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- ThoPennsylvania Constitutional Con"' vention is considtning, aniongotíicc'prop. ositions, clauses prohibiting appropritions for charitablo or oducational pnrposes (donominational, we presumo) ; prohibiting a logislative or judicial offoor (vñy not an oxocutive officor'-') frora rcceiving vailroad passes: corupelling attondanco at publio schools ; and aiithorízítil; jurios to render vordiets by the !,?- snt of two-thirds. Aro not tho tho tio last propositions stlbjoetR'for Icjrislaíivo rathor than constitutional aotion ? ■ i' - Gen. Butler gives it to bo understood; that he isu't a candidato for Senator just now. He considors tho only legitímate approach to that dignity as through tho gubernatorial chair, and being a thoroughly conpcientious man don't propose to climb into tho fold in an irregular way. His scruples may savo iáre benate an eariy ittíliction : or it is to bo so hpped. - In 180S tho total voto.of Now York was 849,760; in 1872, 824,5(i:5, afallingoff of 25,203. Granfs voto in 18C8 was, 419,88: ; in 1872 it is 440,029, an increase of 20,746. Soymour's voto in 18H8 was,.'42&,,1 888; Grecloy's this ycir, 382,279, a doí ereasa of 47,001. Seyaeoití's majority iiv 1868, just 10,000: Grant's ínajority thij yoar, 08,450. ïlio vote of O'Conor wai i, -1.1 1 ; for Black (prohibition), 201. ■ - The widoy df AvPTy D. Putnani ha_ obtaiiwd a judg'íBcnt of 5,000 againsfe tho ?evonth Avenuo llailroad Compaujë for the negloct of their agonts, tho coii, ductor aiwl driver, to provent tho murder. of bcr h'asbin'd b7 Fqstoí, 'íh'.n caso will be remembered as tho car-hook mor-' dor, and the verdict in favor of Mrs. Putnam is a waniing to corporations of U Jiinds engagod in the transportation of passengers. ; - -Gontraryt' the scheming of tlic pol-itic-i:s, Gen. Hancock has hecn appointed Majer-Goneral in plac&of Gen. Meado doceas'jd.CarKÍJriseigned to the Dcpurlmont of tho South. Han-cock lias been transferred to tho Pcpartinciit of tho Atlantic, and Gen. Tony tho "Department' of Dakota. - Bowing to tho decisión of Kaiser William, awnrding tho Island of BftjO Juan to tlio Unitod States, the British troops havo been withdrawn fromthe islandand tho joint occupancy torminaf_ ed. - Gant is already in tho fieldfor a third torrn, haring been nominated by tho ïi. Y. independent and other liadical jouruals. Probably the venerable Josso wlio Uas said " Ulysaes nover let go of a good thing" will second tho nominatton. - Senator Morton, of Indiana, has boen elected his own succossor f r auothcr term of six yoars, and can join Chandler, Garneron & Co , in buHying tho ouposition at will. - Ex-Gov. Morgan, of New York, dc cRnes to bo a candidato for TT. S. Senator, which it is thought cloars tho track, fgr Adonis Conkling. - Mis. Laura D. Fair bas been provented from lecturing in San Francisco : :y a well-disposed mob. - Congress will conveno on Monday noxt. Il 18 givcn out that Judgo TTlGflY ia about to resign, his rraignation to takc effect January lst. Rcason : salary in8ufficient to support a family. This ís ono of the first fruits of voting down tho constitutional atnendment inerrasing salaries. Anylawycir competent todisohargo tho ihitios of a Circuit Judgo can enrn more tban f1,500 staying in his office. It is only a well-to-do lawyer wanting honor or a good-foT-rtothing ono wanting clients wlio crin aíTord to hold tho office of CircÖfjWgê and spend half his timo and fïttanco of a salary away from home. Judg Hiqby's rosignation ia to bo regretttó, bat no on can Llamo him. The ukave Oen. I.oömis living had not tho most ploasant and agreeablo and prosperous career. IJnfortunato ín business and bTokon in health his brain gave way mi'tiT thopressure, and he found atemporary homo and a death-bod ín tho insant asylum at Washington, and a grave in tho grounds thereof. Then Carne a ivordy war between Dotroit and Coldwater, stimulated by sensation.writors, for the possessiom of his romilins. Arrangoments being finally made for burial at Dotroit the body was oxhumed and forwarded by ex" pross. Thu intssengor neglecting to un load Sne box contaiuing tho eoffiu at De troit, ón M'onday night last, it went on with tke train. Whon within about fivc miles of Niles the car containing it tóol firo from aa engino gpark, and car ant contents wero burned. Tho charred re nïains woro rotnrned to Dotroit and wil bo depositod in Elmivood on Sunduv.


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