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Board Of Supervisors

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FlUTlAY, Xov. ló, lft"2. 'Ro'ird met pnrsuant to !i(1];urninfTit. Oulled to order by tho Chairman. Rail called, quorum present. Journal of yesterday road and nnprovod. Mr. Jones, from Oommitre on Fniotional School Dist.rictg wonid respectfully re port a'a basis of apnortiinmont in ttip sovrml frartionn.1 school districts of this county as foliows, to wit! JVciywc bon UMMfi ViilmiiioTi. Dccrensc por (vnt. Ani'"'-i. 8.170 .13813 Ann .rtor, P1.B7O .11171 A. A. ! :ia1?il Wïinls, UMSi .HMI " " 3il mul 4 Ui " M.AM .11600 " " 5tli nnd Cth " in.Tio josn1 BiMgvwatas .HÏM Dastar, J7i' Fro-.-iloin. sn.-ISO .'■WIRfi Tin. ■, ad.üJ.I .1SIM T.O.Ü. 8.7411 .'- ir, T.rmMn. 2; 75!O .1Í7S5 Mand ter, 7S.M0 .HM' Nortl'f'oM, 8.1.MS .I07W Palwn, 49.GG0 .IlWa Pcio. .0055 Buperfo, {3.370 .12002 BÜBM, 6.'K) .1110" IrWu, i"! rw .1Ï7M Bharon, 7.4.10 .01S3Í AVebsto, 75,649 .Wl York, 8R.IS0 -IMS' YpwitaiUfe. .171 .15953 City KtDfiittfct, W.M0 .UHJ " M ' 01,145 .10042 S%ÏS8S lmitteo. On Motion of Mr. Shurtleff, tho roport was accepted and adopted. The Chairman announced aninvitation froni Prof. J. C. Watson, to tho menibors of this Botird to visit the Observutory this evaning. On motion of Mr. Geer, tho thanks of the Boartï weTB extended to Prof. Watson, and a raofíon to visit tho Obscratory this evonfner was agreed to. Mr. Jones, from Committon on Ooraponaation of members prosented a report ■igned by himself and Mr. Berdan, rocotumendins; that this Board pay certain Bums to tho scvoral öupervidore of thia county for oxtendinsr tax rofls. On inotion of Mr. Scott the report was licoopted. Mr. Iionwick,. from same coramitteo, preseoted tho follöwing : l.thr BbnoraXU Board of Swpervñort of Wtthtma)e Connt; - Gentlemen .- Ut a mem Vier of tho Cómmittee on Coraponsstioii I boa; lfiave to eport that wc ïïavi! hnd the subjeet und;r coosid-ration unl would reootmnand thnt tl SnperviRor? of tho sevpnil tow-ns nnd cities do prnspni fcl?ïr claims for per diem in copyinp the tax rolls and for extimding the trixcs thcireon to their respectivo town üioards, thuro to bo invlited and psiid na the lw of 1869. page :J40, section 30.. di reets. Wc wouldlever Bubmii lnws and abido thn docisioa of ottr courts. All of which wo u3ÍiT ï'espoctfully subiuit as a minority aeport. GEORGE RENWICK, One of tho Cómmittee. On motion of Mr. Krapf,.the report BCCfiptod. ?rr. Gook. movod tho-odbption of the minority report. The motion was lost. Mr. Burch moved tho adoption of the innjority report. The motion was lost by the following voto : )" - Messrs. Annabil, Berdan, Bnreh, ForVios, Huiro, Jones, liowc, Sago and Wiïlsh- 9. fat - Messrs. Cook, Geor, GFreory, Kxapf, LoBaron, Olüotv', Eouw-ict, Scott, Shurtleff, Tuoujy, TY'ilsny, and the Ohairman - 12. Mr. 'Shurtloff movod that tho telegrams to and froni tlie Attoraey General bo Bprcad upon the journal. Ann Arbor, Nov. 14, 1872. To tlie. Jlnnorabh DwigM May, Attorncy aneral. Knlamazoo: Is it lawful for tho Board of Rupervi6ors to p:iy thcmselvos for extonding; tho tax rolls. J. J. ROBISON, Göusity Ckrk. Th Antwer. Kalamazoo, Mich., ïs'ov. 14, 1S72. To J. J. ROBISON, Co. Clork, Idon't see any objection to it. DWIGHT MAY. The Chairman presented tho bond of of Stepkaiv. Eairohild,. County Treasurer eltict. On motion of Mr. Krapf, tho bond and surotins weru approvnd. Mr.Tuoniy. from Committeeon, reportcd tho following: Your Comniittee to whom was reforred the report of the Couiity Drain Gommisoioner, would TeopeotraïTy recommend that tlie report of the Drain Commissionot be adopted and that tho sevoral Suporrisors of Washtonaw County iï: tbosa townships in which dfain taxes have Been assessolfby-the Drain Commissioner, be orlérodto assess tho samo upon their sovoral townships in accordance with said report, as foltows : Sapurlor, Í746 51 -Wctator, 843 22 (ció, Wl Í Creedora, ftl" 44 ]cxrr ' 1,81 04 YíU'.