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BACH k ABEL 26 MAIN STREET, Buy largely of Manufacturera and Importers, andexcl usively for cash, and invite the inspection of the closest cash tade. OTTK STOCK OF i uiii' mm goods Will be found large and attractive, , embracing many new styles - Black Silks and Lyona Poplius at very Low Prices. BACH & ABEL. FIFTY PIECES BLACK ALPACAS í Just received. We shall make a SPECIALTY of these goods, and will make prices lower than ever offered betbre in tliis city. BACH & ABEL. 50 PiecesWamsutta Bleach. Cottone 50 " Lonsdale " " 50 "HiirsSem.Idem" " At lower prices than thty have been 8old for in the city in ten years. BACH & ABEL. Our Cloth Department Is very complete, conaisting of English, French, and Germán Coatings and Suitings, with many of the best American brands. We give especial áttention to this branch of our business and invite an inspection of the goods. BACH & ABEL. Í35 DOZEIST Feit and Embosscd Skirts. We have the Celebratod " Pouson " Cloaks, and Cfoth (the Best Itnported.) BACH & ABEL. We are agents in this city for the ceiebrated . 11AHRIS' SEAllLESS KID GLOVES, And have in store a Full Assortment. BAOH & ABEL. The t'hciipcKt umi licst lire Department in the World. Over One Thonsantl Actual FHreí Put Out WITH 1T, AND MORE THAN $8,000,000.00 Worth of Property Saved Prom th Flme. T HE BABCOC FÏRE EXTINGUISHÊR Towns that have bousht tbem sny twrlvc KxtinKtiUher mnke n fire dopartmert as -lllcioxit and more nvailablc tbau a xtcam cugine. AI.SO, The Babcock Self-Acting Fire Engine, FOIi CITY, TOWN and VILLAGE USE It is more effective tïian the Steam Pire Rnine hrniiif.' It Ík iustantnneouply ready and throws a powerful etream of carbonic acid gao and water for it il) Uiith of time It ia the be-t and chenpest Kire Enine in the world,and comes wit h in the financia] ablll tira of every plací. It does not rcqnire an cxpcunlve aystcm of wnter works, aud is liever out of rcptiir. Seiid for their record. Every town In the State ihotlld have thefn heforc the dry weather sets in, a tul prevent conflngrntions. B. i'. i H i ?l, tien Atfonc, 118 Woodword Ave., Detroit. Mnnnfactiirer of Iron, lïrafl ttnd Cojiper Wire, tffre Clolh, Wire Raltinf; and Fcncing, Copper Weather Vane, aud Wiie Work ccnerallj 1313 lyr Q L. PACK Eeeps on hand a first class stock OF CIGARS, TOBACCO, PIPES, SWÜPF And all sinokcrs articles AT TnE OLD STAND 2 doors west of Cook's Hotel at tho sign of the BIG 1NJUN IMpl WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, I0LIII SILVB1! AND PLATED WARE DABLE & POCKET CUTLEEY, SPECTACLE8, FANCY GOODS, ETC. C. Bis k Sis, No. 11 South Main St., [IAVE JÜST EECEIVED A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF THE ABOVE NAMED GOODS. NEW AND ELEGANT PATTERNS, A fine stock of Ladies' Watches and Chains, Fine Gold and Plated Sets, Kings, &c. CALL AND 8EE XJS. OUK PIUCES ARE AS LOW A8 ANY IN THIS COUNTRY. REPAIRIlSrG OF WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Executed Neatly and Promptly. 2sr 29! 20 ! whowlll explain thli simple Ign, An i tril ut will lt pay t cali at the big 2U 7 W hut mean those mystic letters thrce, Over bran nw rocerj- C. I C for Crodlt nd D f r n dan f Thut'it tho wajr business la olten done : But ttiat'B nul the way to read the alna Of L. iJOLBV, wbo ecll tfrocerlea at 28. C Is for Ca8h : for the gnode he sclls so cheap, 'Tis bctler lo buy them tbsra yoar money to keep ü. O. D.- Uaikun Delivtry- ihis i the way He is ble to sell so low nuil make it pay. ile hna no bad debts to maku him crova, Or tar M morR to makt? up hit Iota. So that's the place to buy yoiir fuod, He will aell lt cheap, and yoU wlll Snd lt good At t he C. O. D. (Jrocery yoa wlll always flnd beat of Coffee aud Tea of all kind, Wlih engar, to. and fresh, rlpe fruit, Or cauned, or dried, all taateu toeuil ; Orangcdi Lemona Flgü and Itnlinn Pears, All the t)plcl thnttreo or shmb oftroplc beare Nut . rui-M i.s and varlouü kinds of Candy, Thatchildren love and mothers ftudm) handy, To keep on hand a bidden atore, A "atlek" of this wlll move them more Than tho old fnehloned "rod" ourfathcru naed, Wlir i. chlldren were plenty and otten abuncd. He ha all kinds of Provisión the pfllnto to pleasr l'l.-h, bacon, flour, bread, hntterand cheeae, Cookies and crackers, cherrlea, chocolate and cake Thinpa to boíl, fry, roast, stew, ateam or bak e. n huti pecana, pcanuta, prtínes and piekte. Tocoax the appetltc, eo caprlclousand lickle. lie has clansware, crockory. and Tenaclsofutonc French Lustral Soap - the best ever known ; Tohaccoand cïgnre, both for chowing aTirtsmokin And ncver will frown ifyou should be joking. And many other things too numerous to mention All of wliich to fcHrhcap or eash is his inteutioi Then enne, ood people, one and all. And fflvc the C . O. D. jrrocery a cali . Oimc try ourpricej and try our wares, For In onr pronta the buyer sharcfl. You pay the cah for what you yet, Wlth no tarift on loeaes to make yon fret t Dort'i atknr crerlU though your a mlllionalre, liut buy yourjrocoriea for cash at price fair. Come frorïi the country and the town, Prcpared to hny and pay catK dnum, Conte, rich and poor. come black nnd whl'.e, You ill llnd provinions plenty and pricet rijjht, Oome, friende of Ornnt and frirnrte of reeley. Shake hands at 20 and trade C. O. D freely. MllöïEAR MRl FOR 8ALE. SENRY OOODYKAR.of Shnton, having asaignc all hl property to us for the benefit of his credilor we nmt olfor the property for sale In purrela to ra ptrehaer. Thelsiuln ure flrtclMs- none better it the State. Over onc thouaand arrea of improved lani in a body. Pemon lmylng enn nssuine mortgageB fo a part of the purchnRe money. All having clmm aninat the anid Ooodyear ore requested to presen them to the aSBifrnees. Dated, September 56lh, 1SÏ2. tt. S.BMlf it. W. fl. CALlCIN. t33 JOS. McMAHON.


Old News
Michigan Argus