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TEN REA8ON8WHY No Family should without a bottle of WNITTÍfSMY in thc i. fet.- Itwill relieve the worst case of SillOU Chollo or Chole ra Morbusinis minute id. - It will cure the most obstínate case f Dyspepola and Indigestión in a fcw wecks. 3 d .- It ís the best rcmedy in the world fpj Slck HeadaohOt as thousamls can testify,fc takcn when thc first symptoms appear. 4th. - It is the best diurctic ever put beforf the public; ctlring those distressing complainls, DI al) oteo and Cravol and other Urlnary d nicultles. Bth.- It is a most excellent EmmonaSOgue, and to the Vouniv Clrls, middle i-il Women, and M the Turn of Life, thij remedy s of incalculable valuc. 6th. - It will remove wind from the bowels, and henee a íaw drops in some swcctened water feiven to a babe is better than a dozen cordials to Relieve and make It Sloep. CuntaininL no anodyne. 7th.- It is a snre relief for adulU and childftn afTected with Worms and Pin Worm. It will bring away thc Wonnt 8th.-It will cure thc Pllesand Hemor" rhodial difticultics. th.- Itwill cure Constlpatlon and keep the bowels regular. It will al-so cure thc worst case ofSummerComplalnt and DysenterylOth.- It will cure Sour S.tomach, Btlmuloto the Livor to hcnlthy aclion. Relieve Heart-Burn and act as a general Regulator of the lyttem. Whcntaltcn dilute the dosc with SUgarand Water to a Wlno-Classfull and yuu kave apleasant ton ic. Whiltlesey (Dysycpsia Cure) $i.oo per bottle, Whittlesey Agüe Cure 50c. per bottle, - Vhittlcsey Cough Granules 25c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists and warranted. WhlUIcsvr Prop. Mefl. Co., Toledo, 0, A GEKTS WANÏED FOR BOOKS NEEDED BY ALL FARMERS. Thc best books publishcd on the JEIorse and the Cowi Liberal terms. money mndtrapidly by Agente el-ing these bookn. Sena for rircu lars. POKTER 4 COATES, rcBLu8, Philadelphla, Pa A JfAL.SE REPORT ! THAT A. TERRY HASGOHEOÜTOF TRADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LARGE AND COM PLETE STOCK OF HATS & CAPS I JUST THE STYLE, ANDAT PKICES TO 8UIT THE TIME8. ALBO AFULLL1NEOF GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! DON'T PURCHASE YOUR Fall and Winter OUTFITS UNTIL YOU GHVE KIM AOAL-L.. 1$ South Mala St., Ann Aibcr, MOTHERS! MOTHERS !1 MOTHERS ! Dou't lail to prociirö IKKS. W1X L,OW'í SOOtHIN SYRtíP FOK OHILDREN XEEXIIING Thlq valur.blo preparntion has been ueed with NEYKH-FAIL1NT. BUCCKSS IN TIIOU8AND8 Oï CASES. , , It notonly relieves tbochild from pnln.biitinviKoraten the BtöraicS nnd boweln. conecta üdility, and i:cundenergy to the whole system. Itwill liso :r-::intly relieve Griping in llie HoivcIs nixl AVInd C'olic. Wc believo itthel'.nsr and 8URB8T RF.ME1V IN TL1H WORLD, In (11 CMM r UYSKNTERY VNI) DlARRHCEA IX CIIILUKEN, whothcr arlíIng from teetblns Oí any other case. UepoucUipou itmothers, itwill giverest to jronr. selves,ati(i Relief mul Health to Vour Infants. Be sure ftnd cali for " Mrs. Wiuslow's Sotil hlnir Symp." 'HariSK the fao-ramllfl ol "UUHTls PFRK.1NS1' ni the onrsido wrapper. Sold by Drngíjista thronchont worlá. iy THE PLACE TO GKT YOUR NEW 8TYLES or Dresü Trimmings, is at the Farroerí Store.


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