-t;j. . ïssm ariaw"tff; 47 Korthfleld, for 187!, 584 01 P. TÜOMY, U K. ANNABIL, } Gómmittee. AVm. GEER. ) 9n motion of Mr. LeBaron, tb.Teport ■wtvs accepted. Mr. Haire moved tho adoption of the report. Mr. Renwick moved to amend by exolndiag Northfield. The amendnient prevailed by the following vote, tho yeas and nuys being callcd for : Veas - Messrs. Buroh, Ofoofc, Gregory, Jines, Krajif, Olcott, ï'iprce, Hnwiok, Bowe, Scott, Wils'-y, Wynkup the Cliairman - 13. Haya - Messrs Annabil, BeKÏan-, Fórbes, Qeer, Ilaire, LeBaron, Sago, Whurtleff, Tuoray and Walsh. - 10 The question recuring on the adoption of the report, the same was lost yeas, 11 ; nays, 12. The attention of the Board wns called to extra work in tlie County Clerk's office (pursuant to a resol ution of the Board of fluporviscrs passed Dec. 81, 1870), in re-rrsntring the oíd filos in the offico and JHakingseneral index for law cases. Mr. Fötbes moved that tho Deputy Clerk be altowed $l"0 00 for such extii Bervices. 'lilb raotion was adopted. .Tli , fíooríro F. Kobbon, re-orunyinp üls in ottico, $150 00 On motion of Mr. Cook, the Board adjinirned until 1 1-2 o'clock P. M. AETBEXOON SESSION. Board met pursuant to adjóurnment. Onlled to order by the Chairman. Roll olk-d, p".eat a quorum. Mr, QreftoTf, froin tho Cómmittee on Bdblic Irtilding% leportcd the following: To the Iionoralle Board of Sitpcrvimr of Wathtmate County - Gentlemen : Your Committoo on Public Building! having cxamincd theseveralpuljlic buihlJafts belonging to Washtenaw County, irouM respctfully report that wo find the county jail in vory good condition except a ipmaï'l laakaee around the south chimneyof fiil building: no other repairs of paid building in our judgment trêing rmrticularly necessary at t lic present. We would also report that we have exaniined the Court House, Ooanty ïreaiirer's office, County Clerk's oSioo, Kogister'8 offieo nnd Jndgc of PVobatc's office, and find them entirely inadequate in eTery respect, in tho opinión cf yourcommit+ee, for the %vnnts, conveniencia, .ml oonifrt of thb different offleers wlft are oblijrcd to oceupy eoid oilfccs. Tlioy ore small, unventilatcd and unhealthy. Your cómmittee would also vory respeet.fully report,that the places furnished by Washtenaw County forthc safe keoping íÍVr vuluablc papers, and tho record of tules to overy mans property in said county, is very-wnaafa indeed, and very inuoh io the discreAifr-of tliü county that has tho reputiitioTi of bt'iiVg aiê of tho best tnd ■wealthiirst oonnttflt intit'c State of Michigan, wo would reeenimend that no moro expense in repairs bè placed npon any of satd buildings. Wo would fuithor itportthat the eounty poor house buildings are in-very good repair, except tho insane building, which needs anew roof. We porfèotly agree with thf Siiperintendonts of the Poor that a nfw tin roof on tlie insane building, and i Iwj vholo establishment waraed Vy a suffloient hnatitig apparatus, and aooording to the roport of thn report of the Sbperintendeata of the Oonnty I'oor thuse improvements would cost nine hundred ma eleven dollars, therefore, },x,,lr,;l, Thut this lïofinl r:iise by tax the surtí of nine hnndred snd eleven dol.'Ul 00) for the pnrpose of Cfcrrying out the rocomnu'ndütions of the Superintendente of the Poor of Wwbtenaw County in regard to the heating apparatus md indine building. All of whichis respoclfully mthtnitted. A. A. GKEGORY, ) P. TUOMY, Committee. CONEAD KEAPF, J On motion of Mr. Huiro, the report accepted. On motion of Mr. Jones, tlio report was adopted. M r. Jones moved to tako from the tablo the preumble and resolutions relatiag to the building a now Court House. Agreed to. Sir, Cook moved that the preamblo nnd resolutions rolating to building a new Conrt House bo udoptcd. Agruud to, by the following voto, tho yens and naya having boon called for : yc;,s - Messrs