiil Admiiiialvator (rivc notioe to the perrons Lnterwted in suid wtate, of the pendeacy of snil ai nul. and tho hearing thereof, by oandng ■ a ;■ cd tliia order to 1 poblwhed in tin: Michigan Argtu,ñ [1 iwspap6T pi'inted mul oSrwklating ii ts itl county, lUOOUsiTe weck pruuous to saiil day of huar(i truc copy.) U111AM J. HEAKKS, Hol Judye of Trobute. Estáte oL Daniel S. Birch. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Washt?naw,R9. Notice i herebv fiven, that hy nn order of the Probate Court for the County nf WnahtSanKW, made on the eiglitocnth day of November, A. 1). 1S7Í, six months trom tlmt ilute wcie allowed ft credlton to nresont thuir claimn agoinit the catate of Daniel Buekingham,lateof íaidoovinty, deoeaed, tmdthnt all oroditors of sai.l deoeaaed are requlred to proaeni elaima to aaid Probate Court, at. the Probate Otiice, in the Cityof Ann Arbor, for oxaminntion and allowanoe, on or bef OW the nineteenth day ofMny n. vt, and that Minli claims will b heard hefore said Probate Court, on Saturday, the flfteeutb day of Fcbruary, and on Monday, the ninctfrnth day of May nctxt, at 10 o'clock in thu foreuoon of cach Dattsl, Ann Arbor, Fovember 18th, A. I. 187Í. 140lw4 . Jtidge of Probate. Sheriff Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of M'ashtenaw, 8a. By virtué of onoexeoution iaraedontofand and a the Mal of the Circuit Court for the ('runty of Washtenaw. to medivected aiul delivei-ed, aeainst the ffOod8,ohattel,landsaniHenen)ontsof])iinicl]liowne]), by virtue of wliich I did on the 98th ilnv of Au(.'iiat, A. IJ 1872, aciw and levy upon all tho ri(ht, title aud intenat Daniel Ilrowni'Hhas in and to thc fullowinu Acnrlbed real ette, ti irM : Tho west half of thesouthenst quartcr of ection six intown Qinefoathof nmge six cast bci!i in the township of rittstichl, (onnty of Waehtoaaw amístate of Miubi(ian; which abovc described real estatal i-hall 41 at the outir soulh door of thu Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, at public auction to thc hinhcst bidder, on the 4th diiy of January.A. I). 1S72, at ten o'clock, A. M., of wiid ated, N'OV. 13th, A. B. 1872. ' WF-TIP., Shoriff. 1401 By JonTiN Fordks, t'ndcr Iu-i itf. WAL. WHEIit; AHK YOU OOIXG ? DOWN TO the Farmere'Storc wlierc they have jnst reocivodeuch lots of Npw fïood ; why they ore so c-heaii yon can iet ua much fnr Sft cents in lre8 Ooodathore you can gotfor 1.00 a', any other ttoreiu this county. T Q. A. SESSIONS INSURANCE AGEHCI. THE OI,D HlXflIIU: pHCRNIX INSURANCE CO., HARTFORD, CONN. Boston losses do not cxoeed $500,000, which will bc promptly paid, as at Chicago. Nit cash assctg, ONE AND A HALF MILLIONS. Cinoinkati, Nov. U. 11:15 P. M., 1879. The Phoenlx of Hartford will pay lts Boston losses promptly. ne It dil nt Chicago, and continue to serve the public faithfully and well. H. M. MAG1LL, Gen'l Agent. T IVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE INSURANCE COMPASt. CniCAGO, Nov. 13th, 1872. J. Q. A. SESSTON Esq., gent. The lóanos of thiH Company by the Great Fire in Ito ton, ccvered by policies amoünting to Sl,e39,000 will bc paid immcdiatcJy and in full by draft 00 the Liverpool Ónice, the Asaets now in the United States ($3,600,00'); will rcinain untouched. Yours very trnly, WM WARREN, Gen. Agent. Policies issued at my oiïlce at No. 11, East Iïuron Street, A nn Ar hor. J. Q. A. SESSIONS, Agent. noot f. KATURESREMlDYrV JHE &REAT .Blood PüRIFI í$r VK'íWrINE is made exclusively from the juices of carefully solected bnrks, roots and herbg. and so strungly concentrated that it will cffectnally eradicate irom the eystera cvery taint of Scrofuln, ?crfulons Humor, 'lumors Cáncer, Canccron