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al Estáte for Bale. STAT : ■ EGAN, oount v of Wa iht naw, as. ■ - of fin order grnnt d to ni l'l.ibiite fui the County ot Wushti naw, on 1 1 . A. 1. 1872, there will be boM al I : Washtenuw, cm Thursdny tbe I trelítli day ■ a. 1 1. ; .. -..', a1 one iVclocl id diiy (8UbJECt to iHen al the time of i and ateo subject tothe rightofdower ol biswldow therein), fi of the folio wing desenbcil roal estáte, to-wfl : Coi che comer, al n poinl t fii ine aonth and a balfunka ímmared ■ in diameter being in Ll hnlfofti . quarterof section twenl in tównship four sontli of i nuing thenoe south one di weet rid ■ . tna and thi links, thence outh twenty-cïp . thencenonth eighty-eight degreci vn ; u.o chainsand tm linies, ; a half degreea weet four ohaina and ñxty-two links, thence north flfty.eight di :M3 and aoven and Induding atoo Bil betweon tho oloeing Une iii wholc parce! and Che center of the Saline rm r Dated, Outober 2üd, A. D. -MA!! Y "L. TTOLOdMIl. JAMES LA Iwl Adir : Chancery Sale. rpiIK Circuit Court for the County of TVnsMcnaw, A In Chnneery. Gouverneur Dñke. Complainant, tb. John A. Volz, Administrador of John George Vol, deceased, and Anna Maria Volz,widow oí said nd Anna Maria Volz, Dorotby Vol, "Frö Volz, John Qeorge Volz, Sophin ,:.■, i EmmiiVolx, and Jolin Adam Volz, ohüdren of said Jolm George Vol., deceesed, Defendanta. In pursuonoe of a decretal owi c of the Circuit Court for tlie County of Wanhtenaw, in Chancery, made in ■■■-■ canse, there irill be oíd undei of the Bubscriber, at pn front duur of lbo Court Honee int! Arbor, and. Oonntyof Washtenaw, on Saturday, the tb day of November next, at twelve o'cock, noon, the following i of land vía: Theeasthau nf the eaathalfof rhesouthweel quartetof Bt r tt-n, in TirtnwMp numbor otoining forty aerea ot Land, be the name moreor leas,orft much thoreof ns mny bíi nt cessary to satisfy said decree, with interesi DatedOctober L6th, 1872. i'. BEAHAN,Cironlt Court Commlssloner Tbacy W. Root, Dar Co. Michigan. BolKtttor for Coroplainam. 1366 Real Estato for Salo. STATBOP MICHIGAN, County of WflBhtonaw.M In the matter of the estáte ofKber M. Monroe dreeased Nttee ie hereby jriven, thatin p . Ol ui order grantcd to tbc unrierMtrnccl, Execatrix c the estáte ol ald deceased bj the Hou Judge of Pro bate for the Conntj of Washtenaw, on the twentyftnrt day of October, A. D., lï.:. there win be sold at nnblicvenclna, to the hlghcat bidder, fit thcdwdllng houe on tho premiees, ín tho Connty of VTashta naw. In said State, on Toesday, Wui trnth day of De ct-mber, A. D, 1872, at ten o'cïock In the forenoon o , that day (subject to all nncnmbrancefi by ín"; I ' otherwiee exlBtlng at the time of tho th-nth ot suif deceased) the following described real estáte, to wit Being part ol Bection ílve in townshlp one sontho ■ six cast, in sald Stato, commenciug nt the northwvst corner of a piece of land heretofore (leed ed by Jo?eph Praj to a, B. Close, and in the centre of tho hiiïïnwiy running frons Ami Arbor to Whitmore Lake, thence ensterly alone païd Closc's north line ftboat twenty-flva rots toa stake in theqnartcr line at the northeast corner of sai;! Cloaeland theuceuortherly on Bald quartcr line abonL e rod to a stake, thence wwterlj parallel with th( ürst abovedepcribed bonndary line abont twenty-five roda t ; the centre of the htghway, thence sontberïi in the centre of eaid highway U the place of begin Ding, contftlnlng three arres of huid, rnorc or less. Datcd October2l3t, 18T2. 