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A Minority President

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From the De'.ioit Free Press. While General ( was undoubtedly the choioe tor Presidfint of alargo major ity of those who votcd on Tnesday last, it is none the less truo that lie is not the choice of a majority of the American people. An examination of the returns will convinco any one that this fact is indisputable. Tbe voto of Philadelphia alono at the November election feil ï'ully fifty thousaml short of 1lio registry of voters, there being a suíllcient nuniber to overeóme, if they had so désired, Grant's stupendoua majority in that city. The same was true ail through Penmylvania, so that in the whole State more than one hundred aad tweaty-five thousand voters stayed at home. Grant's majerity in tho State is about that figure ; so that, Without tiking into consideration at all the voto of ihosü so-callcd Democrats who their spleen, and triad to make their " 1 told you so" truth, by voting for Grimt, Graai has net teceived the vote of a majority of tlio eitizens of Pennsylvania. In New York City tliere weie sixteon thousand voters who did not go to the polls. All througli the hítate, on the Democratie side, there was a large falling off from the vote pilled for Seymour in 1868, whereos, with tho natural increaso in populatión, and in view of the Lact that the new voters are about equally divided botween the two parties, the vote should have been much larger. But aggregating tho votes of the two parties in the whole State, it is plain that more than fifty thousand votes to wbich the State is cntiücd were not cast. This would entirely neutraliza Grant's majority. In Ohio and Indiana the same failuro of the voters to como to the polls is apparent. But we need go nofurther than Michigan to findan aptiuustration of tho fact that a largo number of voters abstained frora voting, and that of this number a groat majority aro opposed to Grant, and tho principios and j-olicy of tho party which supports him. In tilo whole Si ate there aro at the lowest Cftlculation ÜSO.OOO voters. In 18(58 a very full vote was brought out, reaching '22 5,5G8. Thisyear, though it is as yet impossible to state witfa entire accuracy the nuniber of votes pollcd, it is aafe to say that it does not oxceed 200,000, howing that 45,000 votera did not como to the polls. That these absent voters were in great put Democratie is showu by the extraordiuary oxertions which the AdministrationiBts everywhere made to bring out every voter who was in sympathy with the and their cause, and aleo by tac fací bat while the voto for ; Grant in Michigan is probably 15,000 larger than it was tour yrars ago, tho vote for Greeley is 10,000 smaller than that rceoived by Seynumr. It is a needless task to multiply instances. The same state of ufï'airs is true of evory State in the country, with exOeptions in the cases oï' one or two Southern and ono or two of tho smaller Western States, It is entirely within tito mark to gay that more voters atftyed awayfrom the polls in the whole country tlian the Bggregate of Grant's majorify, which will not fall far short of 700,000". This buins? the case, it should, whether it will or nut, exercise a very wholesomo restraint upon the victors in the late caiupaign. If they beoome isflBted with pride and self-importunce by their sweeping victory, and continne the policy of the past four years, Aat pride may meet a fall two years henee. Already wc re told that men of liigii standing in the eyea of the peopte, who have been good and faithful sercttüta, are to be deposed and ostracised because they would not hnnible followers and siTvitors of Morton, Cameron, Conkling and Chandler, and those otlicrs wlio havo been the leaders of the Ailministration forces. Tho people who were inactive in tho struggle of Tuesday last will not nlways remain so. That they wcro not with tho ion provea plainly that they wero asainst it. They havo it in their power two years from now to revolutionize tho present StdUlt of parties, and if the tii si two yiars of Grurtt's second term aro no more fruitful in good rosults thnu wero tho two last of bis first term- if tho saine policy is pursurd - tho seven hundred thousand majority by which ho was elected will long ere bis secoiul term eloseg have 6hrunk into nothingns.


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