Jlntnor, Ery9ptas, SaltRhcum, Syphilitic Diseases.Canker. faiatBras at the Stomach, and all diseases that arise from impure blood, Sciatlca, Inflitfnmatory and Chronic Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Gout and Spinnl Complaints, can only be effectuallyciired through the blood. For Ulcera end Eruptivo Diseaaes of the skin, Pos. tulos, Pimples, Blotches, BoiK Tcttcr. ScaUhead and Ringworm, VliGETIXE has never laild to cfl'ect a permanent cure. Por piins in the back. Kirtney ComplaintK, Dropsy, Female Weakncss, Leucorrhoea, arising from ínter nal lüceration, and uterine discases and General De bility. VtíUBriNK acts directiy upon the causes of tbese coniplaint. It invigorates and Ètrengthena tin: whole ystem. acts upou the secretive organs. allays inllammation, cures ulceration and regúlale the bowels. Por Catarrh, Dyspepsm.HabftnaïCostfveoesK, Palpitation of the Ilenrt lleadachc. Piles, Nervoiine.-and General prostration of the Nervous System, no medicine haa eTer Kj-ven aneb perfect satlsractlon nthe VEGKTINK. It puriBef the blood deanses 11 1 theorgam, and posjesses a controlling power ovei the Nurvous System. The remarkable niios efficted by VEOETÏNK have influced nuiny iiyk'ians and apothecarieg sliom wl Ktaow to prescribe and u-c it in their own families. In fact, VrlGKTINE is the best riinedy vet diacov. ered tbr the abovc di cases, and is the iro'ly rcliablc Blood Puri lier vet placed before t,!ic public." Prepared hy II. Il . Stevens, Bobton v-ik. I'ricel.!i5. Sold by all Drnggista. 1400 Ëstato ai Kichard C. Dillon. QTATE OF MICHIG AN .Oounty o f Washtenaw, se 0 At asessiou of the Probate Conrt forfneCounty of Washtenaw, holden at tlie Probate oftico In the city of Aun Ai'bor, on "Wednesday. the tweutieth day Of November, In thayear onethouBaud eight hnn dred and seveuty-two. Present, Hiram J. Beakes,.Iudge of Probate. Iu the matter of the estáte of KicbaïaC DíIIod deceased. Snsan F. DiUon, Administrator of said state comes into Court and represents that she isïiow prepared te render her ftnal accoimt aï soïh Adminnstratrix. Thereupon it is Ordered, tñat Síouday, Ihe sixteenth day of December, uext, at ten oclock iu the forenoou, be assigned for cxaminingand allow iug such nccouul, and that the heirs al lav o"f BaTd" dVceasetl, and all otlier persouh interested in said estáte, are requircd to at a session' of said Couft, then to be holden at the the Cïtyof Aun Arbor insaidConuty.andshowcauseifany there be why the aatdaceoimtsrton-id not be alkwed : And it is fiirtherofdcred, thatsakl Admin-ïsi'rator give notice to thcpersonslnterested in saM estáte, of the pendency of salrt account, and the hearing thereof, by ftanafng a copv of this order tobe publishediu the Michigan A r(ius,a newspaperprinted andcircnlating insaidConnty, three sutcessive weeks previons tv eaMday of hearing. (Atriie copy.) II1RAM J. BEAKES, 1401 Jndae of Probate. Estaite of Norman Marsh. STATEOF MICHIGAN. Countj of Vaehtenaw,6 Atasession of the ProlmteConrtfor theConnt) of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Offlce, In the CityofAnn Arbor. on Tueaclny, the nineteenih. diy ol November, in the year onethousaud eight hundred and scventy tw. PVesent. Hiram J. llcakes, Tutlgo of Probate In the matter of the estáte of Norman Marsh, deceased. FreemanP. Galpi, Administratur of said estáte, comea Into Court and represents that he is now pre p:ircfft3' rendsr Mu fmal account as such Admluistrator. Thereupon it is OTdercï. tSat Jfonday, the nixteenth day of December inst., nt ten O'tlocSiiu the forenoon," bc assigued for cxamining nnd allowing such account, and t bat the heirs at law ofaajddeceaaed. and all