1397 LÜCY A. MUXROE, Excnitrix. Beal Estato for tí:vlo. . QTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Washtennw, 83 ' O In the matter of the estato of Christopher Lange decensed : Notice is hereby giren, 1 li-it in poi raanoi of nn order gr anted to the tmdersigned Admaoistrato of tho estáte of said deoeased, bythe Hon. Tufee u Probate for the county oi Wa#htenaw, on tho four U-i-Tithday of üctober, A. D. 1S7-, th-re trill be sold at Sublic vemlue, to tbc highest bidder, at tlie south oor of the Court House, in the county of ';tshto naw, in said State, on Tnesday, the tenth d;iy of December, A . D. 1872, at ten o'cloclc in tlm forenoon of that day (subject lo all enenmbninces by mortgage orothi ng atthtfttme oí the dea th of said deoea bis widow therein, t]o following described real pstAte, towit: Being on section eerenteen In township two sonth of range six, cast, inpaid Btatc, described ae commenciní? ut the sonthweel corner of Olark'e farm, on the north edde of the norlh rciwl running from the Ann Arlmr and Whitmore Litke road toMcMahon'a Mili, and running ihencewetsterly on tbe Dorthlineof said rond ten roda, thence nortlK-atfriy parallel with saidClarke'a wi at linetoMcMahtm's north line, thence easterl? on the line betwi i n said BfeMahon ai ten roe . atherlyonthe line berween McMahon anl Clark to tbe piuco of bsebantn, bemeten roda in widtt) froni the road to said fiíoMahon north line, and containing aboxit four nnd a half aen or lees, beinjí thu same land con veyoil by deed from James AlGMahon to said deoeased, Euidreoorded in I.iber (i"' of fleeda, In the otiico of llfigiatt-r of Dteds, in lonnty, on pai Dafed October 14, l7ï, 1397 FREDERIOK KAPP, Adminwtrntor. Estáte of Philo Ilitchcock. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, ïounty of Waahtenaw, as, O At ;i aession of the Probate Coort for the Countyof Waahtenaw. holden at the Probate Ofüce, intli';('iiy of Ann Arbor, on "Wednesday, fche stxthdiryof November, in Uiu year ono Chonsand cight hundred and seventy-two. Present, Hiram J. TVskcs, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Philo Ilitchcock decen On reading rnd íilingüiepetition,diily vorifled.of Amarioh Hitohoock, praying bat a certain instrament now on file in this court, purportioif to be the laat will and testament of aaid oeoMsed, maybe admittedto probate] and thttt h mny be appointed solo exeontor thereof. Theiewpon . it is ordered, that Sfondsjiy, the ninthday of December next, at ton o'cloek jntheforeígned for the hearing of anid petitiuii, and t; - devnees nnd heirs at law ol aoid cu a ased, and all othcr Ín aaid estáte, are reanized to nppear at a session of said Conrt. then to be holden, tt the Probate Office, in the City of Arm Arbor and show cause, if ay there be, why the pr;;yer of the petiUoner shpnld not be gnnted : And it i.s further ordered, that sntó potitioner pfive nol ice to the pers9ne tato, Of the pendoncy of said pétition, and fehe hearina thereof, by eansinga oopy oí thie order to be pnblished in the Michigan Arpa, u newspaper printed and oireulating in said county, three aucccïsive weck a prcvioius to said day of hearing. (Atmecopy.) HIBAM J.