Annabil, Bordan, Bureh, Cook, Geer, Grcgory, Jones, Krapf, Oloott, Piorco, Renwick. Scott, Shurileff, Tuomy, Walsh, Wilsey and Wynkup - 17. Nayt - Messrs. Forbes, Hairo, LcBaron, Rowo, Sage and Chairman - 6. Mr. Soott inoved that a building committee bc appointed by this Board pursuant to said resolutions, consisting of Alonzo A. Gregory, John J. Robison and Peter Cook, which motion prevailed by tho following vote, tho yeas and nays being called for by Mr. LeBuron ; }"■(;. - Messrs. Annabil, Bordan, Burch, Cook, Geer, Jones, Krapf, Olcott, Piorco, Itenwick, Seott, Shurtleff, Tuomy, Walsh, Wilsoy, Wyukup and the Chainuan - 17. Xatfs - Messrs. Itaire, LoBaron, Eowo and1 Sage - Í. Mr. Tonos offóred tho following resolution -., That oach meniber of this Board bo allowed a snm equal to twontyive per cont. loss than wi'.s allowed tham or thei'r several predecessors last year for extending thoir soveral tax rolls. The motion did not provail by tho following vote, tho yeas and nays boiug called for : Tea - Messrs. Bnrch, Forbos, Jones, Olcott, Itowe, and Sage - 6. IS - Messrs. Annabil, Bordan, Cook, (Jocr Gregory, Haire, Krapf, LoBaror., Pierce, Soott, Shurtleff, Tuoray, Walsh, Wynkup and the Chairinan. - 16. Mr .Shurtleff offored tho following : .'. teletd, That the thacks. of thLs Board aro dvae anclherehy tend'ered'to our Chair iu:i:i, Clerk and Reporter, for tho faithful and effioient manner in which they have disclmrKcd' their several duties in rola.tion to this Board dnriag tho present Bession. Adopted. Mr. Gregory moved tBe following resolution, to wit : Resolved, That if tho Supervisors of the different districts in tho City of Ann Arbor or any of them received their pay for copying and extending the tax rolls for 1871 from tho city and county both, fis is ehsrgedr tbiat they bo ref}ircd to pay into the Cbunty Treasury of Washtenaw County, tho amount thcy havo re coived from tho county for such services. The resolution was not adopted. Mr. Gregory moTed tliut the County Clcrk charge of tho Court House square and eourt ioouv a beiütofor. Agreed to. Mr. Krapf moved that the Cbnnty Clerk bo instructed. bant lip with earth at tho west side of the Court House. Agreed to. Mr. Wynkup moved that tho resolutions in relation to the compensation of the County Drain Commissioner, adopted by this Board on Monday &&r bo ao amondd as to relate to tüo future und not tho past. Agreed to. Mr. Shurtleff moved' tore-ccnsirler tho voto by -jrhieh tho report of the Drainage Commissioner was lost. Agreed to. Mr. Burch moved to adopt tho report of the Committee on Drainage as amended by Mr. Ilenwick, which was agroed to by tho following voto, the yeas und nays ha-ving been caíled for : Tetnt - jSesws. Bordan, Burch, Cook, Forbcs, Gregory, Jones, Krapf, Olcott, Renwick, Shurtleff, Tuom?, Walsh, Wilsey Wynkup, and the Chairman- lö. Jay - Messrs. Annabil, Geer, Hairsr LeBaron, Rowe, Spgo and Scott- 7. Mr. Wynkup offorod the following resolution : Resolved, That the County Clerk bo and is hcreby iustructcd to procure tho prihtioK of '200 copies of tho procoedings of this Board for the present year in pamphlet form ; 100 copies to bo equally divided among tho raeinbers of this Board to ba by them distributed in their respectivo townships, and districts, and the balauco to be distributed by the County Clerk as ho raay pee proper. The resolution was adbptfed! The following additional canvassors and amountsallowed should havo appearcd in the proceedings of yosterday : 355 Isanc Wynkup, canvnnaer 1 'Jayj, (3 01 S.ï'l S. W. slmrtlfff, " 2" 6 00 !.It:iron, " " 8 0ü y)5S J.ll. Otett, " l-".T100 159 N'atlian IMcrce, " 2 ' G 00 360 Jumes Siigc, " S " 6 00 301 II. llurch, m j ii 6 00 S62 I). Wilscy, " 2 " 6 00 3C1 P. Tuorajt, " 2 " G i ÍH ;iB-l ''WiMinm OaU] l" 00 8H O.'l'hatcher, " 2"" G 00 3W r. CMl " ï " ' 0 367 j'. vfmtm,"■ 2 " e oo On motion of Mr. Renwick, tho Board adjourned until 9 1-23 o'clook to-morrow inorning.


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