otherpersousinterested insaidcttMtcar requircd to appeur nt n session of said Court, tlien to be nolden at the Probate Office, in the City of Aim Arbor, in snidCoi;nty, and show enrose, Ifany there be.wliv the said acconnt should not bc nllowed And It Ia further ordered that said Admlui-trator give notice to the persous interested in said estáte, of the pendency of said account, and the hearing thereof. bycauning a copy of thls ordar to be pub lishcdinthe Michigan Arffut, A newepapcr print. c' and clrcnlattng in suid Co:iuty. th,ree sucecssive eeks previon to saidday of hearing. f A truecopy.) J111ÍAMJ.BEAKE8, 1401 Judge of Probate. A Rare Chance t TO LET. A largi1 and modem now Orocery Store in Buchor. Bleek, retro t Street. Undiubtedly thebeat locatiou in that part of ihe city for s.ild Snalnéaa. A íood bu-e cellar and new baru altachcd to tlo premises. The rent is (800 yenrly, to bc taken in groceries for my faniii' nse. Also a tlne now Mfnt Ma-krt, all complete, ioining my blo-k, with moJcru Impruvementa, mnrblc table, Ac. , lnrge ncw smoke house, Larse brlck clatern and cellar, nVw bnrn f.nd all rcidy for na", with three fannly rooms above. Store rents for $'J5l yearly ; takf n in meat for mv family use. Also a small sfortin my bl jek, houses, rooms, c, to let. FOR SALE.- Three gfod large cnrrngc or farm h'Tses onc fine new carriape, Imie, wagons, hirm incr toolH. Alio three goori oowp 1400tf Inquire of L. R. BUCHOZ. F I R ÉT" The fire m Boston bas enttsod n commotion i Tnsiirincc ('omfilici, umi those tlmt wimt their dwelliniis nsuredina Company that does uot tuke anythiug bul dwellings, should insuie in the WATERTOWX (031 PAN Y It is a Fir$t-Clnss Company and stands high on the Inanmnoe [lista. All the b'isincsa portaone of n!l tbr; cities of the country mv bttrn p nnd this Company would not be afleöted. ii is oue ol the Imest Cumpauies lordwclUnnifl the country. 'all on C. M. TUompson, Alcal, Ann P. S - TWa Corapany tnkee the best risk and does not rob Peter to pay Paul. , . Office Xo. 15, at A. A. Terry's Hat store, nith Main Street. l-HWw3 The undersïgned offers for sivle, on reasonnble terms His Residence in this City, Corner of División and Liberty 8t. A most desiriibklocation, anil onc of the best propcrticsin the city. Enquire on the Premisos. Datad Ann Arbor, October 9th, 1S72. DAYID UENNING. 1395 tf Real Estáte for Sale THE VOLNEY CHAPÍN HIIMESTEAD, Near the north east corner of the Conrt Hoiwe pouiirc. This pioperty will be old nt reasouablc prici-s, in for n refidraca. or for biiKineuparpoaea. Alaolota onMtller Avenue cast of Toms' green house. Aleo ft Farm of 1G0 Acres, W11 watered and fenced, with good'oediard nrd IMr buildings, withinamile of the Court Hnusein St Jolina, Michigan, andcwreral hundred ncres ot plne and oak timbered lauds In Saginaw Oounty, Mfehlgan. Inauireof N. w. CnEEVER.or UOOmO C. A. CHAPÍN. TN FACT IF YOU WISn TO GET AXY GOODS 1 nnd gei the worth of vonr munry. yon must go to the Farmers' Store whcre they scll all goods chc.ipcr tliis Fall tlian ever before. G. W. UAYS.Supcnuicndint. Clnisí PIANOS HAVE TAKEN THE FIRíT pMIUM OVER ALL COMPR TITION IN AMERICA, ENGLAND, AM) _FRANCE. These Standard Instruments Are now offcrod at Ileduced Rate The One-Price System. 