-BBA B 1400 Judgcof Prtibnte. Estáte of -VI oses C. Edwards, Sr. OTATE OF MIcniGAN, wunty of Wushtenaw, sf. O At a session ef the Probate Conrt for the county of Washtenaw, bolden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, oa Friduy, the eií?hth dny of Lberfinthe year one thousand eiiíht hundreí and scvenly-two. !, !t:vnin.T. Bciikes, Jutlgc of Probate. In the mutter of the catate of Mosca C. Edwaids, senior, deceasedi On reading and filin ihe pclition, duly verifled, of JaneP. Edwards, praying thatahe and Bailes O Edwardfl irtay be ;ippointed administrntore of the estáte of said deceased. Thereopon it is ordered, thit Monday, the ninthday of Deoemh noolock intheforenoim, be iis-ined for tHe hearing of said petition, and that the heixa at l;iw of said deoeased, and :ill othei persooa-interested in siiid estáte, are required to appeax at a session of said Court, then tobe holden, at the Probate uitic-, in the City of Ann Arbor, au causo, ifany there bc, why tlie prayer of the petitionex ahould not Degranted: And it i.-í furthiT ordered, that said potitioncr ffiTe notioe to the persons interes ted in ito, of the pendency of said petitions, and the hearmg tliereof , by oausing sj QOpy of this order to be publiabcd in the MicfaigwR Arg%tt% a newapupcv printed and circulatin in suia oounty, fehree sueoossiTe weehs prerknis tosaad day of hearing. (A truocopy.) HÍHAM J. BEAKES, 1400 Judffo of Probate. Estáte of Ulrich Klumpp. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, BS. Í5 At i session of the Probate Conrt for the Connty ot W i ihtenaw, hoMcn at tlie Probate Office in the City of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the elevcnth dy of November, in tho yeai oü(5 títousand eight hundred and seveuty-two. Present, lJirain J. Beakes, Judgo of Probate. In the matter of the eptate of ülrich Khimpp deceased, Lawbcrt iwt, Administrator with the will unnexed of suid decea&ed, comes into court and representa that he is now prepared to ronder his final account afl BUCh Administrator Theroupon it ia ordered, tat Mqndny, the ninth clay of December next, at. tin o'clock in the forenoon, be nssigncd for cxamining nnd ullowing such acoonntiand tluit the leñatees, devisees and heirstlawof said deceased, anal uil other persons Interest) il iu ite, are requirod to appeai it q sessiofi of tai i ( onrt, then to be holdr-n at the Probate Office, in the City Of Ami ArKr, in sajol rounïy, an cause, lf any there bëi vhy thewud account bhould not bü allowed: Andit is further ordered, that said administrator givo notice tothe personsintereeted En taid ewtatc, of thepeudeucy of said account , and the hearing theroof, by causinir a copy of tliis order to be published in the Michigan Argx r printed and circuLatingin said County, three snocesaive weeks previoue to said day of hearing. (A true copy.) HIK AM T. BEAKES, 1336 Judge of Probate. Estato of Martbii Phillips. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Co;ir.ty of Waahtenaw, At ü sesslon of the Probate Conrt for the Coanty btenaw, holden at the Probate Office. :i: the City of Ann Arbor, on Tuefday, the t welft h dny of November, in the year on'c Êhoneand etght lunnh-t'd and seventy two. -M'nt iiiram J. Beakes.Jndgeof Probate. In the matter of tlie estáte of Martha Phillips, ed. Onreadiiiimnd flllngthepetïtJoB, fiulv yorlfiedof John Gteddes, prayinc that a certain instrument now on file In this Court, pnrportinir to be the Issl hJU and testament of bok! doccaeed, may be admittedto Prohato, and that he may be appoiutcd sole Bxecutor therei f. ■ïpon it is o-rd er '-:], that Mondaj, tbc ninth day of December nest, at con ovlook in the forcoedforthe hearingofsatdpetitioniand tnal leñatees i devieeesana heirs nt law of aaid deceased 1 and all othcr persona Interested In Bald estáte, aro reqaired to appear atasession of trt, tbento be holden, at t Probate OiHcc, iu the City of Aun Arbor, and show cause, if any there be why the prayer of tbe pètittonersaonla not be granted: And it is ftirther ordored, that sa ld petition er giva notioe to the persons Intereated In Baid estáte, of the pendency ofsald petition and the hearing thereoX by cansfng a copy of thla order i to be pabllshed hi the WcJi aewspaper ( printed nnd circnlniins: in Bald Con access[ve weeks prevfoas to said day of hearing. ' (Atroeeopy.j HIRAM -T. BEAKES, 1400 Jndse of Probate. Coiiïinissionors' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, oonnty of Washtenaw, s. nnderafffttBd, hvmu been appointed bythe ioners to rey i dne and adjvst all olaima and demanda J all pexson a against the estáte of Joseph Ham, , late of sa , hereby aive notioe ttt six montha from date are allowed By order of sLd Probate Conrt for erediton to preeeni theirclajmfl [ againsi the estáte of Baid deoeased, and that they A-ill l meel ■■'■ the First Xutioual lïank, in the city ot' ] BÜanti, En said oonnty, on Satwrday, tbe eleTentblday Of Jnnuary, and on rriday, tbe second day i' Alay lioxt, at at two t)'clock p. si. oi each of aid I. , oatomine, and adjnsi said olaimst t Dated, Novembei Sd.A. D. : V '. [T-tABD BABBITT, l HÚ.NCIS P. ROG UtDUS, V 139Cwl CosiXuis&ioiK-r-t.t OTATE 05 Micm . , ,.. ?„A; Mr m SS .o matte ól o al ol the ■ ulu "aminUtrBÍ! "ily tih. ï? "O dih' ' '::i ''Wd ■■ t'„ ,4Aii1m3 ' '"fui ' '"e sniapetition, ... ,.,V,r vIWnt) L copy ofthis order to bc publiahcd in tLT'" Estato of John YortièT OTATE OF MICHIGAN, county of WaAi O!,.. Probate (',„,. ,-, , A11, . city of Ann Arbor. on Satuiday, the swiïS1 ?" November, iu the year cae thoussjid'efcht Í V1 and seventy two. ult,ni lomj, ter oí tho estáte rf j „ . docta-. "Ortlfyf Onrcndimrnndfllingtliepciition, ,.„,■ , JohnA.Wortley praying that Cyn rRJSJ. some ■ un may bc ;n,J T1 trtor of the estáte of said dw4!Xf W TbefenpoB it is ordered, thnt Mmuhy á day i -i. .xt. at .ten nViockm ■ r1 tor the henring of ,,,, i tv "" that the heirs at l.iir of said LL ""V" other persons interesUd in mhJ estst " quiral tonp. , Z - I. holden, at tlic Pro ,.,'7 tok, ae, ïf any there be ir'ik '" of the petitioner sbonld ñot bc urontri. if'0 further ordered that said petitioner bii „ají ' : ■■ oí thf' rA suid pvtitiun, ana the hearing theiwj k.rMcrt soprof tbis order to bc published tk thoT'? Anjus, a newspaper printed and '-naií-iiin ! county, three uccessivo weeks prerioua to Ti , " hennn'. u aaTof (Atrae copy.) IWKAMJ.BEAKI 1399 Jl"5l!eotrKbt Estato of Seth Smlth. OTATE OF MICHIGA-N, County onv,htm. Ö Atsimof riobfttc Conrt forThM?'1"' of Wiwhtennw, holden st tho Probate Offiir City oí Ann Arbor, on Thmstlnv, tlio thiriv tlZ ?? of Octotar, in the year one Uiousmi e?Kï and Sfvtnty-two. ol llWh Present, Hiiam J. üenkes, Judgeof Probt á?nJt ""llU'r f the CSt"te of Scth 'Smith. On rciiilin? Mnrl fllins the petitioa, AnW yaiia m Amwiii H . s„„! h.wajiiiï tbat a certain inSji now on file m this Court, jnn rorting to te thpwl will anil testament rf said deoeaaed, mar t „ín ,, i to probate, aml that du. a.ul Lyoa s VdSu ftppojntcfl Exeonton thereof. ' I Thcrcupon it ia otdered, that Mondar thenmiwi doy of December next, at ten o'cIopIí thefaü noon, Ve assigDed tor the hearing of said MtS" and tluit the legatoes, devisco and heirs lid acecased, and 11 ótlier persons inteit. ná m BSld estáte, are reqmred to appe a session of said Conrt. then to bc htJflm ! the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor ,3 show cause, f any there be, why the prarc7 ,!J petitioner Bhould not be granted: Alit'isfurtiT onleied, that sukI petitioner givc notice to the wn interésted in siud estáte, of the pondencr o{ smd ! tion, and the hearinir thereof, by catrsñg acomi tlii-i order to be published in the Michigan A , oewspaper printed and circnlating in said Conit thcee