41,0003 OF THESE Standard Piano Portes Have been made ind sold since 1323 ani Eighty-One First Premii,ras llave been aw.ardcd to our Firm OVER ait . PBTITION. These Pianc mo stUlrtSMXlfTS OF THE WOULD, and ure m,t ttby all the gieat artista. Vmmn ys : i conridra ihe at. Piano tuvenor u any madein Europeor Amï theíirJt PrinCed tl'"t thUy Weie ?2 Chlckcring & Sons' Mammoth Manufaclory Is moro than one-tliird largcr than nnyothlforte Manufactory in the World, and h il ,1 ■ "" peet, the most complete as regarda miichinen Sï iacihties for doinff the very best datt „f m' ïï"" C. & Son have, smee the establishment of thrilu? nesa in 1R23, made and suld 11,000 riunos, S (5? ötimdnrd Instruments are now offerctl it w!inj ■ upon the h One Prioe Bystem," tree fromSS and eormniKsious ; and they are, bcyond aUiSÏÏ the very txwt and very elieapcst Üist-class PknïS! A. O A. S.T) . We cali especial attention to oor ÜPRIGHT PIANOS, Which ore, in every particular, the flnest instan-,, of thoir cliws manufiictured, and second obItSuÏ Ui-and l'iano, for which they are a gooil snbeiiiZ Every l'iano wntranted for üve yeara. CHICKERING & SONS, 12E..ltl!,S{.,XcwYort, 354 Washington St., Boston. 1400m3 For Scrofula, Scrof. m "lou? Iieaseg of fc, tue Kyes, or Scrofui si la ui any lbrm. &tZ Any disease or eruptioi ÖEJ of the Skin, disease of the IW3 Liver, Rlieumatism Ra. f ples.OldSores.Uleers.Brok. &1JÜ eri-down Constitu t i ons OV Syphilis, or any disease dey@( pending on adepravedcoa. dition of Ihe blood, try S POKL ROOT. T It lias the medicinal propWqj&A ertyof Pokeeombinednith II f a PreParat'n of Ironwhich l goes at once into the blood. fi performing the most rapij ■ws and wonderful cures. Ask your Druggist for Dr. Crook' Oompound Syrup of Poke Boot-tike it and be healed. TEN REASONS WHY No Family should öe without a Mllttf WHITTLESEY in the hotut. Ist.- Itwill relieve the worst caseofBillom Cholic or Cholera Morbus in i;""1 2d.- It will cure the most obstinate cast Dyspepsla and In d I bos lon " 3d'.- It s tho best remedy in the orí M Sick Headache, as thousands cm teMUJ. taken when the first symptoms appcar. 4th.- It is the best diurctic ever pot K"1 the public; curing those distressing compui"0! Diabetes and Cravel andother Urlnar difflcultles. 5th.- It is a most excellent Emm"" Eoguo, and to the Young Olrls. aRod Women.andat the Turn o1L"1" remedy is of incalculable valué. . . eth.- It will remove wind from llbow'; and henee a few drops'in somc sweettoea. given to a babe is better than a dozen coroiUM'Relieve and mako t Sleep. Cona ingnoanodyne. , ,■... 7th.-It is a .re relief for adults an affected with Worm o and Pin WormiIt will bring away the worms. _.- 8th - Itwill cure the Piles and Hemor rhodial difficultics. .. 9th.- Itwill cure Con stlpatlonasi k7 the bowek regular. It will also cure the """■ ofSummerComplaNtantlDiíniw IOth.-It will cure Sour 8to(i"! Stlmulate the Llyer to heal'hy w. Relieve He art-Burn and actaiFW Regulator of the systcm. ..„j When taken dilute the ■ dose with Suga'"" Water to a Win e -Cl asa fuif vi )" i.ivc n pleacant ton ie. Whittlescy (D-sycpsia Curt) $ r "' Whittlesey Agüe Cure 50c. per bottle. . '.' Whittlesey Cough Granules 25c. per bot Sold by all druggists and warrantöa. Whltüescy Prop. Bed. Co., Tokfcj5NEW 6R0CEBY STOBE! rpiIR nndersigned has oiciied in McM.iH' , 1 BIAKJK, nortli sidü of Court Uou W f till stock of G-roceries and ProvisionS Whieh will bc sold at Ihe towart pric The hiyln-st iiriee paid tor 1 lountry TrodAnn Albor, Oct. 17th, U',2. ,.,r imim oeoik yANTED. 500 Oords of Hickory Woo 500 Oords of Hcird Mapl& 500 Cords of White OakHalfseasoned and half green, for whi " ' Haidonilclivciy. rorne'"' at the Wood Yard,"' Iluron and Fiftli Street. Ann Arbor, Ootober SOth, 1872. y. 13J3tf Aj__. AND FAMIIA CI will bc published wecklv in 1873, bett"aïiSj Uet uj, aniiK 1JlaU ChiwHÜl. TOTICE! The „.bscrlbers haqe at thelr ceront J v eral Ihing, froro üvo ""'"í'wmortK. T ■ ' Gr.-Korylilock. Our Abstract B0" 'AÍnÁrbor, Maj 30, 1SI2. oT t lEITS"TIAOTW.SOOT, l1"" chas. a. uní,


Old News
Michigan Argus