snoei jive weeks previous tosaid day ofheamj' (A truc copy.) HIUAM .1. BE K 13S9 Judee of ProW. Estato of Brokaw-minors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtam n O At !eiion of tht Probat Court for thcCcnntToi Washtenaw. holden at the Probate OIKce, ntbéÓtT of Ann Albor, on Batnrday, the aeeond iiy of K vember, ín the ye:ir one thousand eifbt hundred iid aeventy-tvo. Present Hiram 3. Jïeakes, Judf?e of Prr)hate. In tlio matter of the estáte of John A. Brotar Ann L. lirokaw anil Alfaretta C. Brokaw, jiiieri ■Tohn Brokaw, guardián of said estáte, coma iito Court and representa tlwt ho is now préparedto r der his first accotint as smh (rn.-nilinn. Thereupon it is otdered, that Monday, the sond day of ] ccember next, at ten o'doek in the fonncKn, be n-ssijined for examiningandallowisgmeliM. connt, and that the next of kin uf saifl minora, and all other persons interesad a s:úd estáte, ars rï-iJOirf-d to appen tt s I i Court, then to be holden te the Probate Olüce, in the City of Atn Art, ta Hinty, and show cause, if any there hsr tf tbe treunt &holl not be allowet. A.-ïd it Makhtr ordered, that said guardián givc notice totliepencss interested in -ai.l thependencyofs&idaícíiíiií and the hearing thereof, by cansing a copy oí tl; order to be published in the Michigan Argut, a r.ef paper printed and ctroulating in said Coanty, thrw sucecssive weeks provious to snid day of } (A true copy.) HIRAM .T. 1: 1399 Judge of Proba. Estato of Hatthew Schaible. ■O TATE OF MICIIKiAN, county of Washiei, . f' At a seHHÏon of the Probate Coutt for the oí Waebtenaw, holden at the Probate office, inthscitr of Anu Arbor, on Monday, the tweoty-flnt ayrf Oetober, in the yor eae thousund eight huadrei and acventy-two. Present, Hiram J. Beakcs, Judge of Prohate. In the matter of the estáte of ilalthcw Scha, deceased. On readinsr and filin tbc petition, diily veri}fi,fl( John O. Feldkamp, adTninistral.or,prayin!itliutl!einflr be liceused to sell the real estáte whereof puid dcctad (heil seized, for the pnrpose of diatribnting theproceeds of such ale among his heirs at law. Theseupan it is ordered, that Monday, titerrarf iifth day of Nn t-mber next, at teno'cluekin!' noon, bc assiínedffor thb hyriijg of said petitioa, Ld that the heirs at law of said deceaeed, uA 11 other persons interested in said éstate, B required to appear at a session of said Conrt, thea to le holden at the Probate Olüee, in the city oí Ana Arbor, and show cause, if any there Ve. why th 1 of the petitioner should not be granted: Aid it r.1, that süid petitionerfriTenotifete the perams ipterested in Raid estáte, of the peDdeief of said petition and the hearing thereof, hycaonng copy of tlris order to hc published in the Michigan Ar mu, a newspaper printed and cireuiating in siiid cotsty, tuur auccessive veeks previous to said df of hearing. (A truc copy.) DIRÁS! J. BEAKE3, 1898 Judge of Probrti. ____ Estato of James Stcwart Q TATE OP MICHIGAN, O At a nession of the Probate Court for the Comrj i of Washtenaw, holden nt the Probate Office. In tbs City of Ann Arbor, on Thnrsday. the twcitT-fa day of Oetober, in the year oae tbo-isaod üit hundred iind seventytwo. Present, HiramJ. Beakcs, Jndge of ProMt. In the matter of the Estáte of James SteTOt, deceasdd. On rcadinfr and ftlingthc petition, dnlr Tcriffi, of Sarah A. Stewar', praying that Amarían Conslfljj or some other suitable pereon may bc appointed Jininistrator of the estito of said deceased. 'ílwrítTpon it s ordered, that 31' nday. thf rwa. ty-fltth day of November uext, at teno'cloctl assigncd for-the hearing of uld prtition, and that the hcirs at iar of saio de ceased, and all other personeintercstec'.injs.iiic'ítíit, arcrequired to appear nt a sessfon of said Corrí, then to be holdea at the Pros&te Office. Int City ot Ann Arbor. and show canse f any Ihereor, why the prayer of the petitioser slionld tot granted: Andit isfurthor ordered, that saWpnj tioner iive notice to the persone interesteo. in estáte, of the pendency of said petition, aio I hearinL'thcrcof, Dycauslnga copy of thlf oreer ro bcpnblished in the Michigan .irjus.a newtpifi printed and cirCH-iatins in said ConntJ,uteI ccsHivi1 weeks prevlons to oaiddo) oiheenrf(Atrnecopy.l III1ÍAM J. BÏAKÖ. 1S98 .TndECOfProlut'Estato of John Diehl. STATEOF MICHIGAN, ConntyorWashte. Al a session of the Probate Court forthe CoW Df Washtenaw, holden at the Probate offlee to l city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday. thethirtieüiw of Oetober, in the year one thonsand eight nudred and seventy-two. Present, Iliram J. Beakcs, Jndge of Pronite. In the matter of the c.ïtaie ef J" """ deco.ised. ., .,,, Leonard Gruner, Admlnistrator of BU J comes into Uourt and representa tnat oc ïiow prepared to ronder hls final account s ■ Administrator. . (rtB. Thereupon it Is Ordered, that Monday. '"":, ty flfth day of November, next, at te o-' theforeuoon, beassigned for e.taminiiiS"'''11.5;"., Ing such account, and that the "' law of said deceased, and all ottle' Cj ". sous interested in said estáte, e rc?L', to appear at a session of snid Cm"V to be fcoiden nt the the Ut; ' Arbor laMCoBty.and8howcanseifnTt irtjthesaldacconntshonidnotbealloweii.'iaC fnrtherordered, that said Administrator pl?T I tothepersonsinterestedin said estáte, ol t'fL dency o!' s.iicl account, and the licarin? tneKw.j causdip; a copy of this order to be poMi !c;-htM Mk-h iga h A n: us, a newspaper printed and a"r. v InsaidComity, three euccessive weeks pre ai'! day vf rruaring. tattp ,A jrjo copyo BffiLggfo Estáte of Jacob Beutier. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WnsMenj ö At a sesaion of the Probate Court for e ujj of Washtonaw, holden at tho Probate ( "e'.,T (f city uf Ann Arbor, on Tuesday, the tifteentri o_ October, in the yoar ono thousand eig" drod and seventy-two. . l'isent, Hiram J. llcahes, Judprc of I rotïï RenUeïp Ia the matter of the estáte of Jacob ue and Bling the petition, &}?,?&& John tí. Andrés, Admínistrator, praying "r dJ f be Ueensed to sell the nal eslato wbereot " isordered, thai Monday.thetwsw,,, ' íay i. N at, at ten o'elook in tlic '"' rned forthehi aringofsaid l11,0"-3;. law ofsaiddeceaied.andalloüierpw,, a in said estáte, are rcquircd to w tt, on of said Court, chcu to be hola _ Office, in the city of An n and show cause, it any there , ? „a i iirivivoltbepetilioiierslionldnot begrnn if ■ M ■ theperaonsinl ' vW üdpotition.andthe hearing thereof, ''S ',,dlj uopyof this onler to be puUishi-d. in tl e J ' j a newspaper and cirruW jP ■ iá M County, toni uccessive weeks prevwus w ui heari . . 11EV;. : lAtroeÑpr.) HIhAlJgrro ■jOTICE. Tho Stockholders of the Detroit, "fSJo"1 ,f Detroil , on tho 2Sth doy ol N yFl ffc, oïïj t. 2 o'clock in Ihe nfternoon of sM da , ' ' dje. f nsideration, and act npon and T1?"' ny wit . ,ii agreement to wnsolidateíaidcomw 1„. lonia Ptanton and Northern Kai lro. yd ft,vl.i-!, said ngretraent made between th.J'" mt ■cetorsefsaia nd d?lyvChnHeoi ?! m.l there bc placed before the stoekholdM ' ,j ;roit, Lsnsüig and Lake Michigan r-ailroaUL ör their approval er disapproral. .,. Dated Detroit, Mich., October Oth. ' 'prwic'eoII. 11. i3'ui 'tgi.Jtd EO. L. Pbatt, feerctary.


Old News
Michigan Argus